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Everything posted by PRDATR


    2 vehicles for sale to hunters

    Does the F350 have a 390 or 460? Assuming it is gas and not diesel. Looking forward those recipes (and maybe a few archelogical stories).


    That is a great platform. I have not heard of the builder though, how did you come to hear about them?

    What's your favorite binocular power/size?

    I used to have a small pair that were autofocus I kept in my shirt pocket for that. I think they were Tasco or maybe even Simmons but were perfect for stalking in the woods. The hinges wore out which made them flop around or I would still have them and have never been able to find another pair. They were great for archery hunting.

    binocular question

    I purchased a pair of 10x50 Diamondbacks last year for my son and when comparing them to my Swarvo EL's which are about 8 years old, I do see a slight difference in crispness but it is probably not too significant if your under the age of 40.


    http://www.lazzeroni.com/ Or Harry Lawson. What are you looking for specifically?

    Hello All

    Welcome aboard Mike.

    Rare Gun for Cheap Price

    I haven't see on for sale is a while. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7.7%C3%9758mm_Arisaka

    Tecnique - Camera Saturation

    An old but interesting read on Trail Cameras in Montana. http://www.fieldands...an-goes-too-far

    Cold Steel Knives

    I snapped off a Buck knife with the gut hook and found out that knives aren't pry bars. They perform best when slicing through soft tissue and don't work well to chop bone either. Look at the warranty info, it probably has a disclaimer about bending it. Some knives can do that but I thing when you approach the higher Rockwell Hardness ratings that becomes an issue.
  10. PRDATR

    In your face bugle action! Heavy Rut activity!!!!

    I was at Woods Canyou early yesterday and had a bull walk out in front of me on the Rim Road. I pulled over and followed him into the trees a bit and heard some other bulls bugle. Fog was as thick as pea soup with max visibility of about 100'. Was wishin I had a tag and it was open season.
  11. PRDATR

    Thoughts on Baiting

    That picture has probably been posted 50 times in the last month.
  12. PRDATR


    Thats no lie. What is happening to businesses from Corpus to Key West is criminal because of the stupid moratorium on no drilling. Lots of Mom and Pop businesses gone, family savings gone.
  13. PRDATR

    Trail CAM Pics: 24B Bucks

    Have been out to chase them?
  14. PRDATR

    More pics of the local" big cat "

    I haven't been back in there for a few years but I have come across their tracks behind the mine.
  15. PRDATR

    what qualifies?

    Take up shooting High Power Silhouette or High Power itself and shoot in some matches to develope and hone the skill necessary to be proficient. Shooting in a match you will also learn to deal shooting under stress. http://www.nrahq.org/compete/highpower.asp
  16. PRDATR

    Coues whitetail snacks!

    Does it get smoked after it goes into the casing?
  17. We that pretty much sums it up.
  18. PRDATR

    Hunting Technology. How much is enough?

    And what did we do before Bow Sights? We knew the trajectory of the arrow and canted the Bow accordingly.
  19. PRDATR

    coal for tent stove

    I don't know anything about stoves so I'll ask. When you leave in the morning to hunt how does the coal get put out when nobody is there to keep an eye on it? I use a propane fired Heater Buddy and with a 5' hose I can attach it to a 5gal cylinder which I keep outside the tent I also keep the tent ventilated and the heater has a low oxygen sensor built in.
  20. I have a pair of Pronghorns I got a couple of years ago and they broke right in and have not had any problems with them other than they could be a little wider.
  21. PRDATR

    Sierra Vista Area

    I have never hunted that area, which hunt do you have? You can also call G&F (Tucson Office?) and ask to have the Wildlife Manager for that area to call you. That can sometimes take a week as they are usually in the field but it is worthwhile and sometimes you can arrange to meet them if you are out scouting for a weekend.
  22. PRDATR

    coal for tent stove

    If you do get one of these. http://qginc.com/
  23. PRDATR

    savage axis 7mm08

    Savage doesn't offer the Accu Trigger on the Axis.
  24. PRDATR

    First Desert Shed...

    I have seen lots of trash like that west of Red Rock and in the river bottom south of the town Picacho.