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Everything posted by PRDATR

  1. Stopped by with my son and snagged a shirt. I've been to Healy Arms before (picked up some AR Stuff) and I encourage everyone to find some time and stop buy to support Healy Arms and CWT.Com.

    Duck Dynasty looses Phil Robertson

    The next season starts in January and was recorded this past year and is going ahead as recorded with PR on the show. A&E has stated that they will have a cooling off period over the Holidays and resume this after that.

    Duck Dynasty looses Phil Robertson

    I can add some links to a few other working man websites I participate in if you have the inkling to go there. Personally I would rather my grandkids watch Duck Dynasty than Queer Eye For The Straight Guy. The everyday lifestyles of people like the Robertsons, who just happen to reflect people in Rural areas and "Fly Over States" is quite frankly pretty darn refreshing to see on Nat TV. Is it played up for TV, uh yeah maybe a little bit. If you had to pick, who would you want to babysit your kids or send them to spend Summer Camp with? I'm not bashing anyone as in this day and age we all have someone who is out of the closet, so to speak. PR was asked questions and spoke his convictions, maybe not so eloquently but he was to the point. He ain't no Saint. The interviewer did his job and stirred the pot. PR just gave him back a mouthful. Has Society changed much in the past few decades? You betcha. Not everybody is going to go with the flow.

    Duck Dynasty looses Phil Robertson


    Worlds fastest archer

    I noticed he shot right handed with the arrow on the right side of the bow.

    What to do... what to do

    I'm pretty sure that was first coined by a young guide that wanted to get home early to be with his wife. I've let lots of smaller bucks walk, and some decent ones too hoping for a bigger one only to shoot a meat buck on the last day.
  7. Plenty of info over here to help you plan it out. http://forums.outdoorsdirectory.com/

    Xmas wish/want list

    To hold my daughter in my arms one more time and for everyone on the planet to put their differences aside. I have my health and a roof over my head so I really don't need anything. Merry Christmas.

    The boil out ...

    Borax? Where can I find this stuff? Go to Walmart and in the detergent aisle get the Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda, it comes in a box about the size of a medium box of cereal.
  10. PRDATR

    The boil out ...

    It took me five bottles (bigger container) and I soaked it for about 24 hours then rinsed it in hot water in the sink and still had a lot of fatty oils coming out of the skull so I put it back in a have been soaking it since Friday and just took it out. It is fairly white but I just put it into a sink of very hot water and am still getting quite a bit of greasy oil eminateing out of it. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/44436-european-mount-help/
  11. He is looking to trade a 7-08 for a 243 not just looking for a stock as the 7-08 has two stocks.
  12. PRDATR

    nosler partition long range bullet?

    No, , if the Partition shoots good at long range, then a few inches higher or lower is going to make NO difference., Every different gun/bullet/load combination shoots differently. The higher BC does mean a bullet will shoot flatter given the same muzzle velocity, If you really want to try to improve your long range performance, I would try some of the bullets that are made for the job of hunting. Before logging on the net today, I got off the phone with a friend getting a (second hand) report on another friends elk hunt, and his experience with "long range hunting". Seems he tried those "Berger" bullets and a Huskama scope on a guided hunt. It took him 5 shots to put the bull down. When they got to the elk, all 5 shots had been placed right, and all 5 had blown up like varmint bullets, producing very poor penetration. , I hate hearing that. What was the range and what caliber was he shooting?
  13. PRDATR

    FS: Nice little German Wirehair

    http://www.blackriverkennels.net/ - Under For Sale Im all for convenience but for those of us that browse with mobile (at least for both my apple products) that website makes my browser appear as if its on meth and seriously tweeking..If you can't take the time to provide basic information then be cognizant that it is somewhat aggravating to click another link that just gives you problems and frankly my interest disappears.Just sayin... Sorry, I was just trying to help. I don't have a smart phone (Blackberry) and do not use it to access the Net. He was asking $2,500.
  14. PRDATR

    european mount help

    I picked up some info from this topic and decided to do the skull from the Coues I shot a week ago. I'm using the 3% Peroxide and googled the heck out of Skull Cleaning. Over the course of a couple of hours and a lot of reading I came across this website. I recommend reading the sticky on the top. The skull I am doing is coming along ok but I am definitely not a taxi. I put it in some hot water to loosen the remaining meat for a 1 1/2 hours on the side burner of my grill keeping it hot not boiling it. I let it cool and cleaned if off and picked out the brains. I put it back in with some Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda to degrease it and get the cartiledge out and it did that ok. I then rinsed it and put it into the peroxide on Thursday night. Friday I took it out and rinsed it with hot water and then soaked it in the sink under hot water and it started to leach out fatty oil so I repeated it a few times, rinsed it and put it back in the peroxide where it remains. http://www.taxidermy.net/forum/index.php/board,17.0.html
  15. PRDATR

    FS: Nice little German Wirehair

    http://www.blackriverkennels.net/ - Under For Sale
  16. PRDATR

    Translucent worms when field dressing

  17. PRDATR

    Winchester 284

    You the fella I ran into in Sportsmans in Mesa a couple of weeks ago?
  18. I think we are still a few weeks out but one can always hope.
  19. PRDATR

    G&F Catchment Tank Book

    I was very disappointed in the one I got a few years ago. It only lists a few in each Hunt Unit.
  20. PRDATR

    The gift buck

    As I sit here having dinner of my own "Gift Buck" from last weekend I can relate.
  21. PRDATR

    Christmas Theme - 'tis the season!

    Nice. I'm officially in the Christmas Spirit now. Great Job.
  22. PRDATR

    Legal/Useful Scent

    Don, I like to use these for a Cover Scent. http://www.amazon.com/Hunters-Specialties-Fresh-Earth-Wafers/dp/B000ND7EG2
  23. PRDATR

    First Timer

    Go to an Archery Shop and have them observe your form when you shoot before you pick any bad habits. I know it is tempting but try not to sneak in closer than 15-20 yards as they can sometimes hear you breathing and hear the bow as you draw it back. Never walk with an arrow nocked because it you loose your footing you could potentially fall on the broad head, happened to me.
  24. PRDATR

    Help in 34a

    I'm not familiar with that area but I just finished hunting in Unit 33 and only saw Does on Thursday and over 20 on Friday. Saturday Morning I shot a 2 1/2 year old 3x3 at 7:10am so keep your eyes open. I glassed with a pair of 20x80's on Thursday and Friday and never saw horns but heard shots on and off. Stick with it and the deer will start to move after the pressure from the weekend warriors lets up.
  25. PRDATR

    Big horn sheep transplant

    But a Govenors Tag or a couple of tags offered up at auction for $300K+ each pays for the whole fiasco. WIN/WIN/WIN. Right?