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Everything posted by PRDATR


    MI Carbine Magazines

    Caliber is 30 Carbine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M1_carbine

    Colorado Bears

    Looks like a very productive spot.

    4th July Bassin at 7000ft

    Very cool.

    Meat question?

    He said he was going to refreeze it.

    weatherby 300 mag older

    Nice old gun. That's a heck of a deal.
  6. That's a mess of crawfish, you did good. If you make the holes a little smaller you may not loose as many when you pull the trap up.

    This weekends rain?

    That stinks about the scouts. About 10 years ago a guy who worked for our branch in Alb went up into the mountains there to visit some friends and never made it. They found his body a couple of days later apparently he had tried to cross a swollen river and somehow got caught up in it.

    Meat question?

    It never amazes me seeing what some people will do with electrical. The Fire Alarm Industry is even worse and some of the things I see posted on the NICET Facebook page is just unreal. Back in the late 70's I was working with another electrician in a Circle K. This was back when the cash registers were in the middle of the store. Well we were tasked with removing the freezie machine as part of the remodel I was removing the copper drain line at one end and Mike was at the machine. As we took it apart at the same time we both got hit pretty hard by electricity. He yelled at me and I yelled at him. Well we then traced the pipe back into the walkin and what did we find? Some hack decided to add a porcelain base light bulb base and tapped power off the light switch on the wall. Problem was he was too lazy to bring the neutral to it so he ran a short piece of wire from the base and put a j-weaver ground clamp on the copper pipe. We were lucky it didn't turn out more serious for us.

    Huge deer on this FB site.

    Comments are 3 years, 9 months old.
  10. The article mentions that all the "desirable" meat was removed.
  11. PRDATR

    Mexico 2016

    Shoot Ernesto a message.
  12. PRDATR

    4th of July photos - Happy Birthday USA!

    Still ticks me off that they took the Welcome sign down on Grand Isle. Looks like I'm going to miss the Tarpon Rodeo this year. My brother said that since my SIL will be doing radiation she asked me to wait until it is over. She just finished chemo last week and starts radiation on Monday. Yeah, Coonarse Country complete with Swamp Pop on the radio. Crocs, Camo and little white boots.
  13. PRDATR

    4th of July photos - Happy Birthday USA!

    Nice OBS 25-06, seeing Dixi makes me wish I was back in Cajun Country.
  14. PRDATR

    FS Ruger American 243 Win

    They are full size.
  15. PRDATR

    San Carlos Rez dirt ponds

  16. PRDATR

    A/C on vacation?

    Some people make the mistake of putting on too big of a unit.
  17. Lo Moth Caterpillar. Belongs to a group known as Stinging Caterpillars some of which can get serious so avoid picking them up.
  18. PRDATR

    2 Tikka .270's for sale!

    I have a 695 in 30-06 that is a tack driver.
  19. PRDATR

    A/C on vacation?

    Sure he is on vacation but I'll shoot him an email. I think he said it was about 170 on EBAY and just runs off the two 24VAC wires. The streaming video was clear enough for me to recognize a family member of his walking up to the door with a bag of groceries.
  20. PRDATR

    A/C on vacation?

    ECOBEE T-Stats are pretty user friendly. One of my security techs did the install of one for a commercial customer of ours who renovated a house so some of their out of town clients had a convenient and cheap place to stay and he said it was a breeze. I am assuming you already have a security system but a co-worker installed a new doorbell on his house that has a motion sensor, camera and speaker. When someone comes up to it the darn thing sends a signal to his cell phone and he can see who it is and talk to him.
  21. PRDATR

    Late season camping

    I use a 10x10 tent with Mr Heater Buddy and leave it on all night as my tent is vented and they are safe to use indoors. I leave it on the low setting and it keeps the tent about 20 to 30 degrees warmer than the ambient temp. I take my 5 pound grill bottle and use a long hose on it and it stays outside the tent. It will run for a month easy on that bottle using it just at night.
  22. PRDATR


    Are you interested in trading for a Russian SKS? I bought it in the early 90's and probably put under 100 rounds through it.
  23. PRDATR


    No need to hold back, always up for a good joke.