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Everything posted by coues101cj

  1. coues101cj

    Little Late

    Well I have been off and on the site for a while. I just thought I would post this up. This is my first elk I have ever shot. What an amazing feeling. It was on the 3a-3c junior cow hunt in October. Opening day was Friday the 15th. We didn't go up till after school friday, so we only had time to set up camp. We got up early Sat. the 16th and we got into the elk fast! I was tagged out by 7:00 on my opening day of the hunt. Fastest hunt ever! It was awesome. here are the pics..............
  2. coues101cj

    Clay's Custom Calls and More

    Well haven't been on here in a while. My name is Clay and I am 13 yr old. I love to be industrious and just recently started making fishing lures, custom predator calls and more. I am selling these things on my website. Here are some examples of what I am making. You can order these at www.clayjames.webs.com
  3. coues101cj

    My SC Fish (Pics)!!!!

    That must have been a fight!
  4. coues101cj


    Nice job that is a huge bass
  5. coues101cj

    Brave Lion! A little too tame maybe?

    wow that would be crazy!
  6. coues101cj

    Predator R-15 project finshed

    Sweet lookin gun
  7. coues101cj

    Fox Mount

    great mount!
  8. coues101cj

    Mounted Grey fox for yawl to see

    cool mount, my dogs would freak out! haha
  9. coues101cj

    Foxpro batteries

    Same here also how loud I set the volume
  10. coues101cj

    Fishing Alaska

    Grandparents live up there and I love it!!!! caught lots of fish
  11. coues101cj

    Look what I got to hold tonight!!

    wow that thing is huge
  12. coues101cj

    Second stand of 2010, first day out

    I can't wait to head out tomorrow! But first i need some shut eye zzzzzzzzzzzzz - -
  13. coues101cj

    Double Cats!

    Sweet, I wish I could get at least one cat to come in!
  14. coues101cj


    sweet nice job
  15. coues101cj


    nice job i cant wait to go this saturday!
  16. coues101cj

    Which 2-Way Radios

    +1 I just got a rino 120 from santa
  17. coues101cj

    It's Resolution Time

    1. To stop drinking soda, ha, ya right!!!! 2. Kill a big coues 3.Scout more for my coues hunt!
  18. coues101cj

    My Present!

    Santa brought me a remington 870 super mag shotgun So I tested it out this morning and got this little kit fox with it. We used the Foxpro with woodpecker distress.
  19. coues101cj

    My Present!

    Got it with #4 shot hi-brass
  20. coues101cj

    What did Santa bring you?

    I think he meant # 4 shot Yes i did mean # 4 shot haha sorry for the confusion
  21. coues101cj

    What did Santa bring you?

    santa brought me a remington 870 super mag shotgun with 4shot for the coyotes/foxes!!!!
  22. coues101cj

    What would you do?

    wow, never thought of that before, tough Q!
  23. coues101cj

    A grey

    Nice, i love my foxpro!!!! Actually my dads but i love it!