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Everything posted by AZkiller

  1. AZkiller

    Bear spray advice

    Have FUN!
  2. AZkiller

    Looking for a good truck for my son

    There was a 7.3 on here with 160k for 8900 last week
  3. AZkiller


    Wow. You're mad. I get it but they actually get less pressure imo because there aren't 10 dudes out there trying to find them. Just some cameras. I don't usr cameras but I'm glad there is no law against them. We don't need any more Nanny State b.s. laws. Government is wwaaaaayyyy too big already.
  4. AZkiller

    Mountain Goat!!!

    I have 2 guns you can borrow. 375 RUM That weighs 13.2lbs with a 4.5-14 or a 6.5x47 lapua with a 6-18 that weighs 5.4lbs. Congrats on the draw!
  5. AZkiller

    Flatlander for the new committee.

    You would WANT 3 people with no commitment to wildlife conservation making decisions about wildlife? Interesting. I would vote for Andy as well Andrew would be one of the wildlife members I assume since he belongs to AES right?
  6. AZkiller

    Flatlander for the new committee.

    You would WANT 3 people with no commitment to wildlife conservation making decisions about wildlife? Interesting. I would vote for Andy as well
  7. AZkiller

    Flatlander for the new committee.

    Slander? Huh...
  8. AZkiller

    New World Record Trout Caught in Arizona

    Good luck catching Gila trout or Apache trout in New York Good luck with a "New World Record trout caught in Arizona" being a rainbow/brook/brown/steelhead... Rainbow and steelhead are the same dam thing not native to NY. Nor is the brown. At least the Gila is native to AZ
  9. AZkiller

    Dewalt, Milwaukee drills

    Where are you? I'll take the flexvolt if you're on the west side
  10. AZkiller

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    Uh, wrong. Dan Agnew won one. Not exactly an Average Joe, and I have witnessed with my own eyes Cindi Richardson buy a raffle at a banquet by just flooding the bucket with her tickets. I didnt have a problem with it, I have a lot of respect for Corky and Cindy, but to say there is no advantage to the hunting elite is false. Let me make this as crystal clear as possible, I BELIEVE PROVIDING ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITY AT FINANCIAL PREMIUM IS A PROSTITUTION OF THE NORTH AMERICAN MODEL. We should fight it at every turn. If the goal is to raise as much money as is possible for this program then why does it matter who wins or how many tickets they bought? I put $300 in tickets in one bucket in the bucket raffle at the sheep banquet this year and didn't win. Just because you buy more tickets doesn't mean you win. Still on page 6, now azkiller is saying that it doesn't matter how many tickets a guy can buy. Nefarious Red put a like on this post by azkiller. So that must be saying that nefarious red is contradicting himself with whether a guy should be able to buy all of the tags or not. This is just an example of who these guys really are and their objectives. That would be a lie. If you had a brain you'd play with it
  11. AZkiller

    The Trail Cam Celebration

    Did anyone read this?
  12. AZkiller

    The Trail Cam Celebration

    Commish sorry my phone corrects incomplete words. I have...... - contacted the Commissioners and let them know I support the CAPAZ proposal. - Donated money to CAPAZ - Joined the ADA as a sustaining member - Joined the AZDBSS - Offered my time to the CAPAZ and AZDBSS for anything I can help with
  13. AZkiller

