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Everything posted by AZkiller

  1. AZkiller

    Red flag laws

    Stop drugs for real.
  2. AZkiller

    2019 Raffle buck

    They deffinately have cameras on yhe same water. One has the client the other found the deer. That would be my guess.
  3. AZkiller

    We need a CWT gathering

    And Lark.
  4. AZkiller

    Wyoming Archery Antelope Semi Live Hunt

    For the sheep feet?
  5. AZkiller

    2019 Raffle buck

  6. AZkiller

    2019 Raffle buck

  7. AZkiller

    wtb used horse shoes.

    Did you notice this is 5 years old?
  8. AZkiller

    We need a CWT gathering

    He and I should share an UBER
  9. AZkiller

    We need a CWT gathering

    I feel like if I go it will just be a brawl. I'll let the collective decide weather I should attend or not. Then I'll just go ahead and do what I feel like doing anyway.
  10. AZkiller


    Wow this is a great deal! I already have one
  11. AZkiller

    Red flag laws

  12. AZkiller

    Who has the early hunt?

    10 days for an antelope?
  13. AZkiller

    fake turf installer

    So I had a couple drinks last night. You're right I should have kept my mouth shut. My apologies to you Bullet
  14. AZkiller

    fake turf installer

    Yeah looks like my assumption was way off huh. 😆
  15. AZkiller

    fake turf installer

    Yup I profile!
  16. AZkiller

    fake turf installer

    Yup. We do landscape design and construction. Everything but pools.
  17. AZkiller

    Hunt Guidelines Webcast

    It's next week sooo... You're 👍
  18. AZkiller

    fake turf installer

    No thanks. I love doing work for guys that want to "supply" the material and "just need labor". You want a professional job for an illegal price. Good luck. Pound sand.
  19. AZkiller

    Gov tag buck

    What a bunch of entitlement little socialist little girls. It's his money. This is how he choses to hunt. He contributes more than any of us ever will to wildlife. Why do you care how he has money? Can we all just look at that amazing animal and be thankful for the management practices that we have here along with the philanthropist like Mr. Gallo that make it possible for such an animal of this caliber to exist?
  20. AZkiller


    Molon Labe!
  21. AZkiller

    Gov tag buck

    Jelly jelly... Mean girl club manager!
  22. I am only selling these to fund some Swarovski 10x50's. All prices are obo first I'll take them on time gets them dm or post. I have a pair of Meopta 12 x 50's that are in great shape. They will come with the outdoorsman universal adapter and plate along with a soft case. I would like to get $700 for these. Next I have a pair of Kahles 10x42. These have a few marks on the objective coating but no scratches. I would like $350 for these. Last I have a pair of Kahles 8x32. These come with the curved eyepiece and caps for the objective and eyepieces along with a neck strap. I would like $350 for these as well. All of these are as close as you can get to swarovski! I am located in North Peoria.
  23. The 10's are back up. Still have the 8s
  24. AZkiller

    Gov tag buck

    Sounds like there's a lot of jealous girls on here