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Everything posted by PRDATR

  1. Reed Peterson. There is a name I hadn't heard in a very long time. Loved his TV show and got to talk with him on more than one occasion.

    Big Lake Road

    I hate to see it too. I have not been to Bartlett since they paved the road. The Fee Areas stink and I have not been to any of the desert lakes since these were implemented. Ticked me off royally when they started that at Woods Canyon Lake years ago and they have now started doing it at the Spillway Campground Parking Lot, $4 to park and this year they stuck a bunch of Picnic Tables there too. NFS should have been dismantled years ago.

    Home Depoo

    So you "pack it out". Cute

    New life to an old rifle

    That's great. I have one that I was going to use to build a Silhouette rifle out of years ago mainly because they have such a fast lock time but I stuck it back in the safe and just bought something else.
  5. Adam give me a call when you have a few.


    It is already out so you will need to mail your app in tomorrow night so it is there Monday morning.

    Draw results


    Results are in

    Unit 32 WT for me.

    Draw results

    Are we there yet?
  10. PRDATR

    Coues habits

    Lots of good advice. In the fall male Tarantulas will be out looking for burrows where the females spend most of their time and as long as you don't grab them they are pretty docile and you can put your hand palm up in front of them and they will walk up on it. Rain has been almost nonexistent in the Phoenix Metro Area but the rest of the State has been getting some decent monsoon rain in July but the Southwest has been pretty parched this year.
  11. PRDATR


    You guys are nuts. It's like English Class. Hopefully that's correct. LMFAO
  12. PRDATR


    Biggest problem with Football is they don't show the Cheer Leaders enough. This comes from a guy who has all access that some people would kill for and ain't got time fer dat.
  13. PRDATR

    Shoot or Pass???

    They look about average for his head size which is blocky and the snout looks short. I am guessing about a 6yo bear that isn't getting enough to eat. I would guess about 225#'s. Looks like a boar. Is that an OTC Tag?
  14. PRDATR

    I finally got lucky!!

    One of the best I've seen.
  15. PRDATR


    Ummm, no it's not. Definitely they're.... Not sure where you went to school And we wonder why AZ ranks 47th in education. Their - It is their dog. They're - They are going to get you. There - Hey dummy it's over there.
  16. PRDATR

    Coues habits

    If you can fly in and rent an SUV say over Labor Day that is going to be a huge plus but it will also open up a bunch more questions. I guess I start by asking what research has you done so far in the way of reading material, books on Coues etc. Have you called over to NW G&F and asked to speak to the Wildlife Manager for that area? Does NW G&F breaks down their Hunt Units like AZ G&F does on their website and give you info on game? Find water (use Google Earth) and get away from the roads a mile or two. Glass, glass, glass. Bucks will be active in the morning but if it's hot they will bed by mid morning (most of the time) but not always. They will also stretch their legs and move around again in early afternoon in my experience if only to get out of the sun or to snack. Leave camp well before it gets light and find a vantage point where you will be out of the sun and glass the shade and sky lines. I can't stress this enough, stay out all day. Also sent you a PM.
  17. PRDATR


    Put out another Cam in a location to get his plate.
  18. PRDATR

    A very sad day!

    Hope to see you post again once you get to your destination. Let us know if you need anything that you can't get there and we can come up with a care package.
  19. PRDATR

    Grizzlies in az, anybody see this?

    Nobody eats Grizz. With that said the reintroduction plan is in the works so expect to see it begin in about 2019.
  20. PRDATR

    Hunting buddies

    Join Phoenix Varmint Callers. Very respectable club and family oriented or another is Phoenix Christian Archers.
  21. PRDATR

    Prayers for this earthly vessel

    That really stinks. Prayers inbound for you and your family.
  22. PRDATR

    Draw results delay

    It would have been nice to know this week what unit I was drawn for but finding out next week just means I loose the ability to scout that unit this weekend and I can live with that. Good Luck to everyone who put in.
  23. PRDATR

    Shopping for a meat cooler

    Bass Pro carries two different sizes. My older Blue Ugloo did not originally have a drain so I bought one from Bass Pro and put it in myself. It's 1/2 NPT so I just used a 7/8" hole saw. The Igloo cooler I bought in November and used on one hunt had a latch break when I was getting it ready for the Spring Turkey hunt so I replaced them both with metal ones.
  24. Right now it is going to stay closed until 9/31 but they can open it sooner if they choose to do so. There could be some serious mud or rock slides if the ground gets saturated.
  25. PRDATR

    Crazy Bear Skull !!

    The hunter who shot it does.