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Everything posted by PRDATR


    5 NEW Ameristep Hunting Blinds $100/each

    Seller is GTG.

    CC Update

    I wouldn't think so if you already were charged and the CC Company already paid AZGFD.

    Lights on Beeline Hwy

    Yes and no.

    Free Wedding Crap (Decorations)

    Well. Just how we want them to give us a free reign and not mention our obvious faults. Sometimes we get so caught up in slaying dragons and being a provider we tend to overlook their world that we strive so hard to make uncomplicated. Everyday stress can create turmoil but love and mutual respect ideally lasts way beyond the honeymoon and into the relationship after the kids are grown and gone. But people change and goals change. It's a struggle to hold it together.
  5. I don't know. I looked at some of them and the German one I saw has been around for a very long time. I wouldn't call it snake oil but I don't know of anyone who has one. The one you posted is not very much money so I say install it and follow up with your TDS meter in a week and then a few times a year. I'd like to know too.

    ST. David Whitetails

    That's a heck of a buck. Proud stuff right there. Thanks for posting up some AZ history.

    Free Wedding Crap (Decorations)

    They don't all Nag.

    Free Wedding Crap (Decorations)

    Extra Points.
  9. Usually installed on the main line after the meter. Just a WH not a HWH. Although that's what most people call them. Do you have a TDS meter so you can see what the PPM is? Is it City Water or on a well? If on City that info should be available along with the hardness on their website. City Water at my place in Mesa is 580PPM, Dasani bottled water is 26. Some bottled water I have tested was almost single digits. On Edit: It seems that SV water is 160ppm. Lowest in the State.
  10. PRDATR

    Free Wedding Crap (Decorations)

    Carbon Fiber.
  11. PRDATR

    Free Wedding Crap (Decorations)

    Lance, After they have their first little spat give him the book Men Are From Mars,,,
  12. PRDATR

    Free Wedding Crap (Decorations)

    Don't try to figure them out. Just say "Yes Dear" and keep the peace.
  13. PRDATR

    A few snakes

    After I skin them I lay it flat and put toothpicks about an inch or two apart on the skin then roll it up. I mix straight glycerin with a a little 90% rubbing alcohol maybe 90% glycerin to a little bit of alcohol and put it in a small jar for a week making sure the whole skin is submerged. Then I take it out and wipe it off and lay it out on an old towel and then roll it up in the towel up for another week. Last one I did was about three years ago and it is still soft and pliable. I'm sure there are other "recipes" and methods too.
  14. PRDATR

    A few snakes

    Once the sun goes down the snakes and spiders come out. If the temperature is 65 or so you can pick up the bigger snakes by the tail, 4 footers, as they get lethargic.
  15. PRDATR

    Trade 40 cal Ammo for 9 mm (Tucson)

    If you make it up to Mesa I'll trade you round for round on FMJ's. I have too much nine.
  16. PRDATR

    Any bulk 5.56/223 out there?

    If you're not going to reload and just looking for plinking ammo you can't beat Wolf or Tula. 37 cents a round VS 65 cents a round for brass case upper end stuff.
  17. Reading Comprenhension is obviously missing here?
  18. PRDATR

    Wonderful Weekend

    So are you now an Empty Nester?
  19. PRDATR

    Any cool Father’s Day stories or gifts to share?

    I'm sure he was well vetted.
  20. You will probably notice more brightness and crisper definition with a newer scope. What's your budget?
  21. PRDATR

    2022 SD Tuna/Yellowtail trips

    Most of the fleet has been doing pretty good with a few limits.
  22. PRDATR

    What's your favorite Burger Joint?

    Casa Ramos has some decent Mexican Food.
  23. PRDATR

    Wonderful Weekend

    Very cool Lance I hope they have a lifetime of happiness.
  24. PRDATR

    What's your favorite Burger Joint?

    Website is still active Lance so it looks like they are still there.