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Everything posted by AZkiller

  1. AZkiller

    Do we really need a border wall?

    I'm sure the first made the second look alot better
  2. AZkiller


    Awesome prices! Good luck with the sale!
  3. AZkiller

    Outdoorsmans Micro Pan Head

    Where are you located
  4. AZkiller

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    Isn't Trump donating his check?
  5. AZkiller

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    Sooo Trump screwed us huh???
  6. AZkiller

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    D-Wayne lol and A3 are guides. They were being guides. They accept money to try to get their clients as big an animal as possible. If you think there is a guide out there that wouldn't do this same thing to another guide then you are mistaken.
  7. AZkiller

    Honda pioneer 1000-5 deluxe

    How much do you have to spend on one of these things to get a roof? I still don't have a sxs but would like to. Just truing to justify $14k for a golf cart. Honda intrigues me though! They do stuff right.
  8. AZkiller


    Good response. He sounds pissed
  9. AZkiller


    And that is a massive problem with our country. They are very different things and the misunderstanding of our structure of government will be the death of our country one day.
  10. AZkiller


    I can't begin to take anyone seriously that would ramble on about our Democracy. We don't have one! A DEMOCRACY wouldn't enjoy the Liberties that we do in our DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC. Any person in a political discussion with me that doesn't know and understand that immediately loses ANY and ALL credibility with me. For a host to allow that to continue on their platform inferrs complacency. This exposes Progressives in any discussion. They do not want a Republic. They already introduced a bill to eliminate the electoral college. This should cause a revolution if passed. Words matter. Not all Nuances are a good thing. I am anti Bull**** like Ben but there has been alot of it in his last 3 or so shows.
  11. AZkiller


    I was just about to post this! Thanks bone! I kinda figure Steve leans Right but is scary. Ryan and Ben are nutjobs. I just sent Ben an e-mail yesterday over his most recent podcast with some old Dumocrat that kept referring to our Democracy. Frickin agonizing. How can you have ANY political discussion with someone that doesn't understand our REPUBLIC!!!!
  12. AZkiller

    Super Bonus Point

    Deer fo sho.
  13. AZkiller

    Cox Internet sucks Outage all day

    I have quest and unlimited on my phone
  14. AZkiller

    Cox Internet sucks Outage all day

    Got rid of cable/satellite 2 years ago. One of the best moves for my family.
  15. AZkiller

    Big Horn Cape needed

    That sucks man sorry to hear. I would post on rokslide as well
  16. AZkiller

    Todd Rice and Sonoran Outfitters

    Newsboy is.... Todd! Todd is... Newsboy! Finkle IS Inehorn!
  17. AZkiller


    I just won a Walter creed I'll trade you for it
  18. AZkiller

    Antelope permits down.

    Yeah.. Shooting yotes from now to April does nothing to increase the fawn survival rate in antelope and Deer right oh great one?
  19. AZkiller

    AZGFD dedicated funding

    Just thought I'd start another thread and leave this link someone mentioned this in the other thread and I finally found it. I would encourage all to sign up especially those that are supposed to any tag auction or bonus points. https://www.gameandfishfacts.com/support-us/become-a-member
  20. AZkiller

    Antelope permits down.

    Oh and stop voting for the budget override's the school funding bills all sell of our state land which is primarily where antelope live.
  21. AZkiller

    Antelope permits down.

    You can shoot coyotes at night. Go out and shoot them!
  22. AZkiller

    My lifetime tag

    Beautiful ram. Congrats
  23. AZkiller


    There is no mercury in that. It is a spring I believe.
  24. AZkiller

    2019 hunts

    A better hunt for the rifle or muzzy guy's! Bout dang time!
  25. AZkiller

    Anybody lose this today?

    Probably an illegal shot it.