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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Credit card hit

    I have seen cards get hit for 3-4 days in the past.

    What shotgun to buy?

    It really is. I wanted a Beretta so bad I could taste it a few years ago but when I closed my eyes and brought it up to my shoulder and tight to my cheek the sight pattern was way off.

    Card Hit!!!

    I just checked DSFCU and there is a $90 Deduct but it hasn't been posted yet so a 32 or 33 tag for me and the kid.

    Savage 111 budget build

    If you don't reload and want a good round for long range then I would use these or the 180's when they come available. http://store.iqmetals.com/trophygold7mmremingtonmag168grbergerhuntingvld.aspx

    Kind of weird

    Maybe they got word that Nugent was doing a ride along today with Arpaio after his concert last night at the Celebrity.

    School me on White Wing Dove Patterns

    They typically start heading south around the third week in August especially if the Monsoons are active and the temps are cooled off a bit. I have found that there are usually more White Wings in abundance around Tucson than Phoenix around then but you probably will not see them in the quantities you see now.

    For the bug guys out there...

    WOW great detail. What was your setup?

    Recommend me a tent

    My only concern with this tent is the canvas. I'm in an apartment and don't have anywhere to set it up should I need to dry it out once I get home. Wipe it down good if it's wet with towels or paper towels. It won't Mildew for at least 24 hours, longer if you keep it cool that will give you enough time to find a place to set it up like Walmarts parking lot, a park or at your work.

    Recommend me a tent

    I love a 10x10 tent. Perfect for two people on cots and the one I have now is 6'+ in the center. I bought it at Cabelas two years ago and I can set it up in 15 minutes by myself, which is the norm. It is what I would call a 2 season tent and I think I paid $125 for it. Big thing I have found with zippers is to not stretch the front corners of the tent tight. It puts more strain on the zipper. I've camped in temps close to 0dgF but I use a tent heater. I'll have to check the brand name tomorrow. I really want one of those 10x14 $500 tents from Sportsmans.
  10. PRDATR


    Great gun for someone wanting to break into High Power Silhouette.
  11. PRDATR

    found one thanks all

    Sent you a PM.
  12. PRDATR

    found one thanks all

    I have not seen 5 round AR Mags but 10's are pretty common.
  13. PRDATR

    Q's on river cats

    That has 25 pounds of drag which should be more than enough to tire out a 40 pound fish but you could go to 50# Power Pro, I like PLINE Flouroclear. I would set the drag light and once you have a fish on you can gradually make it a bit tighter after the first run and if it wants to go just let it as it will eventually tire out after a few runs (hopefully) but i make the fish work for more line and keep just enough pressure on to let it know I'm there. Fishing a river with rocks and whatnot I'd opt for a different line than can handle the abrasiveness and retie often. I can't speak for using Circle Hooks as I have only used them for Tuna and Tarpon.
  14. PRDATR


    Crazy what some people will do. My son and I were up near Lake Mary Elk hunting one year and found a little economy car about 150 yards into the forest. Nobody was around and it looked like it had been there for a few days.
  15. PRDATR

    Q's on river cats

    What reel are you using and what are you setting your drag at? Are you using mono?
  16. PRDATR


    I received an email last Thursday to update my card by Sunday Night.
  17. I have had no problems finding shotgun shells (unlike affordable 22)and still have most of a case I bought from Sportsmans last year.
  18. PRDATR

    Post em up

    Love that picture of the Jack Rabbit.
  19. PRDATR

    critters, sheds and a dead head

    I've never seen a Tiger Rattler in the wild, at 2' it would just make a hat band. I love to find snakes as long as I get to see (or hear) them first.
  20. Is the forage different at the higher elevations?
  21. PRDATR


    Smart to wait until after the 4th.
  22. Is it the same thing like the waterfowl stamp you slap on your license? Or is it another piece of paper?[/size] The 2014/2015 Stamp probably is available now. I think they run June to June.
  23. kill them all, just be sure its collared. I find they are a little tougher to penetrate with 7 1/2 shot so I keep a few #6's if they're out at 30 yards.
  24. PRDATR

    For the bug guys out there...

    Yup, they eat termites and ants.