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Everything posted by AzDiamondHeat

  1. AzDiamondHeat

    Pinpointing downed animal

    I can't believe I never knew this about the Garmin. I use my Garmin religiously and thought I knew it pretty well. Guess I should read the manual one of these days. Lol
  2. AzDiamondHeat

    Father/Daughter Speedgoat Quest

    I want to be adopted by Lance....
  3. AzDiamondHeat

    Pinpointing downed animal

    Nobody has stated it is complicated or daunting. I only asked as a point of conversation. Oh look, a conversation about a hunting topic! You're welcome.
  4. AzDiamondHeat

    Poacher list.

    I thought they were posted here..... https://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/80881-popcorn-thread/
  5. AzDiamondHeat

    WTS - Badlands 4500

    You know you want it
  6. AzDiamondHeat

    Barrel threading in phoenix

    Thank you to Todd at Southern Xpres. Great guy and great work.
  7. Who do you recommend? East Valley preferred but will go anywhere(except Tucson....yuck)
  8. AzDiamondHeat

    What’s on the menu?

    This is how we role when I am NOT cooking...
  9. AzDiamondHeat

    What’s on the menu?

    I provide the trailer and my guests do the cooking. Lol The only meal I cook is elk steak with a fried egg on top with ranch beans and potato salad. I hate cooking.
  10. AzDiamondHeat

    Understanding Generic Earplugs

    Huh. I've been putting them in my mouth AFTER. This sounds like a better way....
  11. AzDiamondHeat

    Wyoming Archery Antelope Semi Live Hunt

    Well done and congrats! Take me with you next time!!!!
  12. AzDiamondHeat

    Wyoming Archery Antelope Semi Live Hunt

    Out of curiosity, did the blade not open or did you close it before the picture?
  13. AzDiamondHeat

    300 Blackout loads

    125 sst with H110 for supers and AA1680 and 180-220gr for subs
  14. AzDiamondHeat

    We need a CWT gathering

    Bunch of wannabes......
  15. AzDiamondHeat

    Popcorn thread

    The big ones are all under the power lines.....
  16. AzDiamondHeat

    ***Price reduced***Jeep 1980 CJ-7

    Where are you located and what kind of landscaping are you looking for?
  17. AzDiamondHeat

    Misc Items

    What would you like for the wall unit?
  18. AzDiamondHeat

    Popcorn thread

    You've already stated he is guilty, just not of "everything". So how is a guilty person going to win a judgment as you allude to in your last post? Oh, sorry, I keep asking common sense questions that I am not worthy of having answered. My bad. I am very much looking forward to March 13th so we can all be set straight.......
  19. AzDiamondHeat

    fake turf installer

  20. AzDiamondHeat

    fake turf installer

    Did I forget anything?
  21. AzDiamondHeat

    fake turf installer

    All we need is some powerlines and this thread will get epic.....
  22. AzDiamondHeat

    Snake Gaiter recommendations

    For many years I wore the Rattlers style gaiters. They were hot but you get used to it. I can vouch that they 100% work though. I mostly wore them while dove and quail hunting for the cholla, but I did get to "test" them with a live rattler. I would buy the Turtle Skinz though if I was to wear them on a long hunt or all day. Just spendy.
  23. AzDiamondHeat

    30B- Current Access

    Universal skeleton key
  24. AzDiamondHeat

    Popcorn thread

  25. AzDiamondHeat

    New setup for filming

    Has anyone tried a setup like this?