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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Correction period eliminated

    I hope that is only a transitional hiccup. I know in Louisiana the Wal Marts have a computer in the Sporting Goods department that the employees use to link to F&G and print you out a nice waterproof license. A lot better than having to print your own from a home computer.
  2. I used a Savage pump in 20 gauge I bought in the 80's from Yellow Front new for $99. I think it is a Model 67? I had a new firing pin put in it last year and had a series of FTF's on opening morning. Makes me wonder if the few drops of Kroil I put on the extractor spring got into the firing pin and mixed with some residue and gunked it up.

    Giant Velvet Coues buck!

    Congratulations. I would love to hear the story and see some pictures and dare I say you and all those involved will be walking on air for quite sometime. You're welcome at my campfire anytime.

    I'm guessing Medical...

    This thread is making me hungry.
  5. I would always take my trailer up the Sunday afternoon before the hunt and set it up and scout the area then come back up on Wednesday after I got out of work and the kids were out of school. I did it so I didn't have to come up and set everything up in the dark, especially if I has to work a full day or stay late, which always seemed to happen when I had plans. I never did it to stake out a spot as I always dry camped in the forest trying to stay as far away from other campers and their all night parties. I never thought much about it because the rule was you could camp in the forest for 14 days and then you had to move.

    I'm guessing Medical...

    Look pretty budded out to me.

    Hunter Injured

    I heard he was with his dad and fell 25 feet and is in "Serious" condition. I believe he is 15 years old and it happened on the Rim east of Payson. Sounded like he got too close to the edge and lost his footing. Not much else was mentioned, I hope he makes a full recovery. I'm sure the father is pretty upset. Prayers for the family.


    Call your Congressman and tell them to say no to the US taking military action against Syria. If Obama wants it so bad let him go over there and do it himself. Nothing good will come of it.


    Best wishes for a fast recovery Josh,
  10. Arrived @ 5am and watched the sunrise. Plenty of WW's but only managed four. Filled the rest of my limit with Mourning Doves. I scouted the area the day before but the flyway was more to the tree line west of me but I managed to get more on the return flight along with my son and his friend and we all limited it just took a while. It didn't help that my firing pin wasn't striking 30% of the time so it is time to retire/donate that one. Going back tomorrow. There were enough birds that I should have been done by sunrise. I usually hunt Sossaman/Warner but wasn't sure if the area to the SW was open and the gal at G&F had no clue. It looks like Sossaman is going to get re-aligned with Ray pretty soon. Trust me, I'd much rather drive 30 miles than 90 miles.
  11. I spent that much in fuel just scouting. PM sent.
  12. PRDATR

    Javelina "Attack" in Tucson

    I didn't read one response that was believable.
  13. PRDATR

    Neglected 20 guage

  14. PRDATR

    Seeking Youth Shotgun Advice

    I started my son out at 10 with a single shot 410. At 12 we got him a Youth 870 in 20 gauge. He is now 6'3" and has bought a few 12 gauges of his own and we put a slip on recoil pad on the 870 to lengthen the pull and he still uses it on and off. One thing though was it would sometimes lock up and I would have to hold tightly on the stock and forearm while hitting the rear of the stock on the ground to free it up so it would eject. I was able to duplicate it locking up if I pulled on the trigger while the safety was on. For Dove, Quail a 20 gauge is just fine and all I use most of the time myself.
  15. PRDATR

    My better half has her first hunt

    Take her out on some scouting trips so she can see what it'll be like and you can see how much hiking she can do. Be prepared, she will be sore after the first day. How active is she usually? Does she do aerobics or is she going to do anything to prepare? On the average most womens muscles aren't as dense or developed as a mans and also take a longer time to recoup from strenuous activity. She will use every muscle in her legs in ways that are tough to prepare for in a gym when she is hiking up and down a mountain. Have her stretch before each outing like runners do before a marathon and bring an extra pair of socks. She needs to be challenged but not overwhelmed if she isn't she will not have anything to draw from if the occasion arises where she has to pour it on for a short time to close the distance. Set a goal each day and achieve it, raise the bar the next time. That is what I did with my wife and kids and their still talking to me. LOL Remember, she is doing this because she also loves you and wants to spend time with you and wants to be part of the excitement.
  16. PRDATR

    Unit 23

    Same here. Amazing though they have no problems committing your time to a customer for 16 hours on a Saturday though.
  17. PRDATR

    Nitto terra grapplers or Big O bigfoot A/T's

    I have been running them on my F250 and have gotten upwards of 55K on them. they are 305-55X20 Load Range E
  18. PRDATR

    Spotting Scope Help

    Optics Planet has the specs for FOV which is basically dependent on which power setting you are on vs mm objective. The exit pupil factor on the 65 @ 15X is 4.3 where the 80 @20X is 4. Maybe someone has one you could look through to help nudge your decision. I would read every review I could find. A trip to http://outdoorsmans.com/ might be worthwhile to actually look through some.
  19. PRDATR

    Ruger KP345PR 45 Pistol

    I assume it isn't NIB so how old is it and how many rounds down the pipe?
  20. PRDATR


    Go have some fish tacos and a couple of cold ones. Just make sure they don't try to slip some granola on them. LOL
  21. PRDATR

    Sighting in my bow, and getting frustrated...

    Isn't CWT.Com an awesome place? No get out there and draw some blood.. LOL
  22. PRDATR

    Range finder issues

    I have a Leica 1600 Rangemaster and seems to work fine most of the time. But, there have been a few times when it just refuses to give a yardage. I have found that this was when I was in the shade and tried to range the opposite hill that was in the sun in the early morning when temps were hovering around freezing. I could turn 90* and range something else, just not what I wanted to range at the time. They are fast and easy to handle ergonomically but definitely not infallible.
  23. PRDATR

    ethics? how would you handle this situation?

    My son and I were up in 12B and found a water tank on the edge of a field. We set up in the mid afternoon on the edge of some trees about 200 yards from it. After a few hours a hunter and his wife walk past us on the road and seeing us turn around and walk back the way they came. Turns out they only went about 30 yards and set up. Now this guy was probably late 40's, Nosler rifle, Swaro Optics and a pretty new Powerstroke (I think it was a King Ranch) and probably had close to $10K in optics and rifles for him and the wife. Makes you wonder. We hunted hard for four days on foot with packs and never saw another hunter on foot. Every hunter we saw was driving around @ 2MPH with uncased guns. We even had a father son in a white chevy heading towards us as my son was stalking a couple of deer. They were about 400 yards away and I was waving for them to stop which they finally did about 250 yards away as the der busted out of the trees and started across the field. What completely freaked me out was they both jumped out with rifles and although they could plainly see us they son (early 20's)raised his rifle to shoot. Thank goodness the dad, an older white haired fellow waved him off at the last second. Just crazy.
  24. PRDATR

    Unit 23

    I run across a few Ranch Dogs that just like to get out and run often finding a doe to chase and run down. Biggest problem is a lone dog can become an easy target for a big Tom or a pack of yotes.
  25. PRDATR

    .223 Savage 11FXP3 For Sale

    If you post it in the Classifieds section you will get more views.