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Everything posted by PRDATR


    I phone photos

    DO you have the free NSA App?
  2. Way to stick with it and get it done. Congrats to you both.

    My first blue grouse!

    They are pretty much limited to the high Alpine Forests of 8'000 feet or higher.

    My first scouting trip......

    I would say a deer can easily get your scent at 250 yards. I know I can smell someone smoking a cigarette at 100 yards and deer have a much better sniffer than I do.

    Who uses external frame packs?

    That is all I have ever used for close to 30 years. The current one I have is a Kelty (I believe) with a BOYDS pack attached to it. I don't think i'd ever use any other type of pack. I like to have some air between my back and the pack to keep the sweating down. On occasion I will hang my rifle sling over a corner if I need both hands free so I used some wire ties and attached a piece of foam pipe insulation to one side to beep the rifle from contacting the frame. This is the third frame I have had, it is aluminum and the lightest of the three. The only problem is the cloth screen that stretches across the back to keep the frame from contacting you is wearing out and they seem impossible to find. The BOYDS is at least 10 years old and the zippers are getting hard to move but after looking at new packs for the last year I still have not found anything I like and forget about finding one the is made in the USA.
  6. Does Hodgdon list the pressure for that load?


    Obviously happily married.

    New guy question

    I would go 7Mag just it has a slight ballistic advantage over the 30 cal.

    Problem with rifle

    Sounds like excessive headspace. Have someone with Go-No Go gauges check it. You could also be setting the Shoulder too far back if you are resizing the cases, try backing off on the locking ring one full turn.
  10. Thanks for offer Amanda. We are having a family reunion in the south in a couple of weeks so I may take it with me and give it to my sister to take back with her. I can't believe it's almost November.
  11. So over the last month or so I bought a rifle here from a CWT member and a stock from another for a family member who lives in Monument and wanted to get into big game hunting. I added a newer scope I had taking up space, some new Burris rings and a Limbsaver pad. The rifle is almost 50 years old and is a real shooter and I'm pretty happy to have been able to do this for him. I'd rather get it to him this way then to look for a box to ship it to him and have it get lost or damaged. I'll also toss some money your way for your trouble and gas.
  12. PRDATR

    Elk poached in 24A....can you help?

    What a waste.
  13. PRDATR

    Rusher Blackhawk .357 and 9mm plus holster

    The holster looks like it has a lot of experience. What year is the gun and how many rounds have been through it? Are you the original purchaser?
  14. PRDATR

    Freebie coyote

    Take him to Adobe Mountain they are always looking for meat.
  15. PRDATR

    lost 30-06 in 30a

  16. Nice, glad to hear that.
  17. Wow, so sorry to hear about that. Prayers for his family and all of those who knew him that lost a dear friend and family member.
  18. I just cannot seem to get behind Western Extreme... I'm sure Burnworth is a fantastic guy in real life, but on the show he just seems real uppity. I LOVE JIM SHOCKEY!!! Solo Hunter is an awesome show. Eastmans (EHJ and EBJ) magazine is great- I'm a subscriber for life! Try Heartland Bowhunter- you'll dig it. He definitely has a lot of enthusiasm. He gives back a lot to the sport and is a family guy. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jim-Burnworth/117605208348573
  19. PRDATR

    Fall Color Trip to New Hampshire and Maine

    Now I'm officially homesick. LOL Beautiful pic's Amanda, thanks for posting them.
  20. Great buck. Ears and body look 100% Coues to me comparing it to the size of the rifle.
  21. PRDATR

    rifles and calibers...

    The 30.06 is the Marilyn Monroe of cartridges.
  22. PRDATR

    Unit 27 Prank

    That's just wrong.