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Everything posted by FlyingW

  1. Los Taquitos in Phoenix is at the top of my list . The Bombero Burrito is awesome !!!
  2. FlyingW

    Locked Up Bucks........ pictures added

    That's what were all looking for ..... Congrats on a great find !!!
  3. FlyingW

    Happy Birthday Scott Adam's

    Happy Birtyhday !!! Hope it was a good one ...... Tray Webb Flying W
  4. FlyingW


    Nice find . Congrats
  5. FlyingW

    when are they gunna drop!

    Picked these up yesterday in town , in the city limits about a mile from the house.
  6. FlyingW

    when are they gunna drop!

    Bulls around town have been dropping for a couple weeks now . Seen several bulls missing horns in the past week or two ......
  7. FlyingW

    Fellowship of Christian Hunters

    I'm in too .... Think it would be pretty cool !!!
  8. FlyingW

    Unit 29 Help

    Between the holidays and work , I failed to obtain a leftover pig tag in 27 for my daughter who is a pig hunting finatic and also in her first year of college. Not wanting to her to miss out on our yearly tradition of me taking her pig hunting , I got her a tag in 29 . A unit I have never hunted before. Any information on a starting point in which I may find a pig for her to shoot and the best place to stay ( Wilcox or Bowie) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks , Tray Webb FlyingW
  9. If you have'nt already I would shoot all three and see what fits you the best . I have shot the above listed calibers and own a .338 , but went with a 300 Wby Mag as my primary gun because it fit me the best...
  10. FlyingW

    Backyard hawk kill

    Ouch.....so they aren't on your favorite list. What do you do with the Roller pigeons??? I fly the young ones and the top performers eventually replace my older breeding birds. Of course culling is part of the selection process and the bop's (birds of prey) assist me quite well with that. I've been raising birds for nearly 25 years and understand its all part of nature . I still hate feeding the hawks and wish they would eats the doves in my neighborhood instead
  11. FlyingW

    Backyard hawk kill

    Cooper's are some pigeon killing machines . I raise Roller pigeons and out of the 160 or so babies I hatch out a year , I loose 50-75 a year to hawks . Mostly Cooper's.....
  12. FlyingW

    Guns for Sale

    PM sent
  13. FlyingW

    Things your huntin buddies do that drive you nuts : )

    Have a friend who insists on listening to the Top Gun Soundtrack the entire 1.5 hour drive to our hunting area . Nedless to say , I always drive when I hunt with him now (for my own safety) to prevent me from jumping out of the truck !!!
  14. FlyingW

    My CC Just Posted Charges

    Same here . I'd pretty much given up hope of anyone in my family drawing a tag this year. Checked the cc before I went to bed at 1:00 and nothing , got up at 5:30 and there was 2-hits.
  15. FlyingW

    27 Mule Deer Success

    I was fortunate enough to take out fellow member, Seadog, on his first mule deer hunt. After 4 days of hunting we were able to harvest this buck. Also, met fellow CWT member, Dieselroe, down there and had a nice visit with him. Congrats again to Seadog for harvesting a great first mule deer and thanks for allowing me to share the experience.
  16. FlyingW

    Rylees First Deer

    Congrats to Rylee !!! What an awsome experience to share with your child.
  17. FlyingW

    35A first ever coues buck

    Congrats on an great 1st Coues buck !!!
  18. Nice buck !!! Congrats
  19. FlyingW

    Angie does it AGAIN!!!

    That's awsome Angie !!! Congrats
  20. FlyingW

    Draw Results post here

    Wife and kids were skunked for deer. I drew an archery deer tag on the Navajo !!!
  21. FlyingW

    Need Help In Eagar

    I can help you out . I will be home from work around 2:30pm and will give you a call.
  22. FlyingW

    Unit 1, 27, 29, 35a, 36b Hunt closure

    Nice post Chuck !!! We are proud of all you guys (and gals) for your effort and sacrifice during this fire...
  23. FlyingW

    Unit 1 Fire?

    Lark is right !!! It's a shame the mountain has gone to pot from being mismanaged all these years. As I sit here and watch the plume of smoke from my porch I can sure relate to the folks pouring into town last night from Alpine and Nutri. The look of despair in their eyes brought back a lot of memories from when I lost my house to a fire years ago and the harsh reality that my family could possibly relive that nightmare once again. Regardless of the outcome , I pray everyone involved comes out of this unscathed....
  24. FlyingW


    A big thanks to all who organized this event, set up booths, ect. My kids were taken back(as was I) by all the sheds and heads. Had a great time overall. Would have loved to stay all day and meet Amanda and everyone else who came, but after working 16 hours the night before I was wiped out and left around 12:30. Thanks again!!!
  25. FlyingW

    My new little hunter and CW.com fan!!

    Congrats on the birth of your son !!! Hope you enjoy every moment with him to the fullest ....