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Everything posted by PRDATR



    Love how smooth the Henrys are.

    Wtb Dutch ovens

    I have three and use at least one every week. You just can't beat them for getting the outside of the meat done the same. My favorite is a beehive one.

    Crickets ?…

    I'm so stealing this.


    OOOP's. Cute pups.

    Score help

    Beautiful Ram. Congratulations.

    Just bought a Traeger and really?

    On my second one. Bottom pan is "well ventilated" and whenever the water bowl would spring a leak I'd put a 10-32 screw and nut through it and there are probably four or five of those.


    Boyds stock? I would love to see a pic of the #1 but it would be worthy of it's own post as to not deter from the OP's ad.


    Perfect Coyote caliber IMHO and the 110's are known for their accuracy.

    Just bought a Traeger and really?

    Yes that part usually never discussed in the reviews.
  10. PRDATR

    Pay it forward - I will start

    Nope. Comment was about Not Admitting Guilt. Carry on.
  11. PRDATR

    iPhone 14 and SOS

    A coworker has one. After a few days it went into a mode where there was just a satellite icon displayed and he couldn't use it. He went back to Verizon and they had to download a file to get the SIMM file working again since it doesn't have an actual SIMM Card.
  12. PRDATR

    Pay it forward - I will start

    Tell me something I don't know. Thanks for the info though.
  13. PRDATR

    Pay it forward - I will start

    So when you get a traffic citation you have to sign it to acknowledge you received it right. Was that the case here also and did your buddy you were bear hunting with witness it all? You admitted confessing so it is probably too late to backpeddle but like they say in Russia. Deny everything and make counter accusations. But then here it all is in black and white. Yup, honest mistake so just play it out and keep your integrity intact.
  14. PRDATR

    Wtb Lapua 6.5 creedmoor srp brass

    Just think, in another 10 months you'll be able to walk into the Chandler store and buy it there.
  15. PRDATR

    Pay it forward - I will start

    Most likely a fine and loss of hunting privileges for a few years. Possible restitution for the deer and confiscation of the meat, antlers etc.
  16. PRDATR


    I guess they are born mostly light colored and get darker at some age? Would like a male like the Sire if you do another litter.
  17. PRDATR

    Akc standard poodles for sale (one boy left!)

    Well said. They are very "moldable" and are eager to please. Growing up my friend had a Standard that was a better swimmer and retriver than his brothers Lab.
  18. PRDATR


    It's always starting by now and is elevation dependant.
  19. PRDATR

    Happy Hannuka

    To all those who lit the shammash this evening. I know there may not be many Jews on here but as a Boomer NYC Kid I grew up with a lot of families of very many ethnicities. My brother in laws father Hans was German and spent time in a Russian Siberian POW Prison. I grew up in a time when I would go to a friend house knock on the door announce myself and just walk in. My friend Marc who has long since passed from brain cancer father was a German Jew whose younger brother was caught and murdered by the Nazi's in a concentration camp. Some of my friends parents and grandparents spoke very little english and were not born here but in Syria, Italy, Ireland, South America so be very thankful for where you live and don't take your freedom for granted.
  20. PRDATR


    I have some other ammo to trade if you're interested. 223, 9mm.
  21. PRDATR

    Ruger 45 LC

  22. PRDATR


    Some dogs just ain't trainable/obsessed.
  23. PRDATR

    Kids First Knife

    110's a folder?
  24. PRDATR


    10:30? That's almost mid day for us old dudes. LOL
  25. PRDATR


    I've only used hand calls for the past 30 years but I can see where this has it's benefits. I'd like to come and see it and have you show me how it works if you are available tomorrow. Chris