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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Thanksgiving at AZ Stadium

    Same here. That is some kind of awesome.

    What kind of turtle is this?



    They are a rare find indeed. There used to be one on I-10 between Phoenix and Tucson but someone stole it. I have seen the one off of I-19 and I know of a few huge ones that are close to each other in 33 and another one south of Wickiup. I also saw one many years ago northwest of Superior.

    Danner pronghorn issues

    I've got a pair I bought in 2012 (I think), they are the leather ones without the rubber toe cap. I love them because they are light but wish they were a bit wider. They broke in in the first 100 yards but early this year the sole on the heal started coming apart. I put some Gorilla Glue on them last week but it isn't holding up. They have given me great support with no issues.

    Mailed leftover tags application

    I didn't get back into town until last night so no chance at a leftover tag this year.


    I hope so. It was pretty warm in 32 last week and I didn't see a single buck in five days of scouting and hunting. That will leave me this coming weekend to get something for the freezer. I saw three does on Wednesday and a doe and fawn came to within about 15 yards of me yesterday about 10:30 and I only heard two shots, both yesterday morning a few minutes apart from the same location.

    Ferguson, Missouri

    Young kid being defiant walking down the middle of the street. Last year it was hoodies, this year it's something different. As common as wearing saggy pants looking to provoke a response. Rookie Cop all wrapped up in the small town PD attitude. Looking for perps and any situation for a confrontation. You can't control what you don't understand. If that was my prescient or if I was driving that beat I'd be out on foot patrol, talking to the residents and getting to know them. I can't solve all their problems. But if once a week, I can make a difference, or build a bridge, then I would feel like I accomplished something.

    Ferguson, Missouri

    I am pretty sure he has been in hiding. Tough break for him as I believe his career in LE in done.
  9. The girl at RW measured my foot and said I was a 9 regular. I went to REI and tried on some KEENS and they are wider than most shoes by design and the 9 1/2's fit well but I have always bought 9.5 EE or EEEE shoes or boots. I ended up picking up a pair at BP on the way home and have been wearing them around the office. The fit is OK but I wish they were a boot for more support. I'm trying to get used to the irregular pattern on the sole. The lugs on the outside of the shoe forward of the arch are a tad higher that the rest of the sole and fatter so it makes my feet want to cant inward and it feels like I have something stuck to the bottom of the shoe. That may be OK and unoticeable in the field though.
  10. PRDATR

    KUIU "Sale" is a joke..

    China, although the material comes from Japan. They moved it out of Canada about 2 years ago.
  11. Well that was a waste of time. I did try on some Keens at REI that fit good but they were only like a 6" hikeing shoe. I'm not so sure they would give enough support for my style of hunting.
  12. PRDATR

    Spring draw results are up!

    General Pig, no Turkey tag.
  13. PRDATR

    Spring Draw Results?

    They were supposed to be mailed by 11/21. Leftovers are available on 12/1.
  14. I am going to stop by Red Wing today and look at the Vasque and see if they come in 4E.
  15. For the most part Remingtons have always been a good gun right out of the box with very few quality issuses and the BDL is a nice rifle. There were some rifles that were recalled because of potential trigger/safety problems and you should be able to go to Remingtons website and get a list of serial numbers and see if this particular rifle is on it. Then it's just a matter of sending it back for repair which you could have the gunshop do for you.
  16. PRDATR

    When will results be up

    Checked online and called in. Maybe later today.
  17. PRDATR

    Spring Draw Results?

    Maybe today?
  18. PRDATR

    Drones for scouting????

    It's always hunting season.
  19. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/48288-boot-suggestion/ http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/8547-backpacking-boots-opinions-needed/
  20. PRDATR

    Spring Draw Results?

    Not for me.
  21. I went there looking for boots and came home with socks. These are only the Medium Cushion Hunt socks.
  22. PRDATR

    Any buff hits?

    A friend got one probably close to 20 years ago. He said the head alone weighed around 100 pounds. He and his brother cut it up while another friend did nothing but sharpen knives.
  23. PRDATR

    Spring Draw Results?

    I thought they got rid of them and are now doing it "In House".
  24. PRDATR

    When will results be up

    Tick Tock, Tick Tock.