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Everything posted by AzDiamondHeat

  1. AzDiamondHeat

    WTB vortex viper 12x50

    its for the children....
  2. AzDiamondHeat

    Nightforce TS-80 spotting scope

    I have one. As Doug said it is a rebranded Meopta Meopro with some minor exterior differences. They are excellent. Pretty sturdy as well.
  3. AzDiamondHeat

    What am I doing wrong?

    The shadows will set them off in the wind.
  4. AzDiamondHeat

    fletching vane noise

    I use a helical and a tall blazer style. It sounds like a flock of quail going down the lane Loud , yes. But flies straight even in wind. Doesn't matter what head I put on it either. I have never seen an animal jump or move because of the sound of my arrow though. Maybe I wouldn't miss as much if they did move just a little...
  5. AzDiamondHeat

    Lion Check -in

    Does anyone know where to do a lion check-in around Payson? asking for a friend....
  6. AzDiamondHeat

    Lion Check -in

    I have checked in lions before, just didn't know if there was a place up by Payson. I am back in the valley now so no worries. Thank you all for the suggestions though.
  7. AzDiamondHeat

    Lion Check -in

    Clarification. Looking for local place to do the azgfd check in. Can that only be done at the azgfd office?
  8. AzDiamondHeat

    Dental Work

    Houston for the win!!! But I will still eat your BBQ. It is tender enough to gum....
  9. AzDiamondHeat

    Dental Work

    I would never let Houston anywhere near my teeth. I've seen where his hands have been.
  10. AzDiamondHeat

    Audad hunt

    Ooooooo...thats on high on my bucket list.
  11. AzDiamondHeat

    Favorite Westerns

    My Name is Nobody
  12. AzDiamondHeat

    New 15s.... looking for some input

    also keep in mind Meopta has 2 lines - MeoPro and MeoStar.
  13. AzDiamondHeat

    New 15s.... looking for some input

    for ME, regular old high quality 15s are just fine. I am not trying to calculate mass or tiny little points though. I have the non HD swaros and a meopta spotter. All good glass for the commoner.
  14. AzDiamondHeat

    Looks like your going hunting.......

    Yup, that is exactly what my wife's portal said. She didn't even put in for antelope though.
  15. AzDiamondHeat

    Tick Tock

    My portal is actually updated now. Officially not drawn My wife's portal said she got drawn for antelope. She didn't put in for antelope. Still some work to be done.
  16. AzDiamondHeat

    west valley window guy

    Looking for a Phoenix west valley house window guy
  17. AzDiamondHeat

    ITS ON!!!!!!

    I hate all of you.
  18. AzDiamondHeat

    Need Your Spots

    Is this the consolation bracket where all the losers come to cry? At least I still have a chance at NM.......
  19. AzDiamondHeat

    Tick Tock

    I heard they are just about done converting all the online apps to paper so they can start the draw.
  20. AzDiamondHeat

    New Mexico apps in

    I'm in for Oryx and Sheep again. You can come with me and help pack out......
  21. AzDiamondHeat

    New Mexico apps in

    I did the same thing. Waited until this morning to finish my NM apps. Truth is it's kinda like fretting over how to spend the lottery winnings before buying a ticket. I won't get drawn for ANY of it so none of it really matters. Or I'll get drawn for EVERYTHING and have to pony up for a divorce lawyer....
  22. AzDiamondHeat

    Card Hit

    App fee - $13 Elk tag - $130 Resurrecting 3 year old "card hit" thread to piss everyone off PRICELESS
  23. AzDiamondHeat

    Sheds? To Early?

    Up around Strawberry we saw several bulls this past weekend already growing new horns. Didn't see any with browns
  24. AzDiamondHeat

    Misc items/ Ammo/mec press/broadheads

    Ed, Ill take the rage braodheads
  25. AzDiamondHeat

    Tick Tock

    #thestruggleisreal Hang in there brothers. Do not let the weight of this great injustice break you!!