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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Some 36B basic questions

    I've hunted 33 and 36B during the early hunts and the temps are usually hot in the day but at times I have also seen temps cold enough to put down frost at night. Sorry to hear about your friend Muleskinner. A basic physical each year is a good thing for us to do once we reach 30. At 40 we start getting poked and prodded by the Doc and if anyone is like me with high cholesterol please take it one step further and do a Nuclear Stress Test and then again every five years. It only takes a few hours and it will save your life. During the one I did last year my Blood Pressure hit 232 about five minutes into the treadmill so now I take half a pill each morning and feel a lot better and less stressed out. I'd hate to have the big one if I was out hunting with my son. I know I am going to die one day, it's the only thing we can be sure of, but I would like to spare him that memory.
  2. This is a great area with lots of game to be seen. I would love to go but I am working all day on Saturday.


    Into the Wood Chipper with the lot of them.


    Has a date and time been set yet?

    Good B&C Score numbers

    I left work in Tempe at 3:00 to get some lunch at the temp gauge in my work HHR read 122dgF. I'm not sure how accurate it was but man it was hot.

    Good B&C Score numbers

    And here I thought EC was going to post some pictures. LOL

    Trane 16 SEER Gas/Electric Air conditioner

    How many sq ft was the house it was on? Is a 4 ton best on a 15-1800 sq ft house?

    Guns for sale

    It is also pretty common to come across posts, including things for sale, just doing a google search. F2F sale requirements can easily be overcome going through an FFL, as repeatedly mentioned in past posts. It only takes minutes to create a paypal account. Let's try to refrain ourselves from browbeating first time posters and I guarantee they may even stick around and become contributing members of CWT.

    Country bars

    I always called it "Scaryokee".
  10. PRDATR

    Amendments to R12-4-303

    MULEPACKHUNTER I received an email a few day ago with regarding the changes which goes into more depth/detail. The following is an excerpt from that which addresses salt. What is "bait"? For the purposes of R12-4-303(A)(4), the Commission considers bait to include any food-stuff or ingestible material (such as corn or wildlife feed) that has been deposited, scattered or piled, or delivered by a passive or active feeder or feed delivery system, so as to constitute an attractant, lure or enticement to wildlife and to influence the movement of these animals for the purpose of harvest by hunters. "Bait" does not include: water, salt, salt-based materials produced and manufactured for the livestock industry; nutritional supplements produced and manufactured for the livestock industry and placed during the course of livestock or agricultural operations; decoys, scent lures (provided they do not contain cervid urine), or chemical attractants provided they are not ingestible; or food plots planted within accepted local or regional agricultural guidelines. for livestock operations. Greater availability of natural resources, including water and salt, actually promotes broader distribution of wildlife The restrictions on baiting would not apply to practices that provide essential necessities for wildlife, such as water or salt licks and supplements developed and healthier populations.
  11. PRDATR

    Amendments to R12-4-303

    I'm with Tony on this that salt, in any form, can be placed by a hunter as it does say Salt and Water.
  12. PRDATR

    WTB h4831sc

    Salt Lake City?
  13. My Garmin GPS does it and I believe it is also based on your coordinates.
  14. Well, he pulled it off. Whether your married and in the military over in combat or an Indy Car Driver some people are just driven. Heck he probably thinks someone who varmint calls bears with a bow has a death wish. You know, they say we only go around once and this ain't no dress rehersal. One thing for sure, we are all going to die. Some fear it, others put a price tag on it, enter history and create memories. You know many, many years ago when I moved here from NY I met a an opinioned hot headed guy that did some crazy stuff on motorcycles. We would run across each other once in a while and shoot the breeze, talk about the war and women but never about why. One day out of the blue, he just looked at me and said I do it because it feeds me, it's my monster and only I can tame it.
  15. PRDATR

    Willow Springs Scuba Dive

    That's always a concern. The recommended safe distance in AZ for boaters is 100 yards from a dive flag.
  16. PRDATR

    My mexico buck

    Always a blast. Haha I Get it. Funny guy that Ernesto.
  17. PRDATR

    Really need some input

    I have has a VXll on a Rem 700 in 7Mag since about 1991 with no problems what so ever. It is a 4-12X and has taken a few hard bumps when I lost footing and has never lost zero or gotten fogged up. I have hunted here and in Alaska with it in temps near zero and well over 100*F and in the rain and snow. My only beef is eye relief diminishes as I zoom up to 12X. You will probably pay more money for the Leupold but it is 100$ made in the US.
  18. PRDATR

    Anyone seen coloring like this?

    I have not see it on WT but I have seen it on MD. I did see an all white WT Buck on one of the southern units back in the early 90's. Aparently the locals knew of him but I do not think he was ever taken.
  19. PRDATR

    beef steers

    Great questions. Also, what kind of cuts could one expect? Is there ground? Roasts? Filet mignon/porterhouse/t-bone cuts? I think a little more info would definitely fire up the interest even more! Hey, I wouldn't be asking questions if I was not interested! I'm not a butcher but I believe if you remove the while filet then there isn't going to be a Porterhouse of T-Bone cut but you can cut NY Strips. A Porterhouse (1 1/2" thick) is the same cut as a T-Bone (1/2" thick). A T-Bone or Porterhouse is the fillet on one side and the NY Strip on the other.
  20. PRDATR


    Think sausage grinder and out going tide on a full moon. Of course here in AZ getting chained to an engine block by the Dam is an option.
  21. PRDATR

    Good Hunting Magazines

    Petersons Hunting is good and most bow hunting Mags. You can muddle through the posts here but since you are already on your way and as a plus having accomplished the art of understanding arrow flight (becoming one with your bow) negate sights, you challenge/goal forthwith is going to be finding game be it Mule Deer, White Tails or Javelina. Which, isn't too hard especially if you have the following. 1. A vehicle that gets good mileage, and doesn't break down. 2. An understanding girl friend or wife. (If you have both see NO 1.) 3. An understanding Boss. (If you're self employed you're SOL) Seriously though, AZG&F has some info on their Where to Hunt section under Hunting but the best thing to do is jut get out and drive the back roads and hike, hike, hike and observe game in the off season.
  22. PRDATR


    Anyone who thinks his body will be found has never lived east of Big Muddy.
  23. PRDATR

    we saved this old man a couple months back

    Kudos to you and your brother. Should we ever meet you're welcome at my campfire. T-Bones and Suds are on me should we ever cross paths. This guy is one of our last Heroes but we can all rest assured his legacy lives on through the two of you. Prdatr out.
  24. PRDATR

    did someone say Mojave?????

    That's funny right there!!! Never thought of that! I "like" me! Yeah, not sure how I managed to do that, but hey it keeps you guys entertained.
  25. PRDATR

    did someone say Mojave?????

    I did see a Prairie Rattler up in 12BW a couple of years ago but was unaware of any down near Douglas.