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Everything posted by AZkiller

  1. AZkiller

    Dodge Diesel Mechanic East Valley

    I have 2 and I'll never own another gas truck. One has 100k the other 283k miles. Only routine maintenance done. They aren't Dodges though.
  2. N. Down! https://images.app.goo.gl/7qckjiMVphRybjoQ9
  3. AZkiller


    Why would you delete this? Just because a moving commercial such as this one would remind people that there are indeed evil people that would like us to forget what happened that day and who actually attacked us that day is not a reason to cower and display a progressive mentality. You can't control the way people reacted to this. Islam is the problem! That doesn't mean we can't mourn the loss of those people that day. But we must never forget who caused that.
  4. AZkiller


    Welcome! Good luck conversing in this Cesspool that we have created here in this coues whitetail community. Thanks for postong the pics! I like bucks with MASS!!πŸ˜‚
  5. AZkiller

    Where Am I?

    Just north west of the lake
  6. AZkiller

    Dream Buck

    Congrats again Rob. Amazing buck.
  7. AZkiller

    Red flag laws

    That's exactly how they are intended. Unconstitutional. Just because you don't agree with this scenario doesn't mean that's not how it's written. This is why you should want smaller government.
  8. AZkiller

    ALAN is a stand up dude.

    What a bunch of b.s.
  9. AZkiller

    Red flag laws

    I will not bend on 2a. Trump is soft on it because he deep down is a liberal. His daughter is in his ear all day who is a liberal. He has never had a real understanding of the second amendment or the constitution and the reason for it as with most of our representatives. I will now submit to any further infringement of our rights. MOLON LABE!
  10. AZkiller


    Looks like a 30mm.
  11. AZkiller

    Never thought i would turn this tag back in

    There were 100 when it was 10 and 18a combined. Now 18a has 5. 10 should have 25.
  12. AZkiller

    Never thought i would turn this tag back in

    I was curious if it was 18a or the halipi
  13. AZkiller

    Never thought i would turn this tag back in

    The good news is not at the game and fish has banned Predator tournaments the antelope numbers should increase dramatically! Wait I think I have that wrong... The BO didn't invite any of us on there this year to shoot yotes. They want money.
  14. AZkiller

    Never thought i would turn this tag back in

    You have to understand. Del can find the biggest animal in a place where no other person could. He could kill that animal with ANY weapon without even leaving his house. He also can prepare that animal better than any Michelin star chef in the world. Just ask him. Or don't he'll tell you anyway.
  15. AZkiller

    Red flag laws

    Yeah but this is the President's idea so now what. Pete King is all about taking your guns now. What do you do when the Republicans are on board butt well?
  16. AZkiller

    What’s on the menu?

    I would have guessed it was you mom's meatloaf.
  17. AZkiller

    Popcorn thread

    Oh yeah yeah he's not in office anymore. The phones and half of that free crap or gone now
  18. AZkiller

    Red flag laws

    Or we could just realized in a country of 340 million people this is a new reality with the way our society is today and the actual percentage of people that are being afflicted by such craziness is such a small number that it is not a possibility to control. With prescription drugs and illegal drugs as prevalent as they are in the society and with social media as it is it is inevitable to have a few crazies a year. Many more people die in car accidents do we just get rid of cars? Many more people die of alcohol abuse should we get rid of that. Many more people die of domestic violence should we do away with marriage and relationships? An exponential number more die of suicide every year. How do we stop that? This is the problem when you try to regulate everything it is impossible. Let life be what it is and do the best we can without infringing on everyone else.