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Everything posted by PRDATR

  1. My 2014 Mt Lion, Spring Turkey and Javelina tags are peel and stick so I'll be attaching them per the instructions in R12 and should I get drawn for Deer or Elk and get a paper tag I'll just follow the instructions on it. Pretty simple.

    Pay it forward

    The members on SIGFORUM.COM have been doing something similar for years. Basically a member posts topic like "500th Post Karma" and offers it up for free with sometimes part of the proceeds going to the site. No need to have the recipient to reciprocrate. Proceeds could go to CWT or to HOAL, etc. Just a thought.

    Find the Deer

    I just never get this " Find the ,,,,,, " I don't see the point. We look for animals moving around, into the shade twitching an ear or chasing another deer. Looking at a picture is, well,,.


    The film was done using a 41. email me pics's if you have time.


    I bought a boatload when Sports Authority closed out the Gun Dept but here is a link to some. Time to start reloading. http://www.gunbot.net/ammo/rifle/243/


    The Dirty Harry Gun?

    Fish Netting in Urban?

    We did the same thing in the LowerRiver when I was a member of a local Tropical Fish Club. Most of what we caught were Green Mollies.

    Tumbler Media

    Which Tumbler? How long are you letting it run and how many pieces of brass are you sticking in there? It isn't going to polish it like it was new brass. It "might" if you use the stainless steel media. All you really need is to get the grit and carbon off so you can resize it without getting grit in your dies and so you can see if there are any cracks or splits around the necks or if you are reloading 223 watch for the ring around the case about 5/8" up from the base indicating case head separation.

    1978 Ford Bronco

    Tell him to park it near some High School.
  10. I bought a Lion Tag @ Walmart yesterday and it was the same tag I have always bought in the past.
  11. PRDATR

    My Brother's in St Marys, in Tucson.

    Here's to a full recovery. Prayers Sent.
  12. PRDATR

    PMC brass

    PMC brass is fine to reload.
  13. PRDATR

    is a 25-06 to much for javelina

    Yes, bow, handgun, ML or rifle.
  14. That is not what Wal Mart was giving out yesterday.Same old tags as we are used to getting. I did see a guy get a new combo license and was given a yellow carbon copy of his license, probably was not the right copy.
  15. No such thing as spending too much time on the bench. Try practicing off hand shooting. The guys on TV make it look easy sometimes shooting off bipods. Not really practical for 80% of the situations you will encounter in the field. Lots of times you will only have a few seconds to get a shot off.
  16. I have used these in the past along with using a cover spray. You can also carry an extra hat and rub it on the first dog you shoot and wear it on the next stand. It sounds like you are doing everything right so just keep plugging along until you break the ice. The 22-250 is my personal preference but I don't pelt hunt AND you can always futz around with different bullets and velocities until you find something that works but my old hunting partner Mardy Kemmer shot scores of them with it, albeit most were head shots. http://www.mackspw.com/Item--i-HS102S?src=Y0807GL0N0N10000&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=PLA&gclid=CM_oit7p37sCFZJhfgod-XEADw
  17. PRDATR

    Camp Verde Motels

    I am going to head up north this weekend with my son to hunt coyotes and use CV as a base. Can Anyone recommend a decent Motel?
  18. PRDATR

    Using a ground blind, need advice

    Ideally setting it up before hand would be great but lets face it on public land it will probably grow legs.
  19. PRDATR

    Long - range Chiricahua coyote

    Nice, I miss hunting those mountains. Where abouts were you?
  20. Scott, Let me offer up a few basics for you to mull over. 1. Park your vehicle in an area where it can't be seen from where you make your stand. 2. I will walk anywhere from 75-200 yards from where I park. 3. Get something you can sit on that can keep you 12" or so off the ground so your feet don't go to sleep. 4. Put yourself up against a bush to block your outline. 5. Use a cover scent, face mask and gloves. 6. Stand times should be 15 minutes or so but I'll go longer if I feel the area warrants it. 7. If and when a fox or coyot comes in and you shoot it keep on calling for another 10 minutes as there will probably be one. 8. Look for shooting lanes when you set up. Tell me about your rig and your failures. Everyone has to start somewhere.
  21. PRDATR

    Reloading press

    You should be able to save some money by getting a kit RCBS equipment is rock solid and what 90% of reloaders started out with. I don't know what comes in the kit but one thing you will want is a set of dial calipers to measure OAL and case length.
  22. PRDATR

    Camp Verde Motels

    Didn't know there was a Casino there.
  23. PRDATR

    Camp Verde Motels

    Thanks. Just looking for some place that is clean and accessible as we probably will not be spending too much time there but after shooting dogs all day it is nice to have a warm shower, hot meal and a cold beer.
  24. PRDATR

    Bad experience with Outdoorsmans

    They won't miss your business either. how many coors lights have you had so far this evening? I don't keep track but if I had to guess I'd say a few. I'm a Bud Light kinda of guy when I have a few. I know that Outdoorsmans is probably the best place to go to look at optics. They have been around for a long time and I went there about 10 years ago when I was in the market for a pair of Swarovski's but the employees were busy chatting it up with their buddies and I couldn't get waited on so I ended up buying them at another store and off the net. But if your shuttin down early and a customer shows up then open up and make the sale. No Brainer.
  25. PRDATR

    LTB a rifle... 308,7mm,270,06

    That scope alone is over $400, great deal Depends on how old it is. I have one in the matt silver finish with the AO I bought in 93 for probably just over $325.