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Everything posted by AZkiller

  1. AZkiller

    Grizzly hunt cancelled

    How is this possible. I would love for someone to tell me how one judge can put a species back on the endangered list. This judge should be impeached imo. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna912741
  2. AZkiller

    700 barreled action

    Do you still have this?
  3. AZkiller

    Sportsmans Alliance

    Hey guys I don't get anything for this so don't worry. Just wanted to share the link if you join or renew with the Sportsmans Alliance you are entered in the raffle for some cool gear. They are the group that ultimately were responsible for informing the Conserve and Protect boys about the HSUS attempt to ban cat hunting. They were also the largest donor to CAPAZ to block HSUS. I am a member and fully support this group that has directly helped us. Hope everyone joins and thanks for looking! https://www.sportsmensalliance.org/huntervationist/?bblinkid=114438711&bbemailid=9694046&bbejrid=738446114
  4. AZkiller

    How Die Hard Of A Hunter are you??

    I'm a solid 1.5
  5. AZkiller

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

    Awesome work. Track your calories if you're really wanting to lose weight. Your diet is by far the fastest way to drop pounds.
  6. AZkiller

    Bear Attack in Wyoming

    Lol nope! They're already at it. This is supposed proof that we shouldn't be in their territory.
  7. AZkiller

    outdoorsman pan head

    Uh ooh. Someone is super jelly!
  8. AZkiller

    outdoorsman pan head

    K..... Geeze. You can give it to me if you like. I am in need of a panhead.
  9. AZkiller

    Antelope cape

    Pics of the goat?
  10. AZkiller


    Very sad. Prayers for his family. 🙏
  11. AZkiller

    outdoorsman pan head

    $150 shipped?
  12. AZkiller

    Kaibab Camping

    Lots o aspens south of the burn. South of telephone pole hill.
  13. AZkiller

    hunting map apps, gps

    Chip in GPS and phone app
  14. AZkiller

    hunting map apps, gps

    On x maps. Not to replace a GPS though. No they don't work if you don't have a signal. You have to save them to youse when there is no service.
  15. AZkiller


    Oh I was talking about you not at you. Bye Felicia.
  16. AZkiller


    To be fair this sounds like flatlander also
  17. AZkiller

    Was Benedict Arnold a war hero?

    What about Snoden?
  18. AZkiller


    Too bad you didn't get any shooters on cam! 😜
  19. AZkiller

    Where to buy Kuiu

    I think some of these guys are just mad that they're too fat to fit in it. High quality gear is priceless and a game changer. Their ignorance is excusable.
  20. AZkiller

    Where to buy Kuiu

    The best place is on rokslide classified
  21. I don't believe you at all. I don't even know that you are in fact a hunter. I feel as though you are an antihunter here simply to start crap. I am done with you.
  22. AZkiller

    trail cams...NOT FAIR CHASE

    Is this your first time hunting in Arizona?
  23. AZkiller

    Backpack Trip Suggestions??

    Black river. All I got for Az. Praying for his Mom
  24. AZkiller

    Backpack Trip Suggestions??

    In State?