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Everything posted by AzDiamondHeat

  1. AzDiamondHeat


    Had to have shot him in 4b......
  2. AzDiamondHeat

    Unit Advice

    If you own a garmin gps there are also free options for topo and ownership maps that are very good.
  3. AzDiamondHeat

    Wood kitchen table and chairs

    pm sent
  4. AzDiamondHeat

    Wood kitchen table and chairs

    I'll offer to haul it away for you if you are taking it to goodwill.
  5. Late hunts freeze. Early hunts sweat. About the only difference for us...
  6. AzDiamondHeat

    Pay it forward - I will start

    I could definitely use them on my F150 if still available. PM sent. SOLD! to Sean for the low low price of being a great dude!
  7. AzDiamondHeat

    Pay it forward - I will start

    Ok, I got free stuff now tit is my turn: mirror extensions. They pop on and off. Worked great but no longer need them . these are off my 2013 f150
  8. AzDiamondHeat

    Favorite Trail Cams

    In truth I have the brownings and a few other cheapies. I am not a big camera guy ao my opinion on this is very limited in it's base.
  9. AzDiamondHeat

    Food for Thought

    He must have one of those spin the wheel to see who I am pissed at today thing-a-ma-jigs and I was the winner! I always told my daddy I would be a winner.....
  10. AzDiamondHeat

    Food for Thought

    I apologize, I must have missed the posting rules for posting on "your" thread. Can you please re-post the rules so nobody else offends you? I find it amusing that of ALL the crap that is posted, you pick MINE to get offended about... and yes, it WAS funny.
  11. AzDiamondHeat

    Favorite Trail Cams

    I like the free ones that people throw away in the woods....
  12. AzDiamondHeat

    Food for Thought

    I am the proud owner of 2 bugassalts. I think flys have to be wing shot and everything else is fair bugs. REAL men hunt scorpions while barefoot. THAT is the only TRUE ethical way to hunt with a bugasalt....
  13. AzDiamondHeat

    Arizona hunting license question

    Can you buy a point without a current license?
  14. AzDiamondHeat

    Credit Card Hit!

    I drew a rifle muley tag on the rez during archery season. Hoping for a bigun......
  15. AzDiamondHeat

    anyone in page az?

    need to borrow a flatbed trailer to take another trailer to the shop. rypical lake powell "vacation"....
  16. AzDiamondHeat

    Blinds & Hunting Ethics

    When I leave up a blind half the time I expect it to be gone or destroyed, half the time I expect it to be occupied, and the the rest I am thankful I get to sit it...
  17. AzDiamondHeat

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    There is always that trout guy to pick on....
  18. AzDiamondHeat

    Wyoming Draw Results Available

    I got nothing. I guess next year I will need to turn in an app....
  19. AzDiamondHeat

    Bill Quimby

    Truly one of the good ones. Perhaps even one of the BEST ones....
  20. AzDiamondHeat


    In the forecast....
  21. AzDiamondHeat


    Send her to the lake more often. Someone has to take one for the team.....
  22. AzDiamondHeat

    Border Agent Shot By Arivaca Unit 36 B

    I HATE this This is not a race issue, this is a criminal issue. It is not an immigration issue, it is an invasion issue. I HATE that MY government has signs up in MY country warning ME to be careful about the illegal invaders. My grandmother is from Mexico and came here LEGALLY. Hopefully a speedy recovery for the agent.
  23. AzDiamondHeat

    Camp Chef Explorer and Griddle

    Nice meeting you. Wife loves it(because now I have to cook for her....)
  24. AzDiamondHeat

    Camp Chef Explorer and Griddle

    I'll take it. Sent pm
  25. AzDiamondHeat


    it rained in Tucson yesterday. I got hit by 5 rain drops from one small cloud. Twern't raindrops......lol