    The Trail Cam Celebration

    You could argue that, but you would be lying to yourself. If 300 tags are given to the raffle and tickets are sold for $10 and a 10 ticket per person limit were imposed then that would mean if someone were to max out on all of the rafffles it would cost him $30k. For his investment he would have 3000x more chance of drawing a tag than someone who bought a single ticket. That is the definition of disparity. Even for a single hunt anyone can purchase 10x more opportunity than another for $90 more investment. This is exactly my concern with these systems. They are built to exploit economic disparity among sportsmen. So will anyone please for crying out loud tell me why it HAS to be tags. Why is that the only option a certain group of people will advocate for? Your math is wrong. That's not how odds work. I thought you were the odds guyMy point isnt that your odds would be better, my point is that offering a chance at a tag for $5 makes it more accessible for some people than having to pay $13. Flatlander keeps arguing that the North American model is at being violated beacuase of the proposed raffle tags but its not. The North American Model doesnt say anything about keeping draw odds at a particular level. Auctioning tags is a different argument but a raffle is no different than a lottery tag through a normal draw system.I was talking about Andrew's mathIf the math is wrong feel free to fix it. I put it right there for everyone to see and understand. If you do it will be the first meaningful contribution you have ever made to this site. Would be a refreshing change from your vague posts and hiding behind someone elses ideas. Don't post drunk.. Let's play nice. Odds are 3% vs .3% you won't be able to buy 3000 tickets. I would have no problem however with someone wanting to put 30k into the g&f for this. Also I don't hate the rich. Now get back on that hog!1. Never been drunk in my life, so guess you will have to take your own advice. 2. If someone buys 10 tickets for 300 different raffles that = 3,000 tickets. Thats 2,999 more than a person who only buys one. 3. The difference between a draw and what is being proposed here a) In a draw each applicant is allowed to purchase one entry. b ) In a draw each applicant is only allowed to select a set number of choices and cannot apply for each hunt separately for an additional fee. This is clearly not a draw and the differences are plain and apparent. If you think its the same you are either unwilling or unable to look at it plainly and rationally. Either way I cannot help you and no one new is reading this so I am done wasting my breath and my math. It seems the point of the of the pro tag crowd is that if people want to spend money on tags just let them. If thats the case lets just auction every tag in the state one at a time. That would certainly raise the most money. I don't want to auction all the tags. I don't want to auction ANY tags. I DO WANT TO CONTINUE TO BE ABLE TO HUNT! This is what the money is going to help continue. The stap idea, tag fee increase, special hunt are all good ideas. The commission has ruled against ANY cost increase. This is what we have. Let's do our best to keep them in check and continue to enjoy our privilege while we can. How did the pitch to the commits go with your generous offer to run a draw odds web page for free? I think that was a fantastic idea. What ever came of that conversation?Not one person from CAPAZ (which is who we pitched it to, when they were asking for ANY AND ALL ideas) ever followed up beyond saying oh that might be a good idea in the room that night. I have moved on to different ideas. This is my frustration. That group ONLY wants to talk about a tag auction or raffle. Oh so YOU didn't contact the coming with your proposal and you're upset that people did propose things that you disagree with. I see
  14. AZkiller

    The Trail Cam Celebration

    You could argue that, but you would be lying to yourself. If 300 tags are given to the raffle and tickets are sold for $10 and a 10 ticket per person limit were imposed then that would mean if someone were to max out on all of the rafffles it would cost him $30k. For his investment he would have 3000x more chance of drawing a tag than someone who bought a single ticket. That is the definition of disparity. Even for a single hunt anyone can purchase 10x more opportunity than another for $90 more investment. This is exactly my concern with these systems. They are built to exploit economic disparity among sportsmen. So will anyone please for crying out loud tell me why it HAS to be tags. Why is that the only option a certain group of people will advocate for? Your math is wrong. That's not how odds work. I thought you were the odds guyMy point isnt that your odds would be better, my point is that offering a chance at a tag for $5 makes it more accessible for some people than having to pay $13. Flatlander keeps arguing that the North American model is at being violated beacuase of the proposed raffle tags but its not. The North American Model doesnt say anything about keeping draw odds at a particular level. Auctioning tags is a different argument but a raffle is no different than a lottery tag through a normal draw system.I was talking about Andrew's mathIf the math is wrong feel free to fix it. I put it right there for everyone to see and understand. If you do it will be the first meaningful contribution you have ever made to this site. Would be a refreshing change from your vague posts and hiding behind someone elses ideas. Don't post drunk.. Let's play nice. Odds are 3% vs .3% you won't be able to buy 3000 tickets. I would have no problem however with someone wanting to put 30k into the g&f for this. Also I don't hate the rich. Now get back on that hog!1. Never been drunk in my life, so guess you will have to take your own advice. 2. If someone buys 10 tickets for 300 different raffles that = 3,000 tickets. Thats 2,999 more than a person who only buys one. 3. The difference between a draw and what is being proposed here a) In a draw each applicant is allowed to purchase one entry. b ) In a draw each applicant is only allowed to select a set number of choices and cannot apply for each hunt separately for an additional fee. This is clearly not a draw and the differences are plain and apparent. If you think its the same you are either unwilling or unable to look at it plainly and rationally. Either way I cannot help you and no one new is reading this so I am done wasting my breath and my math. It seems the point of the of the pro tag crowd is that if people want to spend money on tags just let them. If thats the case lets just auction every tag in the state one at a time. That would certainly raise the most money. I don't want to auction all the tags. I don't want to auction ANY tags. I DO WANT TO CONTINUE TO BE ABLE TO HUNT! This is what the money is going to help continue. The stap idea, tag fee increase, special hunt are all good ideas. The commission has ruled against ANY cost increase. This is what we have. Let's do our best to keep them in check and continue to enjoy our privilege while we can. How did the pitch to the commits go with your generous offer to run a draw odds web page for free? I think that was a fantastic idea. What ever came of that conversation?
  15. AZkiller

