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Everything posted by PRDATR


    Baltimore Rioters

  2. Really nice pictures. That turtle is a Pond Slider/Red Eared Slider and isn't native to Az. Usually people get them as cute little pets and they get dumped into the wild when they get too big.

    nm elk tags

    I don't think I have ever driven through Cimarron and not seen game. $6K each?

    Snowy Turkey Hunt

    Great story. What shotgun is that? You are the first one I have ever seen kill a turkey with an over/under. Is that head on the wall yet?

    Do rage broadheads suck?

    From what I've see over the last 20 years there is always a chance any mechanical broadhead can fail. When they work the blood loss can be massive. I have not been one of the people who can speak from first hand experience as I have only used fixed broadheads.

    Why kind of game for first bow hunt?

    If you already have a bow you can do Turkey in a few weeks then deer in August. You have a long wait to hunt Javelina.

    Dear America

    I'm 62 and have seen it going on for a long arse time. Seems some people think it is their right. Nothing wrong with peaceful protests, sit in's and civil disobedience. Sometimes that is the only way laws and society get changed. It seems every time as a civilization we take ten steps forward and one step back. Are local city and state governments overreaching? Seems like the lines are being drawn in the sand. The social-economic disparities are almost incomprehensible. When else in history could a person so frequently could it be doable that a person could be born into near poverty such as a broken home in the Projects and become the founder of a company like Facebook or sign a 40 million dollar a year professional sports contract.

    New member searching for some help.

    Well I was going to warn you that sometimes on this site you need to be thick skinned but I guess ThomC popped your cherry. There are plenty of people who will be able to show you the ropes and Adam AKA Big Browns is one of them. Welcome Aboard. Let me know when you get about 5000 hours and I'll jump onboard. LOL

    What species is this?

    I'd say Mule Deer.
  10. PRDATR

    Horton Creek Hike with my Kids

    Wait, are these the ones that bite the tarantula, then lay its eggs on it body- slowing feeding them? Yes, There a bunch of different wasps that do that.
  11. PRDATR

    I want to reload, I need advice....

    Are you getting charged Hazmat for ammo? I have bought bulk a few times in the last couple of years and never was charged Hazmat from the three different places I purchased from.
  12. PRDATR

    15 Buffalo shot and killed in NY

    Only parts are shotgun only.
  13. PRDATR

    Another Danner/ Lacrosse Outlet Sale 50%+ Off

    Once you setup an account you will get the monthly emails too.
  14. PRDATR

    Fly fishing noobs question

    Lon Ellington still around tying fly's?
  15. Maybe threads need to have a max of three pages.
  16. PRDATR

    Wyoming Pile Up

    I think the Fed Ex company pushes their drivers too hard. I do a fair amount of driving everyday and they are pretty heavy footed. Of course I could say the same thing about a lot of the school buss drivers I see who are constantly going 10 over on surface streets.
  17. PRDATR

    MX last weekend

    I grew up on Long Island and April is the start of flounder season there. Sadly it has been fished out for many years.
  18. You are absolutely true hoghunter. It seems that cancer is just everywhere nowadays. My SIL starts chemo for pancreatic cancer today. She and my brother have done everything together for 30 years, I know they are both quietly freaking out.
  19. Cosworth Vega Bob? They were fun. But really we're mincing words so let's get this truck sold.
  20. PRDATR

    Dan Wesson .357 ctg

    Nope. It came out to extend the range for pistol silhouette along with the Herret.
  21. Where are you located?
  22. PRDATR

    Bino store.com

    If it seems too good to be true.
  23. PRDATR

    What is this?

    Space Aliens planted that. DO NOT GO THERE!
  24. PRDATR

    Tim McGraw Anti-Gunner!1....What a buzzzz kill!!

    Do you listen to KRDE 94.1? They don't play the same 5 Country Songs all day long like the others do. DJ Mindy E is great.