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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Introducing myself

    Welcome to CWT. Good luck on the Mule deer hunt.

    Remington 788 .243 Youth

    Great price for a good gun. Did you get that 7-08?

    They're growing!

    No self respecting doe would let him ride her like a circus pony anyhow.

    rcbs explorer plus

    DB, how do you suggest he clean the cases to get all the carbon out of the inside so it doesn't scratch the dies or contaminate the powder? I have used a solution of citric acid but then I had to put each case on a finishing nail I pounded into a board in rows and wait for them to dry. I know some people have used sonic cleaners but I like using a tumbler because it cleans up the brass and reveals cracked necks easier. When I load 223 or LC 5.56 the ring that indicates case separation from case stretch after multiple resizing was more apparent. I can remember when digital scales first came out but I always relied on just a balance scale to check my loads or to weigh each charge depending on what the round was. I have always used a single stage press and don't let the powder measure drop below 50%.
  5. She was spotted during the soccer match rooting for Belgium from the stands and her pictures went viral. Loreal then signed her to do a shampoo commercial, which was done. If was after that someone spotted her hunting picture that was a year old and people started to hammer Loreal and they cut ties with Axelle.

    rcbs explorer plus

    Looks like most everything needed to get started. Do you have a tumbler?

    97 Ford F250 Wants Loving Caring Home

    That engine has tons of power.

    19th Annual Valley Longbeards Chapter NWTF Banquet

    Link does not work.

    Who has the best steak in town?

    I only go there to buy Corn Tortillas. The meat I have seen isn't kept cold enough. Same as Pro's Ranch Market, very poor quality control compared to where I usually shop which is Sprouts or Food City.
  10. She told me earlier today (on FB) that she hasn't hunted in a year and may not hunt again. She'll be ok.
  11. PRDATR

    Woof Woof

    I guess we're not the only one with Wolf issues. http://compassnews360.com/landowner-makes-case-to-end-red-wolf-recovery-program/
  12. PRDATR

    Which gun for a youth?

    Savage is highly regarded as one of the most accurate rifles you can get right out of the box. I had a 110 in 7mm Mag and was very consistent. The only reason I sold it was to buy a stainless one a couple of years later when Remington debuted the model 700. Last year I put together a Model 110 for a relative in 30.06 and it was also very accurate. That 111 sounds like a good deal to me and Nikon is a good scope. The BDC feature makes it all the better.
  13. PRDATR

    Which Scope for ML

    Thanks. CTD has them for $40 so I'll probably order one.
  14. PRDATR

    How much longer will they hit cards

    G&F announced on FB that the draw would take another week or so.
  15. PRDATR

    Which gun for a youth?

    Sent you a PM. The 7-08 has factory loads available in 120gr and 140gr but Double Tap offers a 160. I handloaded for it and used everything from 100gr up to 168gr. If you handload it is a fairly straight forward caliber to load for and I've used IMR4064, W748 and W760.
  16. PRDATR

    Manners Remington 700 MCS T4 DBM

    Is this just a stock?
  17. PRDATR

    Which gun for a youth?

    I can't for the life of me understand how a father deserts his kids and I'll leave it at that. What Unit did he draw and at 14 he should be mentally able to handle the recoil of a 243 which is more than enough for Whitetail. I have a couple of youth 243's and can meet you at Rio Salado and let him shoot them. One is a Remington 700 and the other is a Vanguard. IMHO a 223 is on the light side for deer but I also have a 788 in 22-250 he can try and I have both a cut down stock and a full size stock for it depending how tall he is. Don't worry about ammo, I've got plenty. I have an AR with a Trijicon he might find fun to shoot too.
  18. PRDATR

    How much longer will they hit cards

    Hang in there. I don't think they have given Rosie O'Donnell the sheet music quite yet.
  19. PRDATR

    AZGFD In The Fast Lane

    I hope whoever it was he is ok. Sheet metal can be fixed but life is precious.
  20. The show isn't as good as when Cody was on there but this new guy is just as quirky. Pretty sure Joe Teti would like to push him off a cliff.
  21. For those who haven't see it before.
  22. PRDATR

    Which Scope for ML

    Hey Vowell, How do you like that Wheeler Torque Wrench? I need to get something so I can torque the stock on a Vanguard correctly.
  23. PRDATR

    AZ Trappers Summer Convention
