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Everything posted by PRDATR


    SOLD-SOLDRemington CDL 700 7MM Rem Mag SOLD-SOLD-SOLD

    Sent you a PM about the ammo.

    ** butcher shop in north phx? maybe west?

    Nice to hear someone post about Sanchez. I saw them post earlier in the year or late last year with an address and I googled the business. If I remember it was brand new and run out of a old house in a very sketchy part of South Phoenix.

    What kinda plant is this? Can I eat it?

    Anything can be smoked, at least once.

    What kinda plant is this? Can I eat it?

    Devils Claw. Yes you can eat it. But that looks like it past its prime. Cut off the pod and it will dry out the you can plant it in the spring and harvest the pods in mid to late summer.

    ** butcher shop in north phx? maybe west?

    They also do Game Processing. http://www.maricopaskillcenter.com/student-resources/campus-life/center-square-retail-shops/butcher-shop Main Campus 1245 East Buckeye Road, Phoenix, AZ 85034

    ** butcher shop in north phx? maybe west?

    I don't know of one around there but you can go to Von Hansons in the East Valley. http://vonhansonsmeats.net/

    WTT Glock 22 .40 with extras/ remington 700 stock

    Keep the G22 and just buy a 9mm barrel and a G19 Magazine then you can shoot cheaper 9mm round and still put in the 40 barrel and shoot that when you want to. That's what I did. https://www.lonewolfdist.com/Detail.aspx?PROD=971&CAT=238 I changed out the floor plates for quick caliber ID. I use Blue for 9mm and orange for 40 or 357 Sig. Oh yeah I also have a 357 Sig barrel too. https://www.lonewolfdist.com/Products.aspx?CAT=225 PM me if I can be of help or answer any other questions.


    Best thing about a chronograph in my opinion is knowing the consistency and extreme spread of your rounds.

    My first coyote!

    Nice work. I guess I should throw away my calls and just follow you around. LOL Oh, and nice boots BTW.
  10. PRDATR

    Hanging animals

    It's been quite a while that I killed a deer in an area where they were trees to hang it from and only once did I feel it was cool enough out to even think about doing that. That was a late hunt in 29 up about 6500 feet and camp was at 4600 feet. All alone so that one was the first one I ever boned out and that was out of necessity.
  11. I came across a few of them today scouting in the Galiuros and a pair doing the nasty LOL. I have also seen them over on the east side of 33 too. Big suckers that I am going to assume don't taste good since there seem to be a lot of them.
  12. PRDATR

    Backpack Coues hunt

    That's a heck of a deer and 6 miles is a long ways in AZ.
  13. Looks like Coues Country to me. Now I look at that stuff and know it is going to take me half the day to cover what used to take a few hours. LOL I was in 32 today across from San Manuel and glassed a bunch of country and spoke to the rancher way back in there at the foothills while I was with my son. Those hills and canyons just suck me in, can't get enough of it much to my son's dismay. He likes flat, flat, flat. Good thing that hunt is going to be two weekends.
  14. PRDATR

    my vote for az governor

    Bottom line is get out, vote and make it count. I haven't missed a vote since I was able to vote in 1970.
  15. PRDATR

    bargain buck

  16. PRDATR

    Opinions wanted on Heavy duty trucks

    Well you should have enough time to do some research. I'd start by finding some brand specific forums and see what the current owners are saying about known issues. Here is the one for the AZ Ford Diesel Owners. http://www.azpsg.com/forum.php You should also call Nate at Strictly Diesel and pick his brain. https://www.strictlydiesel.com/default.aspx
  17. PRDATR

    Backpacking Buck

    Great hunt. Thanks for sharing it with us and I like that pack. Can you tell me who makes it?
  18. Congrats. Love it when a plan comes together.
  19. PRDATR

    Tenzing CF Legend

    PT Barnum
  20. PRDATR

    New to Arizona hunting. Tips?

    Welcome to AZ. There are pines within an hour of Tucson and you can go practice at the PSE shop. Mule deer will go into the rut a couple of weeks before the Whitetails and it will usually be on by 12/15 with the WT coming on in January. They are a bit easier to sneak up on when the rut is going. Most AZ guys/Gals like to spot and stalk but there are those who will sit water too. Blinds and tree stands are effective but I'd say less than 20% of the guys use them. You can't set out bait or use doe urine either but you can use salt. Deer are deer so most of your knowledge and experience will carry over. The hardest part may be forcing yourself to slow down. The AZ soil is very noisey to walk on. Early morning for a couple of hours when it is wet from dew isn't too bad but once it evaporates watch out. On a dry clear day sound travels and travels out in the desert. I've sat up on a hill and heard every word a couple of guys said in the conversation and they were 500 yards away so you can imagine how well the deer hear. I've had deer make me at a 300 yards and freeze for a minute or two. If you don't move they will ignore you and continue going about their business.
  21. PRDATR


    That looks like some steep country. Congrats.
  22. PRDATR

    AI at Lowes - is it the beginning of the end???

    I'd say it's a good thing since Lowes employees are trained to evade and never make eye contact with customers. A robot is a step up from a talking box of rocks.
  23. Very nice. Enjoyed the story.
  24. PRDATR

    Big Game Draw Credit Card Processing

    I believe they call 3X.