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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Vortex Viper PST 6-24x50 FFP ebr-2 mrad

    If it's too far for you to drive, my birthday is coming up.

    Vortex Viper PST 6-24x50 FFP ebr-2 mrad

    Jeeze Ernesto you always get in on the good deals first.
  3. Very cool and congrats. Do you shoot them over decoys?

    What's your research on these rifles?

    My vote is 22-250 since most of the shots will be under 50 yards, providing you don't get trigger happy and let them come in as far as they will come in before something sets them off and they leave. I have shot them out to 300 yards with it but maybe only one out of 20. You up the caliber you increase the recoil. You can shoot 55gr's in 243 if you want something with a higher BC but you will not be as successful calling on days when wind is blowing fast enough to make much of a difference between the two calibers. If you want a Yote gun get a 22-250 and then later get a separate gun to shoot deer with. One option if to get a Savage then you can get separate barrels to switch out.
  5. Good Luck, was mid 30's here in Mesa. I couldn't sleep so I got up a 3AM, covered my peppers and watched some TV till 4:30 then went back to bed.

    2014 December Deer

    Nice, can't wait to hear the story.

    Changing a tire

    Righty Tighty/Lefty Loosie. Unless you have an older Chrysler vehicle or a few of the mid-60's GM's.

    Song dog double

    When you use those up go get yourself some #4 Buckshot.

    Spotting Scopes

    I have not looked through either but there is a Vortex for sale in the classifieds.
  10. PRDATR

    Song dog double

    Oh Yeah! That's great Patrick, sure feels good to get them all on your own doesn't it.
  11. PRDATR

    Unit 29 shortened season?

    Field Surveys?
  12. PRDATR

    Weight of Rings and Bases

    You will not need the sunshade but the added weight will be a good thing. All of the ranges I have been to faced north.
  13. PRDATR

    Holiday Hunters

    My nephew texted me a week or so ago saying my BIL had just called him to say he drove Upstate from Long Island to go deer hunting and when he got there he opened his gun case only to see his shotgun. He and I got a pretty good chuckle over that.
  14. PRDATR

    Group Application

    Have him take the Hunter Ed Safety Course and he will get a permanent Bonus Point, but as others have suggested go ahead and put in together.
  15. PRDATR

    The Perfect Rib Roast

    Not much of a Prime Rib guy. I made turkey today, after brining it for about 5 hours. It was a fresh turkey from WINCO and came out great after adding some sage, tyme and rosemary. Also made some cranberry sauce but used fresh orange juice I squeezed from a couple of oranges instead of water. One thing I will add is that White pepper is close to cayenne but without the flavor. You can get almost the same affect by grinding up some dried chili seeds although I do like to use it in meatballs but a little bit goes a long way. I like California Ranch Olive Oil, it is an Extra Virgin oil but as Chef pointed out it has a low flash point so be careful when cooking with it and don't get the temp too high. I get the skillet hot and then add the oil as opposed to putting in the oil and heating the skillet. The best olive oils come from Spain but this one is very good. Do yourselves a favor and stay away from the prepared spices in a can. They are usually loaded with preservatives. Fresh garlic or granulated garlic can take the place of the salt taste by half. For black pepper I like the India Special Extra Bold from Penzeys Spices in Tempe Market Place, they are the largest of the Tellicherry Peppercorns. I'm not a big salt guy, as a matter of fact I really think all of the big name TV Chefs really do a huge disservice to cooking shows because it seems that they can't go 20 seconds without adding a handful of salt and pepper to every dish. Traditional spices like turmeric, cumin, curry, paprika, garlic and lemon grass add another dimension. It really bothers me to see them with a bowl of salt and a bowl of pepper tossing in a teaspoon at a time into each dish. I do use pepper but almost never use salt and when I make a meal for friends or family it is never on the table because I want them to taste the meal not cover it up.
  16. PRDATR

    Changing a tire

    Impressive. You did good, just another feather in your cap. A can of Fix-A-Flat is a good thing to have along until you can get to a tire shop.
  17. PRDATR

    Holiday Hunters

    I have hunted Thanksgiving many, many times. Merry Christmas to you.
  18. PRDATR

    Vortex Vultures 15x56 HD's

    You can find them for under $400 too.
  19. PRDATR

    Hunting/Fishing License as a Christmas Gift

    You're a great Mom.
  20. PRDATR

    Please pray for TJ!! He was in a bad quad accident!

    WOW, just saw this. Glad to hear he is home and walking.
  21. PRDATR

    Texas Hog Hunt - Who Wants to Go?

    Since I didn't get drawn for Spring Turkey I will probably have some vacation time left and would love to go too.
  22. PRDATR

    Need AR advice from someone

    When I was looking to get an AR I googled the heck out of it and also went on AR15.Com and ended up getting a Colt LE6920 and have not regretted it, as a matter of fact it seemed that everyone always compared the other brands to the Colt models. I under stand it there is now a newer model with a lightweight barrel. http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/colt-ar-15-5-56nato-16-carbine-pencil-barrel.html
  23. PRDATR

    henry golden boy 22lr

    You should go check out the Henry Forum on Rimfirecentral.Com, I have one I bought used from someone needed some money and have since buffed out the wood with Meguires Scratch X and also have a brass receiver cover to add to it but it needs a blueing job. I called and spoke to them and they also sent me metal pieces to replace the plastic ones.
  24. PRDATR

    Gun safe in garage??

    Just have it x-rayed first. http://www.gp-radar.com/Divisions/Mountain.html
  25. PRDATR

    Havalon knife, which one?

    Not a bad deal from Eastmans, especially if you're a bowhunter. JUst need to pay S&H which is probably $10.