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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Finally going home. AZ here we come!

    It's about to get worse on the 260. Road construction starting in a few months and lasting through mid 2024.

    Got offered goulds tag again from game and fish

    DO it. They don't get a lot of pressure.

    Next years youth giveaway guns

    So who on here has an FFL that can order the rifle and wave/donate the transfer fee? If you can do that just message CM. This way you're not hanging it out there.

    New Member

    Sounds like an unstable psycho at best. Distance yourself from him and don't let him play the victim card.

    Last junior bird down

    Darn nice looking bird.

    Elk 101

    As you found out they respond to the cadence.

    New Member

    Maybe in a crap shoot.


    Love mine. Pretty easy for one person to put up in 15 minutes.

    New Member

    Was he actually working the swing shift at a machine shop in Phenix or was that all BS too?
  10. PRDATR

    Franchi o/u 20 gauge ( renaissance classic )

    Yeah, Mike passed away about two years ago.
  11. PRDATR

    Need ejector pin

    Check Numerich Arms
  12. PRDATR

    This day in history...

    There were always Chevy Commercials when Bonanza played. I can remember the commercial for the Chevelle showing it cruising up the on ramp to a highway and the narrator saying something about it having plenty of horsepower to merge into traffic. The 396/375HP was the most sort after engine and there were plenty made but the early production 67 396's were scaled down with 325HP.
  13. PRDATR

    Just hanging a stand

    Or a skunk, bear, bobcat, bigfoot,,,,
  14. PRDATR


    Numbers are waaaay down.
  15. PRDATR

    This day in history...

    I have the 50th Anniversery issue somewhere. Not as collectable though as the one with Marilyn Monroe.
  16. PRDATR

    Road to Big Lake?

    Welcome Back Bob. Got any good stories? It's been boring around here lately.
  17. PRDATR

    Just hanging a stand

    LION KILL!!!
  18. PRDATR

    Sold Leupold Vari-X ll 2-7

    IIRC Very fine crosshairs with a Dot.
  19. PRDATR

    Double gun case

    Great old case. Pelican is what is out there now getting used.
  20. PRDATR

    German Shorthair PointerPoodles

    A Pudelpointer? As fugly as that dog is he is lucky to nail that biatch but the pups are cute as heck. I can't fathom $1k a pup though for a mutt. Maybe after they have won a few ribbons in field trials but to each his own.
  21. PRDATR

    Late Rifle Bull Unit 10 - First Hunt in AZ

    Go up in September thru October and all you will have to do is listen for bugles to find them.
  22. PRDATR

    Late Rifle Bull Unit 10 - First Hunt in AZ

    Welcome. I've had that tag but it was about 10 years ago and took a broken 5x5. Lot's of people hunt the Big Bo, https://www.azgfd.com/landowner-compact/big-boquillas-ranch-access/ I'm not a Vortex fanboy and run an older Swarvo 3.5x18 on a 700 7Rem Mag that I had in a Manners stock and am switching it out to a McMillan. Plenty of areas to hunt north of Williams. Nights can get down into single digits so plan accordingly.
  23. PRDATR

    Elk 101

    You have done all you can as far as research goes. Go hunt and put the knowledge together. Maybe she should be posting asking questions. Possibly she will get lucky and fill a tag, "IF' that is what "Your" goal is. Not Rocket Science in September. Just go enjoy it and make your own video.
  24. PRDATR

    Caldwell lead sled $40

    To be on the up and up Classifieds sales should all have to be public with no texts. I have been burnt a few times when I was the first one to post an "I'll Take it" or an offer only to have the OP come back and say someone replied in a PM so I sold it to them. It happened again about a week ago. Just frustrating as all get out.