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Everything posted by AZkiller

  1. AZkiller

    Questions for the unit 10 antelope gurus

    I have had exactly 1 antelope tag and it was 18a. The 5 bucks that I watched over the summer, 26 days, were in the same place until the rifle hunt started.
  2. AZkiller

    Last Grizzly in AZ

    AZCentral.com › 2019/06/27 More grizzly bears considered for Arizona, other Western states - AZCentral.com
  3. AZkiller


    Well hopefully they shoot all the Lions like in the good ole days!
  4. AZkiller

    12ae muzzleloader

    It's official! Tag #23. I had 2 points. Forced the draw on this tag last year and struck out. God gave me a chance at redemption.
  5. AZkiller

    12ae muzzleloader

    Nice deer. Did you hunt the pines then?
  6. AZkiller

    Current conditions - Perfect timing

  7. AZkiller

    **** Sold **** Triclawps / Gun Claw

    Site... Here...
  8. AZkiller

    Current conditions - Perfect timing

    Sorry I meant 76
  9. AZkiller

    Throwback to Extinct Whitetail Ancestors

    This doesn't work
  10. AZkiller


    Cool that means there's a bigger than average ram in there 😆
  11. AZkiller

    12ae muzzleloader

    Hit me up after my hunt and I'll let you know what I saw
  12. AZkiller


    They are charging cards now!
  13. AZkiller

    12ae muzzleloader

    We'll I guess typically that's what guys are doing if the deer are on top. Last year the weather was not good. Very windy 5 of the days and 3 of them it didn't get out of the 20's. There were no deer on top. I hope this year is the same minus the wind.
  14. AZkiller

    Fourth Fishin

    I'm gonna guess black river
  15. AZkiller

    Hunters locked out of Buehman Canyon Unit 33

    Note to self... Put in for 33 in 2 years cuz cry babies don't have fatxess. That's fat guy access. 😆
  16. AZkiller


    Game and Fish is working to raise money.
  17. AZkiller

    Activists in the draw

    .I think they mainly focus on the big stuff that they think are just for trophies. Sheep and buffalo here in AZ. One of the grizz tags in Wyoming I think was drawn by an anti. Nobody got to use those tags tho.
  18. AZkiller


    I'll try it. I'm also happy that some of those hipsters will unknowingly support conservation as well. We next need the backpack tax so the hikers will contribute to the outdoors as well instead of only hunters and anglers bearing the bulk of the burden. Well boaters and target shooters do as well.
  19. AZkiller


    I don't think it is. I think the guys with CAPAZ worked closely with the G&F and I'm sure they liked the name. I am a proponent of anyone that wants to continue the sport that I love.
  20. AZkiller

    Mathews Z7 $300

    Looks right handed to me..
  21. AZkiller

    Window Replacement

    Check out window depot!
  22. AZkiller

    What does a little extra money buy?

    The scope is as or more important than the gun.