    The Trail Cam Celebration

    You could argue that, but you would be lying to yourself. If 300 tags are given to the raffle and tickets are sold for $10 and a 10 ticket per person limit were imposed then that would mean if someone were to max out on all of the rafffles it would cost him $30k. For his investment he would have 3000x more chance of drawing a tag than someone who bought a single ticket. That is the definition of disparity. Even for a single hunt anyone can purchase 10x more opportunity than another for $90 more investment. This is exactly my concern with these systems. They are built to exploit economic disparity among sportsmen. So will anyone please for crying out loud tell me why it HAS to be tags. Why is that the only option a certain group of people will advocate for? Your math is wrong. That's not how odds work. I thought you were the odds guyMy point isnt that your odds would be better, my point is that offering a chance at a tag for $5 makes it more accessible for some people than having to pay $13. Flatlander keeps arguing that the North American model is at being violated beacuase of the proposed raffle tags but its not. The North American Model doesnt say anything about keeping draw odds at a particular level. Auctioning tags is a different argument but a raffle is no different than a lottery tag through a normal draw system.I was talking about Andrew's mathIf the math is wrong feel free to fix it. I put it right there for everyone to see and understand. If you do it will be the first meaningful contribution you have ever made to this site. Would be a refreshing change from your vague posts and hiding behind someone elses ideas. Don't post drunk.. Let's play nice. Odds are 3% vs .3% you won't be able to buy 3000 tickets. I would have no problem however with someone wanting to put 30k into the g&f for this. Also I don't hate the rich. Now get back on that hog!
  16. AZkiller

    The Trail Cam Celebration

    You could argue that, but you would be lying to yourself. If 300 tags are given to the raffle and tickets are sold for $10 and a 10 ticket per person limit were imposed then that would mean if someone were to max out on all of the rafffles it would cost him $30k. For his investment he would have 3000x more chance of drawing a tag than someone who bought a single ticket. That is the definition of disparity. Even for a single hunt anyone can purchase 10x more opportunity than another for $90 more investment. This is exactly my concern with these systems. They are built to exploit economic disparity among sportsmen. So will anyone please for crying out loud tell me why it HAS to be tags. Why is that the only option a certain group of people will advocate for? Your math is wrong. That's not how odds work. I thought you were the odds guyMy point isnt that your odds would be better, my point is that offering a chance at a tag for $5 makes it more accessible for some people than having to pay $13. Flatlander keeps arguing that the North American model is at being violated beacuase of the proposed raffle tags but its not. The North American Model doesnt say anything about keeping draw odds at a particular level. Auctioning tags is a different argument but a raffle is no different than a lottery tag through a normal draw system. I was talking about Andrew's math
  17. AZkiller

    Big Game Raffle Tags Example

    Lol it was already presented and no there was no auction tag proposed. Way to stay in the know!
  18. AZkiller

    The Trail Cam Celebration

    You could argue that, but you would be lying to yourself. If 300 tags are given to the raffle and tickets are sold for $10 and a 10 ticket per person limit were imposed then that would mean if someone were to max out on all of the rafffles it would cost him $30k. For his investment he would have 3000x more chance of drawing a tag than someone who bought a single ticket. That is the definition of disparity. Even for a single hunt anyone can purchase 10x more opportunity than another for $90 more investment. This is exactly my concern with these systems. They are built to exploit economic disparity among sportsmen. So will anyone please for crying out loud tell me why it HAS to be tags. Why is that the only option a certain group of people will advocate for? Your math is wrong. That's not how odds work. I thought you were the odds guy
  19. AZkiller

    An Early Monsoon!?!

    Yuma sucks! Absolutely the armpit of America Have you never been to Parker?I have. We can call that the armpit if you like then Yuma will be the taint.
  20. AZkiller

    An Early Monsoon!?!

    Yuma sucks! Absolutely the armpit of America
  21. AZkiller

    Randy Lee Knifes

    You use it on your steak at camp. That's all!
  22. AZkiller


    Bone was out there and got one last week. Text me a pic. New State record!
  23. AZkiller

    Suggestions on a Welder for Hobby/Light Duty

    I have a Millermatic 130 and love it