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Everything posted by AzDiamondHeat

  1. AzDiamondHeat

    RIm Road Open

    anyone know the conditions ?
  2. Looking for a handyman or company that does property turns. Valley wide preferred but can be flexible.
  3. AzDiamondHeat

    WTB old black powder. east valley

    going to sound weird but i need some black powder. can be old, mixed...whatever. not loading it, need it for special effects. just going to burn it.
  4. AzDiamondHeat

    WTB old black powder. east valley

  5. AzDiamondHeat

    Sliding screen doors - need suggestions

    take em off and get the magnetic closures.
  6. AzDiamondHeat

    WTB quad tires

    anyone have some old ones they want to sell? I already have bald ones so something better than that. 25"
  7. AzDiamondHeat

    WTB quad tires

    not yet. need 25x8x12 and 25x10x12
  8. AzDiamondHeat

    East valley to Payson help

    Anyone in the east valley heading to payson soon and willing to drop off a set of elk antlers to Wildwoody for me?
  9. AzDiamondHeat

    Confused on when elk drop.

    will these work?
  10. AzDiamondHeat

    Confused on when elk drop.

    Woody, do they need to be matching and do they need to be this year?
  11. AzDiamondHeat

    Alamo lake spring break fishing

    I hate you.
  12. AzDiamondHeat

    Where do I purchase an outdoorsman stud?

    black ovis
  13. AzDiamondHeat

    How do you add a signature?

    If we all do ".........................BOB!" Wouldn't that defeat the purpose? ........................BOB!
  14. AzDiamondHeat

    Card Hits!

    i got squat. now i have to mooch on to someones camp.
  15. AzDiamondHeat

    Pay it forward - I will start

    Free old timey drill press
  16. AzDiamondHeat


    will someone please explain this sorcery... 20230301_083412.mp4
  17. AzDiamondHeat

    Get your elk apps in!

    Just a public service reminder for all you procrastinators to get it in today!
  18. AzDiamondHeat

    Get your elk apps in!

  19. AzDiamondHeat

    eotech g33 price check

    my buddy is looking to sell a couple of these but not sure of value. anyone seen any of these on the used market recently?
  20. AzDiamondHeat

    Pay it forward - I will start

    FREE-- 6" flood lights not new but work not led
  21. AzDiamondHeat

    Impact Wrench recommendations?

    what they said. pick a system and buy them all the same so they share batteries. i like dewalt.
  22. AzDiamondHeat

    Pay it forward - I will start

    free christmas lights in gilbert
  23. AzDiamondHeat

    If you were looking for a 300" bull...

    pffft. That's like fishing at the hatchery.
  24. AzDiamondHeat

    2022 NWTF 31- Day Gun Raffle

    I have never won so it MUST be a total scam. But I will keep donating every year regardless. lol