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Everything posted by PRDATR

  1. It may be more than you want to spend but it's worth a look. http://www.amazon.com/Tigrero-Sasha-Siemel/dp/B0006ATIQQ

    GPS help

    This is a great place to poke around and also get free topo files. http://www.gpsfiledepot.com/
  3. This stuff works really well. My son who has no experience with wood used it on a 10/22 stock and it came out looking very nice. I had him strip the original finish off with a product called CITRISTRIP which is easy to use and comes in a spray can. Now after stripping off the original finish and washing it all off with warm water and a soft brush to get it out of the pores in the wood let it dry for a couple of days. You can get minor dents and scratches out by wetting them with an eye dropper. This will cause the wood to swell after 10 - 20 minutes and you can "raise" the dent out by laying a wet paper towel or wash cloth over it and using an iron set on steam which will raise the dent out. Sand the stock using extra fine sand paper to start with. When you are ready to apply the finish use a can of spray duster to remove the dust from sanding and go to Home Depot and look in the paint department for a product called a "Tack Cloth" to get the rest of the dust off. The Birchwoods will cover any kind of stain but chances are the stock is Walnut and will not need to be stained. The 99 is in my opinion the Holy Grail of lever actions. PM me if you have any questions. The nice thing about wood is you don't like the way it comes out you can sand it down and start all over. I've done wood working since JR High School including building furniture and a few boats over the last 45 years. http://www.homedepot.com/p/Citristrip-17-oz-Safer-Paint-and-Varnish-Stripper-ECG73807/100164441?cm_mmc=shopping-_-googleads-_-pla-_-100164441&skwcid&kwd=&ci_sku=100164441&ci_kw=&ci_gpa=pla&ci_src=17588969

    Poacher! Spread the word!

    "An individual reported seeing a white Ford pickup extended cab with a camper shell about 12:30 p.m. at the scene. The pickup is believed to be a newer model, possibly 2005-06. “Unfortunately the license place was covered up,” Carley said. “The people involved knew what they were doing.” Pretty close.



    Burris rifle scope ring question



    I can meet you in Globe (I'm in Mesa) this weekend.

    calling in the rut

    Jeeze what a confusing website. Which call do you use?

    Cabelas on Black Friday!

    I'll be camped out all right. Down in 33.
  10. PRDATR

    First time calling

    I've easily shot a few hundred over the years from first light to last light and everything in between.
  11. PRDATR

    First time calling

    Good move to use the Jack Rabbit call based on your sightings of them in the area. Rabbits have little lungs and won't scream continuously so call for 10 to 15 seconds then break for 5-10 seconds and repeat.
  12. PRDATR

    hunting lisence?

    I agree it isn't the best way to get a license but just go to Walmart and get a duplicate. It is worthwhile for me to just drive to G&F and purchase it from them which is what I did last month to get a 2014 license. I dislike having to print it off and imagine it will change in 2015.
  13. Does WWOM's have them? Mainly looking for paper maps and may get one for my Garmin.
  14. PRDATR

    News on Leaving trailers

    It is a bunch of BS substantiated by whiners who feel entitled about having a campsites. Rule was and has been, two weeks then move and people have camped based on that to have a base camp to go into the back countryor just enjoy themselves. It has never been and is not now a big deal, there are plenty of places to cam. The Crybaby hunters pissin and moanin because someone else is in a spot before them need to STFU or find something else to do.
  15. PRDATR

    Where to go?

    They would not let you shoot there unless you have shot in a few matches already and no magnums are allowed to shoot at the Silhouette targets.
  16. PRDATR

    The One That Got Away

    I was fishing for Speckled Trout in the marsh behind Grand Isle Lousiana and decided to tie on a hot pink She Dog. When it hit the water it immediately launched back up into the air. I never saw what it was as I had 8# test mono on a Browning Bait Caster and the drag was too tight. The fish in my avatar was a similar story and I fought it for about 20 minutes before I even saw what it was. I released it after a few pics.
  17. PRDATR

    Youth Scope Question

    I have a stock that I cut down on a 22-250 (same action) for my kids when they were the same age. I'm in Mesa so if you want to use it PM me and I'll dig it out on friday.
  18. PRDATR

    Coues Measurements

    I did it a few years ago on a forkie and wa 36" for C and 36" overall for B+D.
  19. PRDATR

    Sako l57 243

    Try this. http://www.sakocollectors.com/forum/showthread.php?8458-Newbie-with-L57-308-question&s=6e58a0bcbb10c0c8e7e8e8cc9d2c6d64
  20. Good job, that's some steep country. I like those little rubber cups on the top of your packs.
  21. PRDATR

    Best Gun Company?

    Winchester, Remington, Marlin, Ruger, Colt, S&W, Savage all make fine production guns and some have had their share of recalls too. The quality of the firearm really rests on the decisions of management as to how much/little profit they want and whether they are willing to compromise quality for market share. If you can fork out the cash for a custom firearm from the likes of Reeder or Baer then you are fortunate as these are in a class of their own.
  22. PRDATR

    Results online

    27 Early Turkey, 16A Rifle Pig
  23. PRDATR

    Paisley and Underwood Obamacare

    The link took me to the video but I can't get it to play.
  24. PRDATR

    Paralized hunter makes ultimate decision

    These are probably a lot better harness than the ones the hunting companies make. http://www.grainger.com/Grainger/harnesses/fall-protection/safety/ecatalog/N-azy Don't forget to get a Shock Absorbing Lanyard, a 6' one works well enough. http://www.grainger.com/Grainger/harnesses/fall-protection/safety/ecatalog/N-azy#http://www.grainger.com/Grainger/harnesses/fall-protection/safety/ecatalog/N-azyZ1z05jt4Z1z0nvst?Ndr=basedimid10071&dojo.preventCache=1383764633080&sst=subset