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Everything posted by roninflag

  1. roninflag

    bear pic from the fall

    that bear looks really big! how big was he??
  2. roninflag

    30-06 For Long Range?

    If you go to " riflemansjournal " ; German Salazar has done a lot of recent work with the 30-06 in long range shooting. several articles. No question the 30-06 is capable in a good rifle . his rifle started out a remington 700 left hand. even when i was shooting my 6.5-284 he beat me easily.
  3. roninflag

    what gun?

    the rifle is more important than the caliber. what are you shooting at? coyotes ? prairie dogs? coues? a 700 long range or a sendero are a couple i would pick.
  4. roninflag

    Barrel Question

    i have 6 krieger, one hart.
  5. roninflag

    like it or not, there coming

    Mule- i am talking about Public Land. i just want every one to know we are subsidising the cattle business ( WHY?), which i do not agree with. Also, if we had above average rain (and) or remove the cattle the grass would grow up , more quail rabbits mice ect would be produced for the predators to choose from. 90% fawn survival inside the predator proof fence fence at 3 bar, 17 % outside . you need at least 35% just to stay even.
  6. roninflag

    like it or not, there coming

    we had a Lot of mule deer in the 60's and 70's. no wolves then,. I think the fawns would have a better chance if there were no cattle which would allow the grass to grow Up to give the fawns mover cover.
  7. roninflag

    like it or not, there coming

    Chef I like the pic of the loaded ammo. what cal/load . pretty.
  8. roninflag

    like it or not, there coming

    cattle eat 3X what a single elk does. the cattle are on public land where ELK ( and wolves) are supposed to be. Why are WE subsidizing this business . You are worried about a few wolves? we have a lot of elk , we could have Lot more. Not because of the wolves.
  9. roninflag

    remington 700 sendero nightmare

    even with the original remington trigger in it i will give yyou 595 for it............. load it with re-19 , nosler brass, 168 berger, 030 off. wlrm primers
  10. roninflag

    Remington Sendero

    Antlers- DERN. i was working out of town. i just want to say- i will / would take It! (along with the nefarious remington trigger) ; unfortunately i am sure i am WAY down the list. Also, work is way over rated. thanks. ron
  11. roninflag

    Govt. hunter

    so the calves are on public land and the paid govt hunter is killing predators on publicland to save the calves?? if cows eat 3x the amount a single elk does just imagine how many elk we could have on public land. instead we have the guys whining about wolves .....amazing.
  12. Apache- what rifle? what are you shooting at? l would use 210m primers and load . 030 off the lands to start.
  13. roninflag

    .270 ammo recommendations

    what rifle? shooting at targets? coues?
  14. roninflag

    Jaguar critical habitat

    I think they would have a lot more Jaguars ( per centage wise) if the azgfd did not kill it.
  15. roninflag

    leftover Hopi?

    Me too. Which on is the best ONe i am confused??
  16. i use nickel in several calibers including .357
  17. roninflag

    The Facts Unit 29 Proposed Archery Season Dates

    New mexico does this perfectly, and i wish az gfd would do the same. New mexico actually treats this like a science, not like az where it's guess how many marbles are in the jar type deal. Copy new mexico's way, and we would be dealing with hard numbers, not just guesswork. What are the buck to doe ratio In NM?? what is their mgmnt objective for buck to doe ratios??
  18. roninflag

    Good Rifle For My Girlfriend

    The .243 is an accurate and deadly round.
  19. roninflag

    Bear skull

    Beautiful! what size is the skull? what bullet?
  20. roninflag

    7mm or .308?

    IMKLEV- when you say 7mm caliber ; what cartridge in that caliber are you going to get ? 7-08 , 7STW, 7 rum? whenyou say 308 caliber what cartrdge are going to get?
  21. roninflag

    Good Rifle For My Girlfriend

    Coues- what is she shooting at ? targets? deer? coyotes? rabbits? bear?
  22. roninflag

    Interpreting Groups

    the h-1000 seems to be the concensus in LRH. i have not done better than Re-19. nosler brass. 168 berger. more shots or more distance will give you more info. what did tha bull score?? nice!!
  23. We would not be hunting anterless elk in AZ if the population was not doing well. It is like shooting three or more elk when a cow is taken. ron
  24. my son had one in .243 with the French walnut. very light. very good looking rifle.
  25. roninflag


    Backwoods- i wish i was half as good at hunting lion as uofa is at basketball. hope they win sunday. good luck on your hunt.