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Everything posted by AzDiamondHeat

  1. AzDiamondHeat

    Bull Elk hunt in November unit 3a & 3c - need ideas

    Hire this guy. I heard he was the guide for the world record powerline buck....
  2. AzDiamondHeat

    Credit Card Hit

    agreed. My buddy drew a 5th choice last year.
  3. AzDiamondHeat

    How are you selling your guns?

    Y'all need to stop! Children read these threads and I find this "selling" talk very offensive! And if my wife finds out I am allowed to SELL them I am screwed.....
  4. AzDiamondHeat

    Credit Card Hit

    Out of 9 apps on;y my niece got a tag. Youth in either 4a or 22
  5. AzDiamondHeat

    Credit Card Hit

    same here. 9 people on 6 apps including 1 junior. I dont care WHO gets drawn as long as at least somebody in our family does. Otherwise I will be standing on a corner in Payson with a cardboard "will work for an elk hunt" sign looking for an elk camp handout.
  6. AzDiamondHeat

    Please Block This Pill Peddling Clown!

    Only in the classified section though
  7. AzDiamondHeat

    WTB cabinets

    We get ours mostly from stardust in Mesa
  8. AzDiamondHeat

    Wife 2020 javelina

    Very cool. What is that camo pattern she is wearing?
  9. AzDiamondHeat

    Advice wanted - crazy gun sale

    Wow did this thread go off the rails. I had to read the whole thing looking for wolves and powerlines....
  10. AzDiamondHeat

    Suppressor-Where to start

    - If I don’t have a trust set up can I use my can on multiple rifles legally? YES - Without a trust I believe only the registered owner of the suppressor can technically shoot the suppressed rifle. Is that correct? No. You must be present, but anyone can use them in your presence. - I am hoping to purchase a single suppressor for use across several rifles. It looks like the best way to be able to do this is to install a flash suppressor with quick detach on each rifle and then quick-connect to that. Is that the best approach? Or is there a way to just install a quick-connect without the flash hider? I have several 30 cal cans that I use on many different calibers. Because I do not switch them out "quickly" (like go from gun to gun to gun at the range) I just went with direct thread. I am not a fan of the QD systems, but others are. - Any recommendation on a can for such an application? Go see Bruce at MR Silencer in Mesa. Honest and straightforward guy. Will not push you towards any brand but will tell you the benefits of each.
  11. AzDiamondHeat


    I'll take it
  12. AzDiamondHeat

    Credit Card Hit

    My card got hit HARD this weekend. Between Vday and wife's Bday the bank thinks my card got stolen....
  13. AzDiamondHeat

    CC hits

  14. AzDiamondHeat

    The best 3 weeks of the year...

    Our group has 9 hunters on 6 different apps for early archery bull and 1 cow 1 app for junior cow. None of us have big points to likely to get drawn except maybe the archery cow app. I plan on going to NM for another high country bull hunt so I am not that worried about getting drawn
  15. AzDiamondHeat


    Oh...my....stupidness. You claim to be "educated" with "multiple science degrees", and have "worked in the field for years" YET you don't know the difference between an invasive species and the INTENTIONAL INTRODUCTION OF A NON-NATIVE SPECIES? SERIOUSLY? You had no credibility before, now you are just acting like a buffoon. Quick, evade, distract and change the subject. Oh wait, you keep trying that, but it doesn't work. Einstein had something to say about that... For the record, and I will say this in simple words that you can understand, I have no need or desire to have the last word. As soon as you start telling the truth I will gladly cease in my responses. Again I CHALLENGE YOU for the third time, prove me wrong.
  16. AzDiamondHeat


    Once again your childidhness has exposed you for the liberal troll you really are. Butt jokes? Pathetic even for your kind. You STILL haven't answered what I asked. Your BS may work with the juveniles you hang out with, but here with the adults we know the difference between truth and BS. Either you are too STUPID to know the difference or are simply full of BS. So AGAIN, I will ask you to answer the ACTUAL questions. If you are too much of a coward that is fine. And for the SECOND time, I never said ANYTHING about "invasive species". Typical liberal hack. Keep repeating the lie until you beilive it as fact then use your "fact" as a basis for your defense/attack. Worked well for your liberal leaders! So sad that an "educated" person can be so naive and gullible. You make it so easy to expose you. Sad. I was looking forward to a challenge.
  17. AzDiamondHeat


