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Everything posted by AzDiamondHeat

  1. AzDiamondHeat

    what unit?

    Nothing in my posts would lead a rational thinker to the liberties you take with my words. You would make a good political satirist. Nothing even close to reality, but entertaining none the less. I like guys like you. Good to keep around when I need a good laugh. Always looking to antagonize when there is nothing better to do. Reminds me of me when I was young.
  2. AzDiamondHeat

    what unit?

    Thank you. I try hard to impress people on the internet. Funny thing about the "hero" shot is I didn't even remember to take a picture until I had already started to clean him out. My buddy reminded me that we had to take a picture. Wasn't that important to me. I had a great time in the woods with my friends and family. My family will be well fed for the next year. That is what is important to me.
  3. AzDiamondHeat

    what unit?

    so you dont pics of the animals from your hunts but youre mad others dont post stories and pics of their kills including unit numbers? I don't post pics? I thought I did. Does it not show up on your computer? I better go back to the story I posted last week and try again. My bad I also wasn't aware that I was mad at anyone. Can you show me that post so I can fix that as well? I was under the assumption that I simply asked the question as to WHY, and started a good discussion. My apologies for offending your delicate sensitivities. I will try to do better in the future. I just can't understand why there is so much negativity to other hunters on these forums. I have never met a real hunter that I wouldn't gladly share a campfire. I was raised in a different generation I guess.
  4. AzDiamondHeat

    what unit?

    I like you guys. This is fun. We should go hunting sometime. I will even let you tell everyone where I take you.
  5. AzDiamondHeat

    what unit?

    Fishing hole? No. The lake where I caught a big fish? You bet.
  6. AzDiamondHeat

    what unit?

    They are called hero shots. I didn't name them my friend. Keep trying though. It is entertaining.
  7. AzDiamondHeat

    Current Hunts

    Sounds like they may have been chasing a lion, but who knows these days. The regs are the only place I know of, but it would seem like there SHOULD be something like that around.
  8. AzDiamondHeat

    what unit?

    It's actually g14 classified. I just miss typed it.
  9. AzDiamondHeat

    what unit?

    So Trphyhntr....you only read the title and started to respond? Make sense. AverageJoe gets it. I agree with cj as well. Firstcoues, it is not about the kill for me or the "HERO" pictures. Most of my hunting is helping my kids or other people. I have made that abundantly clear. So much negativity on the internet these days. Hunters can't even appreciate and support other hunters. Sad.
  10. AzDiamondHeat

    My daughter coues is done

    wow. That looks nice. Well done
  11. AzDiamondHeat

    what unit?

    Neither am I. If you will actually READ the original post and my subsequent posts, I was merely asking WHY people don't. It was a DISCUSSION. For the record, AGAIN, I COULD NOT CARE LESS what unit YOU hunt in. It will not change what I do one single bit. I have hunted all over the western States and have hunted EVERYWHERE in Az. What YOU do will not change what I do. PERIOD. It is my OPINION, that it adds to the story of the hunt. That is my OPINION. Feel free to point out where I stated otherwise. OR, acknowledge you are just stirring the crap and trying to make this something it isn't. Don't worry, nobody will ever find your super top secret G4 hunting spot. Ya know, if it offends you so much, nothing is forcing you to respond to the post.
  12. AzDiamondHeat

    what unit?

    Why would I? According to your posts that is the "correct" way to hunt. So long as I do it form the cab of a truck. Silly me. I have been fooling myself all these years thinking it was about enjoying time in the outdoors with my friends and family.
  13. AzDiamondHeat

    what unit?

    do you even hunt? Nope, never have. I spend all my time on drinking and chasing hookers.
  14. AzDiamondHeat

    what unit?

    And yes, it is my OPINION that i am more entertained when i know more details. That doesnt change the way i hunt or apply But it is also entertaining to see the passion about it. Lol
  15. AzDiamondHeat

    what unit?

    Actually i already did the research and disproved manyb of the statements on here. I posted the facts. Not an opinion. As i stated, i REALLY dont care what YOU do. Post or dont post the unit. I just find it amusing that so many people these days think there are secrets. It is just a discussion.
  16. AzDiamondHeat

    Getting closer... I think

    When you say "reaponding", what were they saying? Howling coyotes isnot always a good thing. Vocals, if used improperly, are justs likely to chase them away. Study what the vocals MEAN and keep at em. Distress calls this time of year tend to be a little more effective
  17. AzDiamondHeat

    what unit?

    Well, it seems most of the arguments against posting the unit are based on hypothetical situations. I have yet to see an actual example of a unit being inundated with new apps due to internet posts. TV shows? Well of course that would ligh it up but that has nothing to do with my original post. Now for those who just don't want to, that is fine, it is just my opinion that it adds to the story. Just my opinion. And people apply for new units for many reasons. I apply for new units based on the EASE of getting drawn(for my kids) and the other variables like camping and fishing for the kids. I have NEVER based it on the quality of animal that someone else has taken in the unit. My brothers apply based on location. They just want to be close to home. Lots of reasons people apply for new units. Lots of reasons they come on here asking about them too. I doubt they scour the internet looking for monster stories, apply for that unit, get drawn , and THEN come on here with their first post asking about that unit.
  18. Out of curiosity what happened to you black ice?
  19. AzDiamondHeat

    what unit?

    So there was a TV show about your unit? You dont think that had more to do with it than you telling a few people online? How many of the neighboring units also went up in applications? The stats just don't support the hyperbole of secrecy. There are no secrets anymore.
  20. AzDiamondHeat

    How Heavy Is Your Hunting Rifle?

    Several years ago I lugged around a 11.5 lb 6.8 spc AR with a 20 inch heavy barrel. Why? Because I wanted to shoot a deer with it. Did it. Now it is a 16 inch coyote monster with a suppressor. My coues gun is a Tikka 25-06 that weighs in at like 8ish with optics and such. I carry shooting sticks so no extra bipod weight.
  21. AzDiamondHeat

    How Heavy Is Your Hunting Rifle?

    It's not about the size of your rifle, it's about how well you can shoot it.....
  22. AzDiamondHeat

    what unit?

    I would give up ALL of my hunts to help my kids hunt, if they were so inclined to do so. I have spent many miserable days and nights in the woods helping OTHER peoples kids, and would gladly do so at any opportunity. And I would tell you what unit it was in.....lol
  23. AzDiamondHeat

    what unit?

    HOWEVER..... I DO agree with you that it sure FEELS like the rim has been overrun with hunters, but that has way more to do with all the yahoos on their screaming death machines than anything else. THAT has increased 10 fold over the last several years. Because of the stupidity of many of these "people" I would not be surprised to see new regulations coming soon. I won't go NEAR that place on a weekend....
  24. AzDiamondHeat

    what unit?

    What happened in 4b? Tag numbers have decreased but applications have not increased. The decrease in tag numbers has nothing to do with people posting up success pictures. EVERYONE knows what is available in 4b. Those who choose to hunt it typically do it for convenience. FEW are looking for trophies in 4b. Or 4a.... 2012 4a 243 tags 2048 1&2 choice 4b 150 tags 1020 1&2 choice 2013 4a 292 tags 2314 1&2 choice 4b 175 tags 1076 1&2 choice 2014 4a 166 tags 1920 1&2 choice 4b 125 tags 1020 1&2 choice 2015 4a 166 tags 1956 1&2 choice 4b 125 tags 1119 1&2 choice
  25. AzDiamondHeat

    Muzzy hunt is over

    Well done. About friggin time we get a good muzzy report