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Everything posted by PRDATR


    trphyfshn at SC

    Do daily water changes.

    20 Rounds of .378 Weatherby

    I'd just like to go to Africa and hunt something worthy of it. I have shot it's offspring the 460 and that isn't for the weak of heart. Accurate followup shots under 5 seconds are tough . It is on a whole nother level that my 375 H&H.
  3. That's an awesome day for sure.

    trphyfshn at SC

    Triples? Dam.
  5. If you are still hanging on to these post them on here and you will get offers in a few days. https://www.facebook.com/groups/fishaz

    Ships that don't come in....Toby Keith

    Yes it has been around for a while. I listen to KRDE 94.1 but reception can be spotty and a few times last year their antenna froze and knocked them off the air for a few days. a few months ago reception became really bad driving down Priest in Temp and still is sketchy especially once the sun comes up. Same thing on the 202 between 87 out to almost power. Agree on Jellyroll. Over the last year a lot of Country Bands have rerecorded 80's rock songs. Most of the bands have good songs of their own so I am guessing it's the recording companies that hold their contracts making them record them. Everything from the Stones to Fleetwoood Mack. Probably because many old rocknrollers have sold off the rights to their music like Dylan.

    All you fashionistas - need a tshirt help

    Have you tried Carhartt Force?
  8. I am looking at putting one on a 30-06 strictly for hunting. Pros/Cons? My biggest concern is loosing eye relief going up in power. Leupold seems to have never figured out to not have that happen. Usually great glass and bumps don't ever seem to affect the POI. https://www.amazon.com/Leupold-VX-6HD-3-18x44mm-Riflescope/dp/B01MS02OS2?th=1

    Looking 4 Square Body Chevy guy East Valley

    I am going to be in Cajun Country attending a boucherie roasting a whole hog for a fund raiser that weekend. "Slim" wasn't feeling good and as a former Marine went to the VA only to find out he has cancer and it spread into his bones. Shitty deal for him. A sweetheart of a guy. Keeps his Harley at my brothers place and both are members of the local club. There will probably be a couple of hundred people at the benefit. Hoping for a good outcome for him long term. I offered to put him up at my place so he could see my cancer team at MD Anderson here in the Valley but he is thick headed and bound to to see it out one way or another where he's at.
  10. PRDATR

    VX-6 - Anyone have one?

    Thanks all for the replies. It's a bit heavy for my liking but it sounds like a solid choice. I doubt I'll ever shoot it past 300 yards but I like the higher magnification for shooting at the range.
  11. PRDATR


    I was at Rio on Sunday and there was a match going on. I saw red lights flashing a few times and wonder what they were shooting.
  12. PRDATR

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Wallyworld? Is in the same isle as canned?
  13. PRDATR

    What's for dinner tonight?

    That's crazy cheap. Was it on clearence?
  14. PRDATR

    San Carlos permits

    Bummer. Used to be able to get them also at the Casino, Circle K and the Conveinence Store by the lake.
  15. PRDATR


  16. PRDATR

    San Carlos permits

    Can't you get one still in Bashas?
  17. PRDATR

    Suppressor Thoughts?

    Once you own one what is the process for selling it when you want to get rid of it down the road? Never seen that discussed before.
  18. PRDATR

    Wtb big bore bolt guns

    Was looking for a 404 when I bought my 375. Big Boy Guns for sure.
  19. PRDATR

    Something Fishy

    I guess we'll know most all the facts in a few days. Sounds like she was dead for quite a while when the bodies were found.
  20. PRDATR

    Willow Springs??

    No ice.
  21. PRDATR

    2009 Tracker V14 Super Guide

    I'm very interested. Where are you located?
  22. PRDATR

    Sold - J.C. Higgins Model 51 in 30-06

    Oh Heck. That's a beauty.
  23. I saw that there was a large fire happening at the Marina this morning with some damage to boats. If you have a boat docked there you might want to give the marina a call. The marina is open but G Dock is closed. News was three houseboats destroyed.
  24. PRDATR

    Data leak on G&F

    SHHHHHHHHH! I'm trying to collect bonus points. With all this creep I gotta do something to get a Lope Tag.