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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Thoughts on Thermal Imaging

    I'd say as long as you are targeting a specific deer you have patterend on a game camera over a pile of corn and you're sitiing in a blind 800 yards away you're good to go. This is def the way to go for the hunter of the future. You can sleep in and wack a deer before lunch and if you have a wood cutting permit and the ambition to haul arse cross country you can be home by 3, posting pics. Perfect World.
  2. Here is some interesting reading. http://www.rathcoombe.net/sci-tech/ballistics/methods.html
  3. Soon after the Nosler Ballistic Tip made it's debut a national gun magazine ran some comparison tests using 7mm Remington Magnum. The BT's had the least penetration, about 17", compared to the partition and another Nosler bullet. Three bullets, all by Nosler and the same weight were shot into ballistics gelletin (sp). At the time it had the same construction of a hollow point, just with a plastic tip stuffed into the nose. While on a hunt my partner shot a forked point at 400yds with a 150gr BT in a 300 Weatherby. The first shot crippled the buck making it unable to walk. We proceeded to head down into the bottom of the canyon to dispatch it but he decided to take another shot and hit it in the ham. 15 minutes later when we made it down there it had died but the last shot had blown up on impact and there was pulverized green plastic all through the ham.

    Ranch in coues country

    You really, really shouldn't post so soon after you smoke crack.

    Archery Program Manager Job Announcement

    Link doesn't work. Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/74/4394274/html/archeryhq.com/index.php:3) in /home/content/74/4394274/html/archeryhq.com/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 881

    Archery Lion!

    Cool story and congrats. How far did it travel from where it was hit, if you don't mind me asking?

    last minute advice?

    http://www.drugstore.com/products/prod.asp?pid=354004&catid=183884&aid=338666&aparam=354004 Sportsmans Warehouse has them and in more than one size.

    Free Havalon knives from Eastmans...

    The Piranta comes with the Journal which sure looks like a single one time magazine not a monthly subscription.

    Coconino County Hunters

    I interpreted it be that you would get a permit and harvest a deer under the premise you were there cutting wood.
  10. PRDATR

    Check your tie downs

    Those things should be illegal. I used to have a box filled with parts of them I would pick up off the side of the road and trails. I saw a guy loose a Ditch Witch on Scottsdale road and subsuquently get a ticket too. Chain your stuff down.
  11. PRDATR

    Coconino County Hunters

    If you're cutting wood then you shouldn't be harvesting a deer.
  12. The place I hunt doesn't belong to me and I am grateful it is there. I don't have to pay admission and the virtual gate is always open. I therefore kinda take some ownership and feel like a steward of the land and an ambassador of the hunting community and don't like to see the place get disrespected. I have no doubt that the goal for some is to shoot a limit, it sure is my objective but I try to see the bigger picture. I also know that few of us read the Regs so the whole cleaning birds and leaving the spoils wherever scenario never comes into play. I feel like making up a few signs to post and building a dove cleaning station or two and volunteer time to show people how to clean them.
  13. PRDATR

    Everyone Please Read This!

    Was this you guys? I wish. I've been holed up in the valley for months. I just wanted to say you always feel free to stop by and say howdy to fellow hunters. I have been able to get out and dove hunt but I need to get down south and scout for pheasant and a 36B WT tag. Hopeing for Diesel to come down. It's more than a little irritating that it has jumped $1 since the 4th.
  14. PRDATR

    Scouting 36B Today

    They are gregarious so what you saw is typical behavior. I have seen groups of 4-5 up to groups of over 40.
  15. Dove hunting brings out the worst in hunters.
  16. My son and I managed to limit out at 6:30. We will be headed out again tomorrow.
  17. PRDATR

    New Rifle Question

    Well made guns. I 've never cared for them as I like the Remington style safety but they are well made. I'm not sure if they make them in the Prescott factory.
  18. PRDATR

    Leupold scope

    I think a 3x9VX1 would be fine. Kids tend to have great eyesight and the FOV can be a bit wobbly at 14X. My son is rough on equipment so a high dollar scope that could sustain a lot of damage didn't look too appealing. I think that even a 2x7 with 4" of eye relief would be an option to consider. I have both and both have been on my sone 243 and his 30-06 under different circumstances depending on the terrain. The lower power scopes force you to get closer and improve stalking skills.
  19. PRDATR

    Coconino County Elk Hunters

    Agreed. Problem is they are like a boulder going downhill and it is going to take a lot of time, effort and money to reverse it.
  20. PRDATR

    Perserverance Pays

    Way to stick with it.
  21. PRDATR

    San Carlos Lake

    Are those the same pictures from a couple of months ago when there was a big fish kill or is this another recent die off?
  22. PRDATR

    36A Help

    Just don't make a fire at night. I know it is tough to do at first but once you get used to no fire it really isn't a big deal and you won't miss it.
  23. PRDATR

    2 ziess scopes for sale cheap

    Hey man good to meet ya.