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Everything posted by AZkiller

  1. AZkiller

    Found my 18a shoter!!!

    I think this was around the time chopper tactics were employed
  2. AZkiller

    Podcasts are ruining hunting areas

    Yes that is exactly why there are so many bears in those units. The Rez. Ask the game and fish if you like but no need to be concerned about the sow kill this year in the surrounding units. Unless you're a biologist that knows more than those of us whom have inquired about the very same thing in those very same units then by all means. The highest concentration of bears in the State are in those units. 6 will not drive them to extinction. Have a beer, relax and listen to a podcast.
  3. AZkiller

    Podcasts are ruining hunting areas

    If 6 sows were killed in your spot then yes 23, 24 or 27 can definitely support it. The rez will make more.
  4. AZkiller

    Forum software upgrade

    Too hard to read black on brown outside
  5. AZkiller

    2A - trophy unit?

  6. AZkiller

    2 gun safes. Fort Knox 60x31 and a Champion 60x37

    Ummm champion is the best.
  7. AZkiller

    12a East early, not gonna lie, I'm E-scouting

    You can still use your bow on that hunt. I have the muzzleloader tag right after you. Everything I hear is glass the burn. That is the easiest place to glass for sure. There is a road on every ridgetop. I don't know how any deer makes it thru the year up there.
  8. AZkiller

    Webcast tonight regarding the "Education" funding

    Wow they did discuss this in the last Public meeting and yes they are supposed to an increased fee. I didn't feel it was a secret at all.I believe what rathrbhunting is referring to is the fact that this committee did nothing to gather ideas from the public until last nights webcast. At the webcast they presented a slide deck on what their ideas were and there was no means for public input. So even though they sent out an email saying they wanted our ideas, they have made it difficult for folks to provide them. Fatlander I realize you have it hard for me. This may hurt. I'm straight.
  9. AZkiller

    Webcast tonight regarding the "Education" funding

    Some people just have to be spoon fed Red. Even then they will still come up with an excuse. I literally received 2 e-mails about public input and a Google notification. ideas@azgfd.gov here is the link. Now they can complain that no one called them or personally invited them to attend their private meeting to hear their thoughts. Get active and stay involved or don't complain about those that do!
  10. AZkiller

    Webcast tonight regarding the "Education" funding

    Wow they did discuss this in the last Public meeting and yes they are supposed to an increased fee. I didn't feel it was a secret at all.
  11. AZkiller

    WTB. Triclawps or similar device

    https://www.triclawps.com They have some here
  12. AZkiller

    Monday Check in

    Truth. Some good stuff in there. Would take you a day to read all the links. Fukoffitis is the plague at mountianside at least theres probably hot chicks there Meh. I'm old I don't want to be one of those 40yo creepy dudes that talks about all the young.... Tight.... Perky.... Fit.... Women that work out there. So yeah there may be one or two there but I wouldn't know anything about that...
  13. AZkiller

    Monday Check in

    Truth. Some good stuff in there. Would take you a day to read all the links. Fukoffitis is the plague at mountianside
  14. AZkiller

    Found my 18a shoter!!!

    This one?
  15. AZkiller

    early unit 1 bull clothing

    People will leave you alone
  16. AZkiller

    Found my 18a shoter!!!

    Watch the pgs scoring video. I think this is the same buck. 21 in horns if I recall.
  17. AZkiller

    What are the chances?

    Oh sweet! I heard it was only 1!
  18. AZkiller

    What are the chances?

    The way that Wyoming is going to work is kinda different. It was a draw so he was lucky. They are going to be hunting one at a time with a sow limit of 1. So if tag 1 shoots a sow the hunt is over and the other 9 don't have to pay the $6000 tag fee. Hopefully they get to this D bag and he has to pay $6k for his pics.
  19. AZkiller

    Mountain Goat on Kaibab

    I think someone on here killed a barbary sheep here in AZ and posted it here. I believe it was 36 A I thought they were in 28
  20. AZkiller

    Lets talk boots

    Kenetrek! I just got a new pair of Lowa to try. We'll see. But Kenetrek are amazing. Sierra trading post had some half off
  21. AZkiller

    Where am I

    I just got out of the co mountains from a 4-day wilderness backpacking trip. Still some snow up here. I just got back from Ouray and Durango and there is VERY little on the road compared to normal. My Gramps got 2.5 ft last year compared to 24ft the year before. Rough year for fishing. I hope this winter is better!
  22. AZkiller

    Where am I

    No snow in Colorado this July boys. I say Wyoming
  23. Woulda filled her face with lead
  24. AZkiller

    Hunting w/Non-Lead

    I was joking. No bears... No horses... No birds??? If they live, they live... All of the ferril horses should be exterminated.