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Everything posted by PRDATR


    First Idaho buck

    Talk about culture shock. Congrats on the nice buck.

    Anyone still hearing bugles?

    Were you seeing any sign? Last weekend I was camped off Stoneman Lake Road and the Bulls were active. We also camped just south of Morman Mtn and the result was the same. Bugles from about 8pm to 8am.

    Winchester M77 mannlicher .243

    He probably ment to post 243 Winchester which is the caliber.
  4. Sorry to hear about your friends son. Burying your child is a parents worst nightmare that just leaves you with a hole in your heart big enough to drive a bus through and the the pain never goes away.

    My grandpa

    Sorry for you and your familys loss. Your love for him is touching, may he rest in peace.

    36B camping solo

    My experience exactly when my son and I hunted 36B a few years ago. Going back in November, although he isn't too thrilled about it as we didn't see any bucks the last time.

    .270 Effective Range

    With a solid rest (and some practice LOL) that 500 yard group should tighten up a bit but the rest are good to go.


    Great rifle. A friend has one in 300 WSM he bought (against my advice-told him to get a 308) that sits in his safe. He just wanted something for target practice and does not hunt. Too much recoil for him but it is super accurate as are all the other Black Shadow rifles. Very under rated guns.

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    Close to half a century of hunting under my belt and a lot of memories and a lot of tag soup. I watch hunting shows where folks pay to hunt bears in Manitoba from a treestand over a barrel of honey and donuts put out by a guide. Hey if thats what works for you go for it. Hunting is a thirst an obsession if you will and everyone does it for different reasons, all with a goal in mind. Sometimes it's just commaradie and nether a shot fired equating to a successful hunt. Other times it may be helping someone be successful to filll that nitch. Until this topic came up I had no idea that people actually baited deer. I imagine that unless you are physically challenged there really isn't a reason in my mind to be baiting anything unless it is to cull a problem predator. My ability to find game, if it is there, has not seemed to be an issue. I will get some flak for this but I find it to completely unethical to be baiting deer and unecessary for any hunter worth his/her salt (no pun intended). They are out there, go put in the time, pattern and find them. Yeah it's work but it should be and game cameras and bait need to be stopped. Spending money and hours carting feed into the field is in no way shape or form beneficial to to portraying us in a positive light. Deer are in the cornfields after the midwest after the harvest with no ill effects so eating corn aparently isn't a problem for them physically. Spin it to your advantage but this us against them mentality is really pathetic. I can't oppose something that was never needed to begin with for an able bodied hunter. I look upon baiting deer the same as some guy putting sleeping pills in a girls drink.
  10. PRDATR


    I'd like to take a look at it. I'm also in Mesa (CC&202) and work in Tempe. I need to replace a scope that the elevation just went out on. Let me know. I'm pretty flexable on hours tomorrow.
  11. PRDATR

    Private Campgrounds

    No "Clubs" like that here I know of. Most of the state is public land so no need for "leases and clubs" like back east and in the south. Best bet if you are looking for a place to leave a trailer is contact a mobile home park.
  12. PRDATR

    36B Nov. 9th Roll Call..

    My son and I will be down on that hunt in my red F250 (just not sure where yet) unless we take his blue Chebie Colorado.
  13. PRDATR

    Need prayers for our family friend

    Sending prayers for them at this difficult time.
  14. PRDATR

    Best Hunt Yet

    20 years from now you'll be glad you took those pictures. I cherish the pictures of my kids when they were little. It must be the weekend for traffic. My son and I went up to 6A via Clints Well on Friday and sat for 1/2 an hour in road construction. Good/Bad news is was were first in line. LOL Never saw a turkey but came home with a few squirrels and a lot of memories.
  15. Does she only respond to the collar? Gotta ask since you are throwing them in and you have only had her for a year and it makes her look like she isn't trained and you haven't been successful in making her come around. Is she an inside dog and housebroken?
  16. PRDATR

    AR-15 Owners Step Inside

    So Walmart is offering a few different rifles manufactured by the likes of DPMS, Sig Sauer and Colt and at least one other company. Searching the internet I came across a post suggesting the Colt is made in China. I would like a M-16 but prices are too steep. What are the differences between them? I have shot one before and am thinking about getting an AR (just to have).
  17. PRDATR

    Winchester model 70 300 win mag

    Yes they were.
  18. PRDATR

    Gasoline Prices

    I put an ounce of two stroke for each gallon anyway.
  19. PRDATR

    .270 Effective Range

    It has kind of been the rule of thumb for deer to make a humane kill. 1000ft pounds at the greatest distance in yards. Depending what and where you are shooting there are guides who will bring it up. In most of Europe it is closer to 1500 ft pounds at 100 meters to be legal for big game and usually must be at least 120gr and 6.5mm.
  20. PRDATR

    AR-15 Owners Step Inside

    I think I have seen various ones for under $100.
  21. Sure thing. Post it up when they get back to you as you sparked my curosity. I know Mossberg also made some guns for a Hardware Store chain and believe it was the Model 660.
  22. I wish he would have married Rhonstadt and the two of them moved to a mountain top, on the MOON!
  23. I think we are in for another 12 years of Democrats in the White House unless the Republicans can offer up a strong ticket of electable nominees to run against Hillary after Obama's re-election. He won't be getting my vote. This is going to be a tight race.
  24. PRDATR

    Happy Birthday Bill Quimby

    Happy Birthday Sir. I really enjoy reading your posts and have a great day.