    Since my previous questions were too scary for you, here are a couple less scary questions: What riparian area in Az was completely absent of apex predators prior to the introduction of the non-native hybrid wolves? Do you consider bear, mountain lion, bobcat, or coyotes as apex predators? Do you consider MAN an apex predator? Do you feel that non native species should be introduced to these fragile environments? Oh wait, that was one of the scary questions I already asked that caused you to melt down and cry. My bad. But feel free to man up and answer. We'll wait.
  18. AzDiamondHeat


    Ummm, no Sally, I have not deleted a single post. Again, PLEASE find somebody to read and explain things to you. Your failure at comprehension is becoming embarrassing. I DID ask you several questions regarding your statements and as others have pointed out you refuse to answer. Why? Because the and answers do not fit the agenda of your pied pipers. Props to you though for stocking to your script. Now respond with your liberal antics and cry about me exposing you AGAIN and then attempt another petty insult. I havent laughed at anyone so hard since disneyland a few weeks ago. But THEY were trying to be funny, not a wanna be ppenvironmentalnwarrior pretending to be a "hunter".
  19. AzDiamondHeat


    Additionally, I have YET to say anything FOR OR AGAINST the wolf. My issue is with YOU and your condescending BS. So man up or shut up. No more crying about me calling you out and PROVE ME WRONG.
  20. AzDiamondHeat


    You have yet to answer a single direct question asked to you. You persist in trying to control the dialogue like a good little social justice warrior and stay on script. When asked pointed, direct questions you make excuses or deflect as the answer would not support your cause and would expose you for the fraud that you are. Man up and prove me wrong. As you have been challenged on this by more than just me and have yet to do so, you are by your actions proving this to be true. You can say whatever you want, but your actions are indisputable. Keep deflecting and making excuses as it only furthers the contempt that intelligent free thinking people have for you. You have again proven EXACTLY what you are and why you are on this forum. Sadly, the people that behave like you are not smart enough to understand ANY of this as your liberal college indoctrination did not prepare you for reality. "Educated" is FAR from "smart". Sadly, people like you do not have the capacity to understand this(as you have clearly proven). Now please continue with your propaganda so we can laugh at you again.
  21. AzDiamondHeat


    Same old excuses and deflections. Do you have ANY substance? ANY? You have already proven you have no credibility. We have asked YOU for citations and date and you have yet to produce any. I have not made a single claim and therefor do not need to produce any documentation or backup. Again, I know comprehension is a challenge for you, but please get someone to explain this to you in simple words that you can understand. I would recommend a coloring book with crayons so you can for sure understand Typical liberal crybaby. When exposed as a fraud, accuse the accuser. Sad, but expected. Your shtick is getting old.
  22. AzDiamondHeat


    No, you have been exposed for what you are. Like the socialist justice warriors, you act like everyone that has an opinion that differs from you is uneducated buffoons. Everything you have stated has already been proven to be false, yet you continue with the same song and dance. Several times YOU have been invited to have an intelligent adult conversation, yet you REFUSE to and cry when called out for it. YOU instigated the insults then cry foul when you are insulted in kind. I do agree with you that you are not "elite". You try so hard to ACT that way, but you have been exposed. You are a fraud and a flaming hypocrite. If you cannot be a man, run along.
  23. AzDiamondHeat


    Don't ask him questions! Especially EASY ones. You will make him mad! ...and you don't want to see him when he is mad! He might insult you on the internet! and then run off and cry that you hurt his feelings first.
  24. AzDiamondHeat


    Wait, you are accusing me of instigating childish insults? Are you actually writing what you post or is it someone else? I know you suffer from comprehension issues but you SHOULD be able to understand what YOU write! I challenged you to have an intelligent, fact based conversation. You declined. You responded with condescension and insults. Then cried when I responded in kind. So typical of today's youth. I will have any type of conversation you choose, but grow a pair and do not cry like a baby when I respond in kind to your personal attacks.
  25. AzDiamondHeat


    That made absolutely no sense. But it's ok, I understand. You got called out and are flustered and frustrated because you have no answer. I am certain there is a campus nearby that has a corner and a coloring book set aide for you. Run along now.