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Everything posted by AzDiamondHeat

  1. AzDiamondHeat

    Infrared ???

    I like the green because it is "brighter" than the red without blowing out my night vision like a bright white light will do. It also gives good contrast for my illuminated reticles. I have a red handheld wildlife technologies xlr250 and a xlr 100. I use the handheld for scanning. Much easier than scanning with gun mounted. Red is much easier on the eyes and makes their eyes pop just fine. even the 100 is quite sufficient for eyes but the250 is obviously MUCH brighter. My green light is a DIY gun mounted with remote switch. I just bought a cheap super bright LED off amazon and swapped out the white led for a green led. Works great. I have no doubt this could be done for a red light as well. Much better and brighter than a red/green filter.
  2. AzDiamondHeat

    Infrared ???

    For coyotes at night I use both red and green lights. Red for scanning and green for lighting them up.
  3. AzDiamondHeat

    Infrared ???

    I own both infrared and thermal handheld devices. They are not legal for hunting in Az but they are legal for owning and using for other things. I have them because of my work. I have used them when we go for drives with the kids while out camping and on our property. You can hook them up to a tablet screen so everyone can see what is going on. It's really cool to see the animal's behavior at night when they think nobody can see them. I have never even THOUGHT about using them for scouting but not surprised the guides have. I am certian there are levels of cheating or using tools we normal people have never even TRIED to think of.....
  4. AzDiamondHeat

    Infrared ???

    Its all in good fun Del. I still like you. In a lets watch that train wreck kind of way....lol
  5. AzDiamondHeat

    Infrared ???

    My wife has one on her crossbow.....
  6. AzDiamondHeat

    Iron worker

    Anyone do iron security doors?
  7. AzDiamondHeat

    Iron worker

    I want to get a fancy security door made for my front door. Wife has been pestering me for YEARS
  8. AzDiamondHeat

    Cool Mexico mule deer ( not mine)

    This is so unfair.....
  9. AzDiamondHeat

    Trail camera rule changes!

    So, no substance to back up anything just more of your misdirection and personal insults. Got it. Again, you accused my wife of "gaming the system" which I find quite insulting. My "feelings" are far from being hurt, however. I would actually have to care about anything you say to have me feelings hurt. If you need the difference between you "being insulting" and me "having my feelings hurt" explained to you I am certain there is a self help coloring book around somewhere I can refer you to. My point was, and still is, there is another side to every situation. An intelligent person would look at all sides. I was giving information for those who do not have the experience in this matter so that they could see how and why this particular rule can be beneficial. Many understood this. A few seem to want to make this about "feelings" and ignore the facts. Ironically you actually stated that feelings should be left out of it, yet that is ALL you have been posting, is YOUR feelings and ignoring the facts. How very liberal of you. So Del, can you have an intelligent discussion based on facts or is that beyond your capacity?
  10. I've never glassed up anything cool or odd. I did have a roadrunner come right up to me and circle me while was glassing though. https://youtu.be/QqH5hlZmvOs
  11. AzDiamondHeat

    Trail camera rule changes!

    I admire your commitment to being wrong. Instead of acknowledging your mistakes you try to spin it. Very impressive. Lets be clear though, you ARE picking on my wife and you HAVE made this personal. You have specifically singled her out and you continue to say she is "finding a loophole" and "playing the system". That is very insulting as she has done NEITHER. If this is not the case then I accept your apology and we can move on. However, what you REFUSE to acknowledge is that this rule exists EXACTLY for people like my wife. There is no LOOPHOLE here. She qualifies and followed the rules to the letter AND the "spirit". What you have also have missed is that this uber lethal lazer guided assault crossbow of hers has killed exactly ZERO animals. So much for it giving her an advantage. Yes Del, I DO have a vested interest which is why I am trying to educate those who know little or nothing about it that there IS a legitimate purpose for these permits. Are they being abused? PROBABLY. So are other things like the point system. Yet to date I have not seen a SINGLE SHRED OF EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE to support this hatred of crossbows. Have harvest percentages gone up as a direct result of the introduction of this permit? Have archery draw odds gone down as a direct result of this permit? You have done ZERO research on this to support your propaganda. Yes, plenty of anecdotal stories, but no facts. As YOU said " making excuse's and throwing in emotion to justify things isnt really fair in most cases. " I quoted you directly so that you would not state I was changing your words. For the record: I am not a fan of the point system. I feel there are those that do not follow the "spirit" of the rules and it DOES affect the draw odds. I DO like trail cams but I feel like they are being abused and causing issues and something needs to be done. An outright ban is not the answer but lack of ethics amongst some users are causing it to head that way. Whatever the new rules may be, I have ZERO doubt someone will exploit them , then EVERYONE will until it is regulated out. I am a fan of the crossbow permit as it allows less than able hunters to enjoy the same hunt as the rest of us. If there is evidence of abuse that affects the quality of our hunting opportunities, it should be regulated and changed. To date there is NONE. IF they become an issue, I will be happy to change my position on the matter to see additional regulation to weed out the cheaters. What do these three issues have in common? On the surface they are all tools meant to benefit hunters. They have ALL been abused by greedy selfish individuals(allegedly). Lack of ethics is the problem, not the tools. Isn't that what we have been screaming at liberals for years? Punish the criminal not the tool? I will agree with you on THIS though Del, hate the game NOT the player. Especially those that play by the rules both in letter AND spirit. Hate those who display a lack of ethics don;t shame those who are not as physically able as you and choose a different method of hunting. I am absolutely supportive of different opinions. Every single person has the inalienable right to be wrong. HATE the poachers and enablers. ALWAYS
  12. AzDiamondHeat

    Trail camera rule changes!

