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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Anyone like lizards?

    I saw a bunch of those in Puerto Rico and IIRC on Oahu also along with a mongoose or two.


    Walmart on Cortaro in Tucson had Wolf Ammo $5.99 a box a couple of hours ago and about 15 boxes of 9mm @ $13.99 a box.


    Ammo is still high in price but has been dropping in price from where it was at close to 90 cents a round for the green tip stuff to about 65 cents a round and availability is getting better. It may take another 6 months for it to get more reasonable but it will be another year before it settles down.

    Going to Rocky Point

    I have caught saltwater Cats in Louisiana many times while fishing for Redfish or Speckled Trout. When they show up it's time to pull anchor and move on. Two type I have come across are Hardheads and Gafftopsail Cats with the Hardheads usually smaller. They will stick you with their pec and dorsal fins and it can get infected so we use a J shaped aluminum tool to flip them off the hook.

    Programmer for 2011 Ram 2500 Cummins

    Another good investment, http://www.autoenginuity.com/
  6. I was poking around last night on another forum and came across these. I didn't know they were out there and was curious if anyone has looked through them and how crisp the glass is. This is the first scope I have seen with such a wide range of magnification. I don't expect it to be in the class of the ultra high end scopes and it isn't cheap, although they do have some lower priced models. I wouldn't use it to pound nails but the Bushnell's I have seen were rugged and without any problems. If you have looked through one does the eye relief diminish when zoomed to the higher power? I can't see myself needing 30X in the field but it would be a plus when shooting from the bench at paper beyond 200 yards. Optics Planet has them, not that I'm endorsing them.
  7. I have no experience with the 30's but have hunted 32 a few times. It has both Mule and White Tail deer and on the west side of the Winchesters I have seen both. The closer you get to Muleshoe the WT may not be around there but I have seen some big Mule Deer in that area. You can also expect to see Javelina and the last time I was driving on the Three Links Rd I saw a heard of Antelope, about 5 years ago. If you hunt the early hunts expect to see snakes. Here is the Hunt Unit info from G&F. http://www.azgfd.gov/h_f/hunting_units_32.shtml


    FB announced last week they would start cracking down but that's the first I actually heard on anything happening.

    Optolyth Binoculars and Spotting Scope

    Greg, Is there a tripod adaptor available or made for the binoculars?
  10. PRDATR

    1800 pound wild hog???

    Dunno Don't Care?
  11. PRDATR

    Heading to Kauai

    Great pics, keep em coming.
  12. PRDATR

    AZG&F in the news-1

    Camel backstraps. Yum.
  13. PRDATR

    Opossum in Arizona

    I haven't see any, road kill or otherwise. Where did you hear of them being in AZ?
  14. PRDATR

    Feral hogs in Arizona

    Would love to go since the chance of getting a fall tag for anything here is looking bleeker and bleeker. Plus I need to do something constructive with the 45-70 I got last month.
  15. PRDATR

    The defination of a "Premium Hunt"

    And that's exactly what I believe will happen too.
  16. Jewell makes an excellent trigger. They usually run 180-225.
  17. PRDATR


    Timney makes a nice trigger for them.
  18. PRDATR


    You just looking for a faster lock time? The Tubbs kit for a 700 is pretty nice.
  19. PRDATR

    Going to Rocky Point

    "The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time." Jack London
  20. PRDATR

    Personal Best Redfish (Picture Added)

    Summertime is when to hit the rigs for tuna but you will want to fish the Midnight Lump for the record size ones from January through the end of March. You can spend some time on RNR to get familiar with the different captains and who is catching what but even that is not guarantee as the weather can change quickly in the gulf with wind being the killer. I recommend. http://www.captaintroywetzel.com/ or Captn William Wall of Pelagic Charters 225-454-5365 for starters.
  21. Caught this one on vacation Thursday in South Louisiana. No scale or tape but estimated the weight at 15 or more pounds and about 33". Caught with a plastic swim bait on a jig head while fishig for Speckled Trout just before Sunset.
  22. PRDATR

    Personal Best Redfish (Picture Added)

    We (my brother and our sons) usually fish market shrimp either on the bottom or under a popping cork, especially when we are over oyster beds or on pipelines. That is how I first learned to fish the marsh. I soon tired of that and started going on rodnreel.com and was fortunate to meet many of the locals and Mr. Mike Lane the owner of the site and managed an offshore trip with him. I started buying the "latest" lures that people were using and getting the ole raised eyebrows from my brother when I would pull a hot pink topwater Mirror Lure out as he scoffed I was wasting my money. I remember one time I hooked into a huge fish on the first cast, boy was he surprised, but if I have faith in a lure I'll throw it for an hour or until I catch something on it. I prefer to cast and retrieve even when others in the boat are catching fish under a cork but casting a few hundred times a day takes or more, takes it's toll on you. Still, I've fished a lot since the 1950's and like catching everything from bluegills and carp on up.