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Everything posted by PRDATR


    5th choice

    All that yeast gets em bloated.

    Marlin 39a for sale at shop in Gilbert

    Worth every bit of $150 in that condition.


    They usually don't have a second draw so you can get them OTC.

    Setting kids up for the shot

    Casey, I have a 243 Savage Axis Compact. Barrel is probably 20" and the LOP is probably 12" but I can measure it. It's pretty light and has a trigger set to aboit 2#'s. Let meknow if you want to borrow it for a while, I have ammo too. You can shoot it and compare the recoil to the 257 to see which one is lighter. I think I have a Zeiss 3x9 on it. LMK I won't be shooting it for the rest of the year.


    I want one of those.


    Do you have a link? I checked here but it wasn't updated. Either that or I'm blind. https://www.azgfd.com/more-than-2200-permit-tags-remain-for-2023-spring-hunts/#:~:text=More than 2%2C200 permit-tags remain for 2023 spring hunts&text=A total of 2%2C201 leftover,659 archery-only javelina

    WTB Triclawps

    They are located in Gilbert.

    5th choice

    Nice buck Greg. Too bad about the bear though.

    Spider ID

    Some species of Sun Spider.
  10. PRDATR


    Only Woke Fudds on Twitter.
  11. PRDATR


    That will make a nice Christmas present.
  12. My 1/2" Drive gave up the ghost. Does anyone offer a replacement anymore? Can I buy a new set of gears? I was replacing the boot on my fron steering stabilizer and as it turns out it was shot. Probably a 5-10 year old Rancho. I ordered a FOX 2.0 replacement since that's what I am running since I replaced the BIlsteins about three years ago.
  13. PRDATR

    Craftsman Ratchet Replacement

    The ACE on Broadway and Priest did the exchange no problem.
  14. PRDATR

    Craftsman Ratchet Replacement

    Probably Rod's on Higley and Brown.
  15. PRDATR

    Craftsman Ratchet Replacement

    I'll try the ACE near my office. Which ACE did you go to?
  16. PRDATR

    Smallest bull yet

    Congrats. No easy feat.
  17. PRDATR


  18. PRDATR

    Setting kids up for the shot

    Practice, Practice and more Practice. Some people just never become proficient or have a knack for hunting. Mediocre is at best all to be expected. Just like anything else when you are teaching a friend, spouse or child. At some point they will take it forward. With a kid especially only YOU can ascertain when they have reached thei pinnacle. Sure it should get better but with kids do not put too much emphasis on the end result. They, like us. Are unique and take time to figure it out.
  19. PRDATR

    rem 700

    https://riflebasix.com/blog/still-having-issues-with-your-remington-700-trigger/ The Timney is a great trigger and they have been around forever and are here in Phoenix if you decide to go that route. I replaced the trigger in my Savage Axis with a Rifle BAsix and am happy with it. I bought a barreled action that came with a Timney so I used that to replace the trigger in my 700 I bought in the early 90's. It is set to 3#'s and has never had a single problem. PM me if you are interested in it.
  20. PRDATR

    German Shorthaired Pointer Puppies

    Cute pups. Picks of parents would be great.
  21. PRDATR

    German Shorthaired Pointer Puppies

    You can't make a post without pictures of puppies.
  22. PRDATR

    Selling my Swarovski BTX w 115 mm objective

    Delete this post and repost it in the Classifieds.
  23. PRDATR

    Reloading Items for Sale

    I'll take the tumbler.
  24. PRDATR

    Setting kids up for the shot

    Kids need to learn that killing a deer the first time out to feed daddys ego isn't what it all about. They should hike a few miles for a couple years first before they get daddys participitation trophy, which they don't really care about at all.