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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Duwane Adams ?

    I know that's Kaitlin or whatever it is know by but completely miss the jist of your post. Don;t even have a clue about the EX reference.

    [FOUND ONE] SWFA 6x42 scope

    Give them a call and let them know what you are looking for. https://www.samplelist.com/entire-sample-list/riflescopes.html#brand=SWFA,SWFA SS&mpp=48

    Duwane Adams ?

    What the heck is that all about? Yeah, I'm a little dense.

    Assault weapons ban? Really Joe.


    Duwane Adams ?


    The moisture creeps in.

    So It Begins.

    PointGuard Plus - Priority positioning?

    Arizona is the Bermuda Triangle of Math.

    SOLD: Kirof Lee Enfield Mark 4

    Great Wall Hanger. The stories it could tell if that thing could talk. A pleasure to shoot.

    PointGuard Plus - Priority positioning?

    Chris I don't believe it works that way. Once the tags are assigned during the draw that's the order so if there are 50 tags drawn and 60 applicants applicant 51 could have had no points or 20. It just depends on a random selection by the computer to assign a number on 1 to 60 for each of the 60 applications. But lets say applicant 51 had 10 BP's and applicant 60 had none but purchased PG+, then if one of the 50 tag holders turns the tag back in it goes to applicant 60 if they were the only one who purchased PG+. How many BP's a person had doesn't matter, never did, when a tag is turned back in. The next person in line got the call but now they get skipped over in favor of the next person in line who purchased BPG+ and the whole list of those with PG+ will be gone through before the person who was drawn next in line during the draw.
  10. PRDATR

    PointGuard Plus - Priority positioning?

    So basically from here on out if you don't buy PG+ you will have a snowballs chance in hades of getting the call for a returned tag if you are #51. But if you want to roll the dice on the slim chance of being in the pool of those with PG+ and falling in the say lower 5% of that bunch then you just might get the call "if" you fork over another $25. Every year we hear of a few people who get the next in line tag but those odds are so miniscule they almost immesurable. Veritable needle in a haystack.
  11. PRDATR

    PointGuard Plus - Priority positioning?

    PG+ makes a lot of sense financially but the part that irks hunters is circumventing the people in the que for a tag. I'll use it solely based on the cost savings and think that whether one uses PG or PG+ each applicant should have the same opportunity for next in line tags. Is the information available for how many tags have been returned in past years per hunt? Is it 5? 50?
  12. PRDATR

    2017 Duramax 2500HD

    8 Speed Transmission? How long have you owned it? Got a CARFAX to show?
  13. PRDATR


    Sorry for not getting back to you. PM Sent.
  14. PRDATR


    https://sportingclassicsdaily.com/defense-against-bears-with-pistols-97-success-rate-37-incidents-by-caliber/#:~:text=Sporting Classics Daily-,Defense Against Bears with Pistols%3A 97% Success,rate%2C 37 incidents by Caliber&text=Arizona -(Ammoland.com)-,in defending against bear attacks.
  15. I replaced the one I bought years ago due to some surface cracks. It works just fine it was just time to replace it.
  16. PRDATR

    5ft Mr Buddy Propane Hose. Free

    OK Russ. I'll get it to you tomorrow or Tuesday.
  17. PRDATR

    Boston, New York, DC

    Born in NYC and grew up in Seaford in the 50's. It was a lot different back then. I spent most of my time at the beach and fishing in the marsh. LIttle to no crime and nobody locked their doors. I spent a week off Broadway by Hells Kitchen with my youngest brother there in about 2019 in December. Hasn't changed much, still a huge variety of nationalities in the hustle and bustle. If you go there with a negative attitude you will find plenty of fodder to feed it.
  18. PRDATR

    Maytag electric dryer

    Man that has a boatload of settings.
  19. If you like Hot Sauce give these guys a try. https://puckerbuttpeppercompany.com/
  20. PRDATR

    Looking for raft partners mid June (NM & CO)

    I' agree with AZBIG10. No need to bring beers on a day trip. Be safe and enjoy. Looking forward to pictures.
  21. PRDATR

    Found a stray - Chandler

    Not a Sulcatta.
  22. PRDATR

    Tony Mandile - Outdoor Writer

    Amanda thanks for posting this. His health has waned over the years. I doubt that any other CWT members have risen to his status. He like to dish it out. Accolades to him.
  23. PRDATR


  24. PRDATR

    Duwane Adams ?
