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Everything posted by AZkiller

  1. AZkiller

    Tags in mail

  2. AZkiller

    Question for Auto Mechanics

    I don't think we have to pay medical bills anymore. Just tell them to put it on the Obama care. Or yo no intiende.I'm a single white conservative male.I don't ride the Socialist Obama train,even though my employer offered me insurance under the Obamacare mandate....at$5-10k deductible. No thanks. Lol I know. I also knew that would get your BP up haha
  3. AZkiller

    Hunting w/Non-Lead

    Evidently the Dino extinction was not "big trouble". Having duck hunted all my life its been evident to me that some waterfowl are highly adaptable and some are very sensitive to just a narrow slice of environment. Take Mallards they are all over, very adaptable, then Canvasbacks are very particular and thus not doing well. Buzzards are still around a lot but Condors are obviously struggling with the changes. we should be sensitive to our environment and what we affect but at some point observe, analyze do our best not to make things worse but if Condors go away Vultures still fill that niche. The Mexican Grey Wolf is a great example. Turning ourselves inside out to reintroduce when its just a tough environment in the southwest. We have Lions, Bears, BobCats, Coyotes and hunters all doing ok. Maybe the wolves just don't fit anymore? Sad but true. Look there is no bringing Grizzly's back to the AZ or central CALI, just not practical. Ummm.. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.wmicentral.com/news/apache_county/conservationists-pushing-plan-to-reintroduce-grizzly-bears-in-southwest/article_4f3885ac-0245-11e4-b705-001a4bcf887a.html&ved=2ahUKEwjiusjd47vcAhUrj1QKHT9SC_gQFjAJegQIABAB&usg=AOvVaw1I4IdHKEDWcYHty7z9moif Give em an inch... They should put some "wild" horses up there in the bab too.
  4. AZkiller

    Question for Auto Mechanics

    I don't think we have to pay medical bills anymore. Just tell them to put it on the Obama care. Or yo no intiende.
  5. AZkiller

    Big Lake Fishing Report?

    Thanks for setting me straight in CWT fashion... what a dick. I got 3 different answers. I searched the internet and couldn't find anything close to what that fish looked like. I'll disappear again... Ed F Please don't dissapear. Just ignore the morons. This site will never have a chance if the good ones just give up.
  6. AZkiller

    Big Lake Fishing Report?

    Cut bow from the hatchery.
  7. AZkiller

    Can you find it?

    Coyote BOOM! THWAK GOT HIM!!!
  8. AZkiller

    Found my 18a shoter!!!

    Awesome my only goat tag was in 18a. Know the unit well. I found a beast in there this past March. Please post the pic!
  9. AZkiller

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

    I think the lotus club does.
  10. AZkiller

    “Big” flat screen TVs

    When my son was 2 he took a plastic golf club to my brand new Sony 40". It was $1600 at the time. We just got a new one last year. It had a line 4 pixels wide across the screen for years.
  11. AZkiller

    Hunting w/Non-Lead

    I can't win
  12. AZkiller

    Hunting w/Non-Lead

    I'm just gonna bring a gallon of gas and burn the gut pile.
  13. AZkiller

    Hunting w/Non-Lead

    Just finished listening to Randy's podcast. Good listen. Sounds like the intention was completely scientific and has been CO-opted by the anti's to ban hunting. I posted some links that support that as well. They do say in there that they are still studying however. As one of them says "we've been throwing lead at each other for thousands of years". Why now would birds be dying and not before? Or have they always died but now we care? Don't know the awnser.
  14. AZkiller

    Hunting w/Non-Lead

    https://www.nraila.org/articles/20140301/minnesota-hunters-discover-the-truth-regarding-the-misleading-campaign-designed-to-ban-lead-ammunition https://www.nraila.org/articles/20140301/minnesota-hunters-discover-the-truth-regarding-the-misleading-campaign-designed-to-ban-lead-ammunition https://www.futurity.org/lead-californias-condors-831052/ I didn't put any hunt for truth links up cuz I guess we can't consider that site for some reason. They don't fit the narrative apparently. They have attempted, are attempting or have succeed in banning lead ammunition in California, Colorado, Minnesota, Illinois and Wyoming. Zinkie reversing the ban federally has had a big effect on slowing the anti narrative but in response there have been numerous stories on why lead is soooo harmful to birds. A Google search will show numerous stories this year on this. Sorta like a correlated effort... I did search for bald eagles dying of lead poisoning and there are many stories on it for what it's worth. The story that I posted though on blood levels should be done more extensively before any ban is ever imposed. If the G&F was serious about lead being an issue they wouldn't have a muzzleloader hunt. Copper will be next. They will say it's destroying kidney and liver function. Guaranteed. Condors are an easy foot in the door. Avian Jurassic Park, all the birds we have today we're from 4 females. Awesome that they brought them back but humans are part of wildlife as well. Some extrapation is inevitable with industrialization. Those that wish to voluntarily submit thank you for "saving" the condor I guess. If you accept a mandatory forfeiture of your lead ammo you may as well hand over the gun too. If it worked beyond 100 yards in a muzzleloader I would try it. I have attempted to use it and it does not perform in my gun.
  15. AZkiller

    Recommend me some books/novels please

    I'd recommend you get out and hunt instead of sitting around reading books lol. I could never sit a blind. More power to you!
  16. AZkiller

    Hunting w/Non-Lead

    This pretty strong opinion was specifically referring to muzzleloader hunting on Kiabab. Until they make a long range muzzleloader bullet that can compare to this in all copper I'll stick with what I use. Thanks Andy.
  17. AZkiller

    Leftover tag fee

    Just 45 if you're putting in for my unit!
  18. AZkiller

    Storms a comin

    That tree sucked anyway
  19. AZkiller

    Is it just me?

  20. AZkiller

    Is it just me?

    Gotta agree, nasty critters. Btw God said he can save me but he's pretty sure you're fUKt
  21. AZkiller

    Where to buy Shilen

    Yeah buy a Bartlein and not a Shilen
  22. AZkiller

    Results out on portal, post up your hunts

    I'll give you my copper coupon you help me with what you see. I have the muzzleloader hunt after you.