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Everything posted by AzDiamondHeat

  1. AzDiamondHeat

    Personal preference?

    For me it is symmetry. I know a lot of guys like the gnarly ones, but my brain doesn't function that way. But to answer the question directly, a wide set is more appealing to me than a tall set.
  2. AzDiamondHeat

    finally took down the tree

    it was time...lol
  3. AzDiamondHeat

    finally took down the tree

    It's "sorta" real. We left the tree up a LOOOONG time this year. When we went to take off the ornaments the needles just fell off in huge swaths. The tree looked completely green and alive. Since we hadn't touched it in awhile non had fallen off before hand. We literally could shake it and watch it strip itself. We did put a few ornaments back on the tree for effect because I thought it would make a funny picture. Ironically, it was the least messy tree we ever had. I always put a big painters tarp underneath when we put the tree up. When it is time to take it down we just roll out the tarp and go. For this one we just shook it until nothing was left and then clipped all the branches off with pruning shears. The almost 10 foot tree broke down to a grocery bag of needles and a small bundle of sticks about 2x2. It was pretty funny.
  4. AzDiamondHeat

    Hunting Blinds

    Another lightweight option is the blind material you can get from walmart or wherever. It's like 12' x 4' or something like that. Stick some arrows in the ground and drape it around your sitting area for a little mini blind.
  5. AzDiamondHeat

    Official "Target Fun Shoot" Thread

    Sent mine today in all it's embarrassing glory. Wasn't too bad actually. Only took me 5 shots to dial it in. lol I was happy with it though. Went straight from hunting, no practice shots and took the cold bore. Then finished the rest of the shots. Actually forgot one shot though. oh well. Will try harder next time.
  6. AzDiamondHeat

    Family cow elk.

    Awesome. I love elk hunting with the family. Good luck. Just curious, did you do separate apps or "all or nothing"?
  7. AzDiamondHeat

    My youngest boy

    That sucks. I hate when the little ones are right.
  8. AzDiamondHeat

    4B Roll Call

    5 should get it done. Hopefully he gets in and we will see you guys up there!
  9. AzDiamondHeat

    4B Roll Call

    I think everyone should put in for 4b. It is by far the best elk unit in all of the western US. I put myself and 28 of my friends and family members in for this unit. Of course, with it becoming the most popular unit in the state I imagine I won't be drawn for 20 years...
  10. AzDiamondHeat

    Reminder - AZDFG Not Calling This Year

    I wonder if this will speed up the results....
  11. AzDiamondHeat

    Recent Trailcam Pictures

  12. AzDiamondHeat

    torn rotator cuff

    As long as you don't do anything dumb you should be gtg.
  13. AzDiamondHeat

    1000rds Federal 55gr 223 Ammo

    I'll take it!
  14. AzDiamondHeat

    Recent Trailcam Pictures

    What batteries and sd card are you using. How much battery life are you getting? I have a few cameras on our property but they only last about 30 days. Looking to get some more long term cameras.
  15. AzDiamondHeat

    torn rotator cuff

    I have had it done on both. Do it now before it is too late. And take the rehab slow and serious. That was my mistake the first time.
  16. AzDiamondHeat

    Recent Trailcam Pictures

    Very cool. What camera do you use? That's a lot of pics.
  17. AzDiamondHeat

    Daughter takes her first archery Javi***UPDATED***

    Should have roped it and put a saddle on it. Dang. Well done.
  18. AzDiamondHeat

    YOU - Huntress Success

    Best. Day. Ever.
  19. AzDiamondHeat

    What Not to Do on a Javelina Hunt

    Wow, I'm impressed. Hard work to get a rhino tipped. Lol Glad nothing was hurt but arrows and pride. Be honest though, deep down in the dark places of your mind the teenage boy in you wants to do it again....
  20. AzDiamondHeat

    3bn and 4an elk

    Heck, with 4 bps you could get an antlerless in the regular ol early archery in units like 4a. Very good chance to get that draw. Unless I am missing something there isn't much reason to settle for the limited opportunity hunts.
  21. AzDiamondHeat

    Any motorcycle guys want to help me win a contest???

    If you REALLY want to ride that thing....ok. I did it. Good luck
  22. AzDiamondHeat

    bullet swap

    40+ .257 hornady 75gr hp 25 .257 barnes 115gr x 8 .257 sierra 120gr hpbt 17 .257 hornady 100gr spire point I'm in for these
  23. AzDiamondHeat

    bullet swap

    I have a .224 69gr match points I would trade for some 257s if you are interested.
  24. AzDiamondHeat

    "Worst Pig Hunters in Arizona" Break Through

    Well done. Props to Draysen for an outstanding shot!