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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Who's going out on the rifle hunt?

    HaHa, story of my life. Good Luck that is a good area, looking forward to pictures.

    Late buddy request 37b

    I'd be more than willing to "Tag" along especially considering how much you have contributed to the site but I'm bound for 16A after lunch. (Crossing Fingers)

    Who's going out on the rifle hunt?

    I'll be on my way to 16A early Friday afternoon and maybe staying until Monday. I will be using an AR in 223. Good luck to everyone and be safe. I agree with EMR about keeping an eye open for Rattle Snakes. This warm weather may bring them out.
  4. Very good news to hear and best of luck to Mr White on his recovery.

    New to this forum...



    Sometimes you just have to buy the most tire you can afford and hope for the best.

    Bald Eagle photos

    Really nice pictures and I never get tired of seeing them. I have enjoyed watching them at Woods Canyon Lake in the summer stealing fish from the Ospreys. I wish the one I see by Bass Pro would develop a taste for Cormorants.

    Dick Cabela

    You remind me of my brother. That is all he fishes with although I did buy him a Garcia Record Reel last year. RIP Mr Cabela.

    amax bullets for hunting

    I have a few different bullets but I am going to use 45gr V-MAX.
  10. PRDATR

    bagdad 2014 critter getter contest

    Same weekend as General Javelina also.
  11. I believe that in 2005 the front clips changed but a lot of guys swapped them out on the older trucks to make them look like the 2005's which could be the case as the headlights look wrong for a 2000-2003 model but the 2000-2001 headlights are crap and don't give very much light so most of the owners have upgraded them to a new style.
  12. I am a member of the Arizona Powerstroke Group Forum so if we are pretty sure it is an Excursion let me know and I'll let the other members know and they can see if it is one that someone recognizes or maybe one of the Shops in the East Valley know of it. It shouldn't be too hard to track down as there are only a handful of shops that work on these and there are not a lot of them running around.
  13. I downloaded the picture and enlarged it but I was not able to make out the front grill. Any idea what year it is?
  14. PRDATR

    Binocular Choice

    Vortex really aren't in the same league as Zeiss but they are a great glass and good buy. They are close to the top of the "second string" binos. Leica, Swarovski and Zeiss are still the Gold Standard but if you don't have that kind of budget you can pretty much justify the rest of what's out there.
  15. PRDATR

    Which binos

    Read this. Especially the past about EXIT PUPIL. It is important to understand Field of View (FOV) to expect what you are going to see at a given distance but it is really insignificant on higher power binoculars since you are using them to routinely dissect the terrain at distances which usually begin at 500 yards and can exceed 2000 yards unless you handicap yourself by using a power less than 15. You are using them to find game that is bedded, in shadows or slowly feeding. Using a lower power the FOV will be greater, but it can lead you to glance over an area faster. Think of magnification in the same terms as horsepower and you'll be OK. When you are out either scouting or hunting and deer are "out n' about" you should have no problem seeing then without bino's at up to 300 yards. The "Big Eyes" really start to shine once you find a vantage point in an area that looks good. http://www.chuckhawks.com/binocular_basics.htm
  16. PRDATR


    If you call him I love to hear his opinion.
  17. Looks like a late model Colt.
  18. A Timney is going to help you for shooting longer distances. After that, good quality rings and lapping is never a bad thing. A quality scope will give you the clarity and repeatability you need. Do these things and then address the stock if need be as money allows. A quality stock that has a pillar bedding should be all that is needed. The only custom stock I ever purchased was one of the original H&S Precision stocks I used when I actively shot High Power Silhouette. I didn't have a torque wrench so I used a T Handle Allen Wrench to "snug" it up and would routinely take the action in and out of the stock with no change in zero out to 500 Meters. Which is a long ways out there.
  19. PRDATR

    Wolves - it's time to step up and comment

    Here is the Press Release from G&F. http://azgfd.net/artman/publish/NewsMedia/Plan-announced-for-2014-Mexican-wolf-releases-in-Arizona2.shtml
  20. PRDATR


    If you want mileage as in better MPG then go with something like the Michelin LTX A/T2. I have an F250 with 260K miles I have put on it since Y2K when I bought it new and have had the Goodyear tires which came on it (lasted 35K), Dunlop Revo's (25K), Bridgstone Dueler's (40K), BFG A/T's (45K), Nitto TG's (55K. The Nitto tires don't give good MPG but they work well off road and are a little harder rubber then the BFG. My truck probably weighs close to 8K and I have learned to only use Load Range e tires and when they wear down to about the last 20% off they go. My sone has a Chevy Colorado and we put some Dyna Pro's on it about 3 years ago and they have held up OK but, they have an aggressive tread pattern and tend to collect rock's.
  21. PRDATR

    what do you do with your kill

    I always bone them out in the field and get them on ice in an hour or so when I get back to camp. When I get home I remove any fat and hair (there is always some)and then put the meat in a 5 gallon bucket with a few cups of salt and a couple of bags of ice to make an ice bath. I leave it for 12 hours then drain and repeat. This works like a charm and removes the stink and blood.
  22. PRDATR

    Talk to me about AR Slings

    I am looking for advice on what to get. I have what came in a package when I purchased a Colt LE6920 but I don't know what to do with it since it is just one long piece. I would like to get a para-military one that keeps the rifle in front of me and I will be using it on my pig hunt with a frame pack.
  23. PRDATR

    Looking for a 4 wheeler

    pimp your Ol man out as a barter. The kid's got Grit. I don't think he needs Pop to back him up. C'mon men let's pull together and make this happen. I know a few of you have a fixer upper sitting around and some others probably have some tires, carburators, seats etc taking up space for that project that never happened. Whata Ya Say?
  24. PRDATR

    Talk to me about AR Slings

    After looking at different types of slings, (that was a job in itself) the three point is what I envisioned. I just didn't know what it was called. Actually I can't imagine wanting to use anything else. Now, the LE has a place near the recoil pad to add a part for the sling to attach to and it has a metal loop in from of the handguard but it faces down. I want something I can run the sling through that will attach to the front of the gun and something to the rear that will be 90* to the left from the sights as I'm right handed. So the big question id are these parts readily available in the Valley?
  25. PRDATR

    Cal. Question

    The 250 is the cats meow, although it obviously worked for your nephew I would opt for something with a bit more frontal area and energy. The 250 has lower pressure than the 243 and less recoil and still has a strong following for that reason and the cool factor. The 6.5x55 is also another low recoiling round suitable (IMHO) for Elk when the range is kept within reason. But then for a youngsters first Elk sniping them from way off may be held off until they have a few hunts under their belt and getting them within 50 or 100 yards may provide them with a more personal experience with the animal.