    I'm sorry Del but you make no sense. You say you don't archery elk hunt so why do you care about crossbows? You are upset because those that want to archery hunt yet do not have the physical capacity to archery hunt have been given a means to do it? So because you don't like it you want it taken away from those that do even tbough it affects you ZERO? Thats an incredibly scary thought process rhat is leading this Country down the crapper. You can deny it all you want, but you just made Liberal Argument 101 your main defense. Scary. I encourage you to open your mind to the big picture and try to accept that not everyone is the same. Yet, we can all enjoy and experience the great sport of hunting in our own ways. Legally and ethically. Hunters should support one another and not do the anti's work for them. Poachers and douchebags that defend poachers still suck though.
  13. AzDiamondHeat

    Trail camera rule changes!

    I'm sorry, but I strongly disagree with you in regards to my wife. If you read the regs and the qualifications my wife is a PRIME candidate for whom the permit was intended. Hunting IS a passion. THAT is the ONLY point that is needed. Her physical inability to draw back a 40lb bow should NOT prevent her from pursuing this passion. I personally would never hunt elk with a 40 ln bow but they say that is "ethical". Yes, my wife can shoot a rifle but has no desire to do so. Can YOU shoot a rifle? If so does that disqualify you from any other season? My wife is no different and is playing by the rules and in NO WAY is gaming the system. It is not our place to say who can and who cannot hunt based on ability or disability. Do you SERIOUSLY want that regulated? SERIOUSLY?? Yes, I DO have a permit and I got it for a very specific reasons(which reasons are my own). As I ALSO stated I do not use it for hunting big game. I just "have" it. I am ecstatic my wife can hunt elk during the rut even if she is not capable enough by your standards to do so. For this I will make NO apologies.
  14. AzDiamondHeat

    Looking to buy primer swager

    You are welcome to bower mine if you are in the east valley.
  15. AzDiamondHeat

    Trail camera rule changes!

    Not when it is my WIFE who has been in the hospital multiple times for it. Let me clarify...she shoots the crossbow because she WILL tear her arm out if she tries to pull back a bow(already did it once). There is no maybe or "worry" about it. But at least she is out trying to fill her own tag and not being proxy for a dude who just wants another elk hunt or even a point gatherer for our kids. (this is not directed at you trphy or anyone at all, just a general statement). She TRULY wants to hunt the elk up close during the rut and be a part of that. Who wouldn't? Again though, if they say she has to shoot the crossbow during general so be it. But until then she will pursue them in the rut with a crossbow. She is a LEGITIMATE recipient and happy user of this allowance. I am not a crossbow fanboy but I do think they have their place. For me, I can do without them, but for my wife, I am happy she has the option. But I will never let her use a cell enabled game cam. That is just unethical....lol
  16. AzDiamondHeat

    Trail camera rule changes!

    Lets not start telling people how they should or should not be allowed to hunt or shame them because they need assistance perusing their passion. I would LOVE to see a crossbow season(for my wife). If they mandated crossbows, airbows etc were only allowed during general I would be fine with that too. There are a LOT of things I don't like about the current state of hunting, but lets not confuse ethics with physical inability.
  17. AzDiamondHeat

    Trail camera rule changes!

    You don't even need a doctor. You can have a nurse or a chiropractor sign off. My wife has a crossbow permit as do I. I got mine because my shoulder was torn and I have a history of shoulder surgeries. My wife was injured as a child and can draw a bow but runs the danger of it tearing out her shoulder. As such we avoid that and she shoots a crossbow. Truth is though she has never killed an animal with it. Personally, I hate using a crossbow for elk and never will. To ME, they are cumbersome and provide little to no advantage(maybe a little in the optics end). Yes, they can shoot quarter size groups off a tripod at 60 or more, but who carries a tripod with them in the field?(other than blind sitters). I feel I am actually more accurate off hand with my bow than I am with the crossbow. And faster. Sitting in a blind is a WHOLE different story. Crossbows are PERFECT for sitting in a blind. With my crossbow I can hit every single trail cam around any water hole if I am sitting and braced on a tripod.
  18. AzDiamondHeat

    Aoudad 2021

    Well done! The way the weather was on this hunt ANY sheep is a trophy. I would have GLADLY shot a ewe(and tried) but got lucky and dumb stumbled on to my ram. Like you said, they are hard to get a shot on. Looks like you were hunting different terrain than we were too. I like yours a LOT better...lol Congrats man. I wonder how Buckshot did. He hasn't checked in yet....
  19. AzDiamondHeat

    Aoudad 2021

    Just got word that Golden Girl dropped a ram just a few minutes ago. Will have to wait for story and pics until they have cell service. Hopefully T has enough time to find his. He takes FOREVER taking pictures....lol
  20. AzDiamondHeat

    Vector file artist

    Most likely I can do it. Probably maybe.
  21. AzDiamondHeat

    so it begins Gun registration bill introduced

    I don't understand why they just don;t make "common sense" laws that make it illegal to kill people. If they just did THAT we would be a peaceful society and would have no need to regulate tools.
  22. AzDiamondHeat

    WTS 17HM2 ammo

    Did a bonehead thing and grabbed 2 boxes of hm2 instead of hmr. Paid $12 each and will sell for same.
  23. AzDiamondHeat

    WTS 17HM2 ammo

  24. AzDiamondHeat

    Aoudad 2021

    Thanks guys. It was certainly a learning process. In just that short time i feel much more confident though. My understang is they taste like butt and chew like shoe leather. Supposed ro make decent sausage and chorizo which is where this one is going.
  25. AzDiamondHeat

    Lifetime License

    They put that on there so you can be assured of being drawn for bighorn before your license expires.