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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Classy hunters

    Wise Choice.


    A bull was hot at it this morning at Woods Canyon Lake for probably 20 minutes. I went up for the morning and passed a truck on the way back that had a 5x5 in the back.


    It says HONDA on the side plate.

    Seating depth

    I usually loaded to the recommended COL. If it wasn't showing the desired grouping then I would mess with it. You are more likely to have a compressed load then loading a bullet far enough out for there to be a minimal amout of bullet in the case unless you are loading very light/short bullets. Even when I loaded 100gr .284 bullets in a 7-08 it wasn't an issue.

    Seating depth

    I've never heard that.


    Consider donating it to a youth hunting group. It's a classic and if you can connect with hunting group in Minnesota or Michigan you might get an offer.


    Great deal.

    Big brother tracking CC purchases...maybe

    I forsee more cash sales in the future.

    Things (snakes) that make you go, whew!

    In about 90 or I was about five miles west of the Shadow Of The Frog calling with a Circe when a little runt of a rattlesnake came headed my way all upset. When it was at barrels lenght I picked it up with the rifle barrel and flipped it about 10' away. Little sucker came right back like it was on a mission.
  10. PRDATR

    Vortex Optics Truth

    I've never heard anything negative about the company. I have an ACOG I bought about 2014 and have zero qualms with it.
  11. PRDATR

    Hurricane Kay

    It's like Christmas in September buddy.
  12. PRDATR

    Things (snakes) that make you go, whew!

    Lady Luck was with you. Did you buy a lottery ticket? LOL I use a little fold up stool I bought back in the 80's at Laradas Army Surplus in Mesa for predator hunting. One morning I was setting up in a wash in AJ and moved partially into a Palo Verde tree. I unfolded the stool and set it behind me. As I backed up and sat down there was a loud hiss like a house cat would make. Looking down there was a very large Diamond back about a foot away. I guess I startled it.
  13. https://www.iflscience.com/the-us-forest-service-guide-to-completely-obliterating-a-horse-with-explosives-65031
  14. Very cool buck congrats. Looks like he was close to finishing out.
  15. If the possesion is 45 than thats all you can have in the freezer, per license holder. Same for fish. It's not really that complicated unless you want it to be.
  16. PRDATR

    Dove bbq

  17. The 30-30 and flat load out to 300 yards just doesn't work. You can load some 110's and 3031 to punch paper and get some faster velocities. Unless it has a vernier peep sight or a scope mount the buckhorn sights are going to limit you to 150 yards. The 160 Leverolution supposedly can be sighted in at 200 and is 12" low at 300 being 3" high at 100. The 30-30's ballistic twin is the 7.62x39. I have a decent supply of 30-30 if you make it over to the east valley you can try. I know I have at least one 30-30 in the safe and probably have some 45LC around too.
  18. PRDATR

    Dove bbq

    And then baste it. Sweet Baby Ray's with Honey works, baste after a few minutes and then again a few minutes before you think they are done.
  19. So who else is getting up at Oh Dark Thirty tomorrow?
  20. PRDATR

    Bear Calling tils

    Woodpecker, Cub in distress. Call for 30 to 45 minutes only pause for 10-15 seconds every 10 minutes.
  21. PRDATR

    Let's tell old hunting stories

    Having done hundreds of stands I'll tell you to get a small fold up stool or camp chair to sit on and your feet won't go to sleep.
  22. PRDATR

    Pics won't upload

    File too big?
  23. Great for the archery deer hunters but I was looking forward to it.
  24. PRDATR

    Optics Planet what a joke

    We ordered some Access Cards from Honeywell and they are a year out. I ordered some multi-tap low voltage transformers and they are 11 months out. Variable Frequency Drives are 3-6 months out. Fun times.