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Everything posted by bwana

  1. bwana

    New World Record Elk out of Washington.

    Watched a great interview yesterday with the man, on YouTube with Cam Haynes Keep Hammering. Probably the best elk hunting video I've watched. Not a Neiborhood kill!
  2. bwana

    And the Card hits will begin

    My son just called that he just got a charge for elk!
  3. bwana

    And the Card hits will begin

    YES! Hit for ELK!!
  4. bwana

    Archery OTC Future?

    It is my understanding that archery hunters are to have 25% of the harvest. Until all hunters including rifle hunters are required to report their kills like the bowhunters, they don't really know the actual harvest numbers! I don't accept the best guess quota numbers, I want to know to the exact number that we are entitled to. If they don't report their kill, they can't apply the following year. I would like to see OTC bowhunting kills be required to provide proof of kill to G&F office. This to prevent antihunters from buying tags and reporting kills.
  5. bwana

    Who was in the wrong here?

    If he runs your license plate and gets your name, you're going on the Do Not Draw a Tag list in their system! LOL I'm always nice to those guys! (It's all digital now)
  6. bwana

    2025 Elk Regs up

    I have an opinion sir, just like all of us, to be respected. My question is when can we apply for the hunts? The application system is still closed!
  7. bwana

    2025 Elk Regs up

    it's a simple thing! If you can't draw a bow, you can't qualify for an archery hunt! You must apply for rifle hunts! Life is tough! Please stop enabling, crossguns are not bows!
  8. bwana

    2025 Elk Regs up

    Mechanically held string and fired with a trigger using a rifle scope! It is a GUN! Crossgun not a bow!
  9. bwana

    Spring leftovers

    Leftover tag is on my account now! Javi tag
  10. bwana

    Cards getting hit!

    yep, got my javi tag also!
  11. bwana

    Leftover Tags,,,,

    Has anyone have notice of drawing any of these? I was hoping......fat chance...
  12. bwana


    why is the face redacted?
  13. bwana

    A thank you to AZGFD

    I went up to my ek unit recently, met a guy who said he is running cameras. Not sure. I don't any more. It made me think how unenforceable this is. 1. not many g and f officers per unit. 2 they have to identify the cameras owner. 3 then they have to know what his intentions were for using the cameras. was it to aid in hunting? and on and on.. Just my thoughts..
  14. bwana


    Thank you! Enjoyed it...
  15. bwana


    Weel done! I have a tee shirt that says "Nothing Flying, Nothing Dying" Congrats!
  16. bwana

    Too Early Draw Results Countdown

    heard a rumor that results are up under the electronic tags status
  17. bwana

    Card Hits!

    OMG! Just checked for the 20th time and was hit for an elk tag!! Still happening!
  18. bwana

    Too Early Draw Results Countdown

    March 3 last year..
  19. bwana

    IDK Where You Are But it's Pouring Here

    Rain, thunder and lightening here in Rimrock....
  20. bwana

    Got the call from game and fish

    Congrats! My mouth is watering! 🙂
  21. bwana


    Just got a leftover tag! Posted today!
  22. bwana

    Mandatory reporting

    I absolutely am for mandatory reporting. I'm mainly a bowhunter. bowhunter harvest limits are supposed to be 20% of the total. Without mandatory reporting for all, what are the totals? They're just making a guess! I'm sure us bowhunters are probably getting the weiner!
  23. bwana

    kid's first whitetail

    Well done! Congrats!!
  24. bwana

    Isla’s First Elk

    Love it!! Congrats Isla and well done!!
  25. bwana

    Tags in mail

    Son and I got ours..