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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Spring Draw Results?

    I looked up "Inept" on Websters Dot Com and was redirected to a dark page of AZG&F employees eating cake.


    That's really great you all tagged out. Thanks for sharing your adventure with us.

    When will results be up

    The Data Base Is Loaded. Kinda miss hearing that. LOL

    Item found in 36B

    My Self Esteem.

    I drew an archery stink pig tag!

    So you're the one who was holding up the draw!

    Handgun Bullet Limit

    Bubba this post is over two years old.

    Bead blaster located in phoenix?

    Baileys Machine Shop on Country Club in Mesa can probably do it for you. They did a receiver for a Henry Rifle for me.

    26 Nosler

    Yeah but if you understand the rifle and want something for a purpose other than punching paper every weekend then get one. Sight it in and shoot a box or two of shells through it each year and break it out for the dirty work. Once it's sighted in you're done. If you like to shoot a lot then do so with a lesser caliber like a 308. It's a great rifle for an Ibex or Sheep hunter or a Coues guy that needs something that shoots flat. It is designed for a hunter not a shooter, if that makes sense.

    Barrel Break in

    I won't say that's the norm for the Savage or the Remington. On the contrary .25 is unheard of at 100 yards with a factory barrel. The exception were the old Sako's in 6mm PPC and the XP-100 in 7BR so you're doing ok. I know that most rifles are test fired before they leave the factory but Tikka does not clean the rifle before they ship them out. I don't go Willy Nilly with a new rifle but shooting a box of shells to sight it in without cleaning it won't make a difference considering that manufacturing just keeps getting better and better.
  10. PRDATR

    My unit 31 Veterans Day buck

    Man you Safford Guys are doing great. I may have to move and get some luck on my side.
  11. Thanks for posting that. I remember hearing of a Killer Whale taking a hooked tuna a fisherman had on his line back around 2000 or so. He was fishing one of the charters out of San Diego.
  12. PRDATR

    36C Border Bandits

    I've camped down there three times but have not had any instances. Just be smart about and stay out of the thick stuff where they layup.
  13. PRDATR

    Unit 33 scouting on Veteran's Day

    Isn't the Youth Hunt in mid October?
  14. Awesome. I can only hope to do so well in two weeks. That's should be a tasty one.
  15. PRDATR

    Solo pack hunt

    Well,. Some people just have not had the proper upbringing. I have a locking door on my tank. I don't know where you were but that is some gorgeous AZ Country. I hope to hike into some places like that this weekend down in 32.
  16. PRDATR

    Any credit card hits?

    You'll love Kaibab and I think the Rim is more scenic than the South Rim.
  17. PRDATR

    My Dads first buck

    Man I may need to have him make me up a couple of plaques like that. I like the green on that bucks antlers, looks cool. Congrats to you and your dad on a nice buck.
  18. PRDATR

    red Ford at sportsmans in mesa

    Try again, my inbox was full.
  19. PRDATR

    Busy NY Bow Season

    Now you went and made me hungry. Fortunately when I was back in September my nephew ran up to the deli and got me one.
  20. PRDATR

    Need a PM

    Sorted it out. My Message Box was full.
  21. PRDATR

    Need a PM

    My computer upgraded itself to W8.1 and I'm not sure if my PM's are working so if someone could send me one that would be great.
  22. PRDATR

    Need a PM

    Thanks gents. Maybe i need to check my setting on CWT.
  23. This just gives the people who are going to riot the blessing to go ahead and do it. NEWS FLASH. We are going to look the other way when the masses run amuck. OK, so America has racial issues and a long history of it. Can't be denied but it seems like the individuals who riot never get called on the carpet. I hate seeing this crap go down. I don't live there so it's hard to understand why kids walk down the middle of the street. Yeah there are no sidewalks in much of rural America but you can hear a car coming so get outta the center of the street, but the Subculture PoPo is so out of control and feeling empowered with the militarization transistion of the last 10 years. Even their everyday attire is designed to intimidate, but they call it functional. I firmly believe they are all trigger happy.
  24. PRDATR

    Busy NY Bow Season

    Looking at those necks made me think they were in the Rut. My nephew is heading out tonight from LI up to the Catskills. Too many things going on or I'd be with him. Did you see that bear shot in I think SC that went almost 800#'s. Shockey posted a pic on his FB page.