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Everything posted by AzDiamondHeat

  1. AzDiamondHeat


    That is the problem I have with "some" guys who run trail cams, put up blinds, etc etc blah blah. The "ethics" of the modern day hunter often leaves much to be admired. Sadly, many of the fine attributes of the older generation and those that brought us to the woods are fading away. It is now a "sport" or a "competition" and the attitudes and egos that go along with it. I am not against trail cams, blinds, or any other "aid" that will help a hunter. I am against the mentality that public land "belongs" to any ONE person. Some of these individuals clearly were not spanked enough as children...
  2. AzDiamondHeat

    Looking for New Tires

    Go see jeff at gunnels on main in Mesa. Longtime friend and Good guys.
  3. AzDiamondHeat

    Long Range Hunting

    I am just as excited at distance but not necessarily as "anxious". My calmness meter is up when they are far away.
  4. Nice units. Pretty much bullet proof.
  5. AzDiamondHeat

    "Boom" Maybe a 2 week adventure..

    Man that sounds like fun.
  6. AzDiamondHeat

    Pending charges now gone

    They check criminal records and pull tags if they find felonies or outstanding warrants. That should get people going.....lol
  7. Nothing beats a bear selfie. Congrats.
  8. AzDiamondHeat

    card hit

    I got mine, but it was expected. Nothing too exciting other than the fact that I am for sure going.
  9. AzDiamondHeat

    Paralysis of Analysis

    But how to cure it? Easy. Just put in for 4b
  10. AzDiamondHeat

    Paralysis of Analysis

    ME. I am a 100% analytical psychopath. It is almost debilitating at times. Almost to the point of making myself sick going over every scenario and every variable within that scenario. I have learned to embrace my disease and accept it or what it is. I have also learned that in the end, none of it really matters(for hunting that is). As soon as I get in the field, it all goes to pot and I end up improvising anyway. So, I use the "preparation" as a way to occupy my mind until the real thing happens and then I just go with it. It is just hunting....
  11. AzDiamondHeat

    Most Memorable Coues

    No wonder you have a bad back dude! I would be a crippled old man hauling all your deer!
  12. AzDiamondHeat

    Fishing Outfit Rant

    I see both sides. AS a business owner with very strict policies(by law I am required to do certain things), I can understand their position. The questions you did not answer was a) did they have a written policy did you agree to it c) did you violate it. (actually we already know "c") I also have to ask, if it was for a reason other than your kids, would you have expected a refund? Granted, that is hypothetical but to their point, a cancelled booking is a cancelled booking. Trust me, I have heard EVERY excuse in the book and all from the movie made from the book. I have heard it ALL. At some point as a business owner you just have to draw the line in the sand and say no to EVERYONE. In your defense, I think their "reasoning" for not working with you is poor. If they stuck to their policy of "no refunds period" and didn't bring up "feeding their kids", I would actually have more respect for them. I understand your hurt feelings, but I do think it unfair to hold it against them. You may not like them and not do business with them, but I don't think they did anything "wrong". On the flip side, wouldn't it have been nice for them to say yes and for you to be singing their praises.... Out of curiosity, why didn't you just pick up the kids and take them fishing?
  13. AzDiamondHeat

    Got my 1st archery bull tag. Need equipment advice

    Any will do. I personally wear about 4 different brands depending on the weather. Mostly just light weight. Only if it is raining do I bust out the expensive pants. My favorites right now are my predator camo and kings camo lightweight. One caveat. ALL of my pants have water resistant treatment up to the knees. NOTHING and I mean NOTHING sucks more than wet feet.. If you don't wear gaiters or have water resistant/proof pants, your pants will soak and fill up your waterpoof boots. And Wear water proof boots! The dew on the grass will SOAK you. I diy waterproof all my stuff(that I want waterproof) with the silicon/mineral spirits method. Easy to do and works.
  14. I'm ashamed I didn't get out and shoot my targets. With vacation, girls camp and the gates of Hades opening up and engulfing the desert, I ran out of time.
  15. AzDiamondHeat

    Hearing Protection

    I just push them. They seem to seat very well so no need to squish them. But we all have different ears.
  16. AzDiamondHeat

    Good weekend pics

    maybe youll shoot him Wow wow hey I put salt down in the forest and called dibs. No one can shoot him cept me. I called dibs. Respect the dibs. Nope, thems is obviously 4b bulls. You are not in 4b and flatlander has dibs on all the monsters in 4b.
  17. AzDiamondHeat

    Hearing Protection

    What cj said. I wear them around my neck though.
  18. AzDiamondHeat

    Happy Birthday WHT_MTNMAN

    Dang you're getting old.... Happy birthday buddy.
  19. AzDiamondHeat

    Meopta Meostar S2 angled spotter $1800**SOLD**

    I have the straight one too. Somebody is going to be happy when they get this one.
  20. AzDiamondHeat

    Accident mix powder what to do??

    just use your wife's vacuum with hose extension to suck out the top inch. Everything should be fine after that.........
  21. AzDiamondHeat

    Trade my Jumping Jack for atv or stx

    Yes, yes he did!
  22. AzDiamondHeat

    Discounts for Coues Members

    I know I sound like a fan boy every time Sean posts something, but they took good care of me. Straight up good guys.
  23. AzDiamondHeat

    Elk call question

    I replace mine when I no longer like the sound consistency. No time standard, just how it sounds and feels. I rinse and air dry before putting away. Time does bad things to latex though. Lastly, after 3 years of non use are you sure it is the call that sounds bad? Lol.
  24. AzDiamondHeat

    What is making these drag marks?

    It's summer in Arizona.....