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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Outdoor Writer

    RIP Tony.

    Tranny Mechanic

    I have heard that Reds and also Randys are both good but Randy is a bit coarse.

    Duwane Adams ?

    IIRC he lost his license adn got busted last year for something. Poaching?


    One less mm will be just fine. Don't over think it. PLenty of bears have been deterred/killed with less. Lot's of statistics out there if you have the time to look about bear encounters. If you get off one shot you're a stud, two and you're a god.

    WTS Taurus G3C 9mm

    Looks like it's had a ton of rounds throught it.

    When do desert mule deer shed?

    Let It Bee!!

    Savage 99 303 sav

    I have one in 308 WIN and it has a smoother action than my WIN 94AE.


    Post it in the Classifieds.


    How many miles on her?
  10. PRDATR

    Sig tango 4 1-4

    How much do you want for it?
  11. PRDATR

    SOLD 375 HH Ammo 54 Rounds 260gr $50

    I wish you would have posted this yesterday. LOL If Azooutdoors doesn't take it I will.
  12. PRDATR


    What power is the SWFA?
  13. PRDATR

    My first predator season

    I would get a 22-250. Still plenty for lions and even bears under 50 yards.
  14. PRDATR

    Hair on mule deer hide questions

  15. PRDATR

    Why do they keep doing this?

    Do the research and answer your own question. I don't have an answer but I would like to see them have a swift trial (days) and be gone.
  16. PRDATR


    I'm right handed and it's my strong arm. I cast right handed and reel left handed . But, on big fish, especially on anything over 50 pounds and on a openfaced reel i reel with my strong hand. It gives me much more coordination and strength.
  17. I heard that a woman had an accident yesterday while sking and her leg was amputated. Sounds like it was caught up in the rope. Prayers to all involved. Bot it seems like there have been a lot of accidents out there this year.
  18. PRDATR

    Happy Birthday Hog Hunter!

    Fook'n A. Heck of a nice guy.
  19. PRDATR

    My first predator season

    Good job. You obviously have a knack and intuition for it. Good on your uncle for sharing knowledge. It's pretty easy isn't it? Once you know how to hunt each terrain. Key is to hunt all types of terrain and altitudes. There are varmints from the lowest elevations to the highest. WHat caliber (s) are you using?
  20. PRDATR

    Low elevation bears

    THey like it cool just like people. When we have drought they are on the move looking for food that never materialized.
  21. PRDATR

    Black River

    And here I thought that flying fish were only in the ocean.
  22. PRDATR

    Lost range finder

    Call them.
  23. PRDATR

    Rim lakes?

    You should have shore fished at first light. Looks like you were higher then Woods Canyon. I imagine it's tough to Kyak in the wind and fish. Too much going on.
  24. PRDATR

    7mm-08 Who Shoots It?

    THey'll work. You just won't push them very fast. I shot 168 HPBT Match Sierras for years in my Silhouette rifle and probably still have a few boxes of them. They knock a steel Ram down at 500 Meters just fine but Varget is too fast.