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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Scope Cover?

    I got a scopecoat when I bought a Trijicon. Fits too tight for my likeing.
  2. Looking for appliances? Have they pulled a permit for construction yet?

    Bartlet lake help

    I have not fished desert lakes in decades. But if you're after cats try and catch some palm sized bluegills and hook them between the dorsal fin and tail then freeline them in coves in 5-15 feet of water after the sun goes down and fish between 9 and 4.

    For those looking for Wall Tents

    How do you know if they come with frame poles?

    Tax Man

    How about this for a Federal Tax Rate; Under $250K = $0 tax Working and over 65 = $0 tax $250K - $ 500K = 5% flat tax $500K + = 7.5 % flat tax Capitol Gains, flat 2.5% tax 0 Federal Sales Tax Combined City and State Sales Tax Maximum of 5% We as a people need to stop handing State, Federal and Local governments a free meal ticket. Oh? And you have no kids living at home below the age of 4 or over 19 not in school! You don't pay School Property Tax. When we as a people are no longer corralled as a renewable infinite taxable resource and that fiscal river dries up then maybe, just maybe our dollars will no longer be squandered overseas and we just might begin to rebuild our nation, create jobs and cut the pork in DC. I know, pipe dream.

    FS-Fujinon 15x60 HB

    They look like they are new.
  7. I know right? But it can't be that expensive to make it 4WD. I say $3-5K depending on how much you want to do yourself.

    WTB diesel auxiliary tank

    You can check over here and see if any of the Tucson guys can help you out. http://www.azpsg.com/forum.php

    Pros and Cons of living in Globe

    This should give you some info on the schools. http://www.ade.az.gov/edd/eddList.asp
  10. PRDATR

    Turkey's are silent in 6a

    I've been trying to get up to 27 to scout but it has been one thing after another the last few weekends but I'm definitely going up this coming weekend.
  11. PRDATR

    Fishing Alaska

    Check with some of the folks over here. I remember recently reading about some changes to the Halibut Regs. http://forums.outdoorsdirectory.com/forumdisplay.php/23-Alaska-Fishing-Forums
  12. PRDATR

    Opening morning ND tom

    Congrats that's a dandy.
  13. PRDATR

    Thunderbirds are here.

    You and me both.
  14. PRDATR

    Remington 1911 R1 45 ACP What would you do

    I would never shoot it but that's just me. I would sell it off as I'm not in the market for a 45 but if I were I'd sell it and put the money towards a Les Baer. Congrats on the win.
  15. PRDATR

    Paralyzed Elk?

  16. PRDATR

    Paralyzed Elk?

    Got a link? I've never seen Elk eating Lichen.
  17. PRDATR

    Hunting Buddy Heater

    I have the smaller 4000 - 9000 Mr Heater Buddy and on low it keeps a 10x10 tent a good 20 degrees warmer than the outside temp. I bought a long hose for it and run it off a 5 gallon bottle.
  18. Boots on the ground and this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. Just remember, if an area is easy to get to you will have more competition. Getting out and camping and talking to others in the area will give you some much needed experience as will looking for tracks.
  19. PRDATR


    I use a double headed 3/4 axe with a fiberglass handle. I also have a hatchet but I very rarely use it as I will pick up enough kindling to get the fire started. I also have a small fiberglass shovel that is about 30" long for the fire pit.
  20. I know most people are having a hard time finding any affordable 22 but if you have some of this please read this from Winchester. http://www.winchester.com/library/news/Pages/s22lrt-recall.aspx
  21. PRDATR

    Turkey Shotgun Ammo Prices - Is it just me?

    I just use lead shot and my gun's pattern is about maxed out at 35 yards, my personal limit. I still have some old duplex loads of 2x4 and 4x6. This year I picked up a few boxes of Winchester Turkey loads at 1 3/4oz if #5 shot when Sports Authoring was closing out the Ammo. They were marked $15.99 for a box of 10 but I think they were on clearance for 25 or 30% off. Three boxes will last me many, many years.
  22. PRDATR

    For those looking for Wall Tents

    Being a Newlywed has it's pitfalls. LOL On short notice there are Florists who can deliver in a couple of hours, just sayin. But send them to her Mom then go buy that tent. It's easier to get forgiveness than permission and if it goes over like a lead balloon there is always that great makeup $ex.